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The Giantess

I wasn't quite sure what I had done to piss the sergeant off, but I 
sure must have done something great.  I'm on patrol twenty miles out 
in the desert.  There isn't a thing within ten miles of here, but it's 
my beat tonight!  In half an hour it would be darkQwith the nearest street 
light thirty miles away.  This was going to be one long, lonely night.  
Suddenly, I spotted a late model Camaro weaving erratically all over the 
 I swore, "Jesus Christ, a drunk clear out here?  Damn! It'll 
take me half the night just to drive'em to jail and get back out here.  
Good...!" I swung in behind the car and followed, watching as 
the driver swerved all over the road, nearly running off in the ditch a 
couple of times. "Shit! I better stop 'em before they kill 
themselves and I really have a problem." I moved up right behind 
the car, flipped on the winkers and tapped the siren.  I tried in vain to 
reach the dispatcher to let him know I was making a traffic stop, but 
couldn't get anybody.  Which I was almost sure of anyway this far 
outQhell, as usual I'm on my own. I carefully approached, checking 
the back seat to make sure the driver was really alone in the car.  I 
could see at a glance that the driver was a great, big, fat woman, all 
by herself in the car. I asked for her license and registration. She 
thrust them out through the crack of the window.   Taking them 
from her, I muttered, "Be right back, Madam," and walked back to 
my car. The registration said the car belonged to a Dr. James 
Summers who lived in a very posh section of the city. The drivers 
license said, Jamie Lynn Summers, just turned 18, blonde, 5 ft. 4 in., 
120 pounds.  That driver wasn't any 5'4" and 120 pounds,she was 
a huge, fat woman, who barely fit behind the wheel of the car.  I 
decided I'd better bring her back to my car to check this out further.  
Maybe she had simply put on a lot of weight since the license had 
been issued, but it hadn't been issued that long ago.  I went back and 
took a good look at the young lady. "Holy cow!"  I couldn't believe 
it, she had the most beautiful face I had ever seen: heavy, plush red 
lips and sparkling blue eyes, framed by a beautifully cascading mass 
of curly blonde hairQbut what really shocked me was her monstrously huge 
chest.  Her breasts were gigantic!  They were so big, I couldn't believe 
it!  She had a tight, pink sweater on, and she filled it out so much it 
looked like if she took a deep breath that overburdened sweater would 
explode in a million pieces.  Her breasts pushed the front of that sweater 
out more than a foot away from her body.  I asked her to step out and walk 
over to my car. As she got out, I knew I'd been right, this wasn't 
the girl on the license.  Her legs were much too long for a girl 5'4". 
I watched in awe as one long hand I mean, really LONG & beautifully 
curvaceous, bare leg followed the other out the door.  Her tight mini-skirt 
barely came halfway down those huge, muscular thighs.  When she stood up, 
I almost went into shock!   She  wasn't  fat, she  was  a  giant!  A huge, 
perfectly proportioned, beautifully muscled giant, standing a good foot 
taller than me...and I'm six feet tall! This girl was more than 7 feet tall!
 "Who are you?" I asked. "Jamie Lynn Summers." 
 "I don't think so!  Your drivers license says you should only 
be 5 foot 4, and honey, you're a lot closer to 7 feet 4!" "Please...I 
really am Jamie Summers. Please, you've got to help me get to my 
father, he may be able to help me!" I asked her what kind of help 
her father could be.  It was obvious that she had been drinking, she 
smelled of alcohol and was having trouble keeping her balance. 
 Standing there, towering over me, she smiled down at me and 
said, "I know you're not going to believe this, but unfortunately I am 
sober, too damn sober!  Crazy maybe, but sober!  What happened 
is..."  She told to me a tale right out of a Sci-Fi TV show. She said 
some kind of aliens had abducted her.  Taken her right out of her car, 
injected her with some kind of a device and returned her...that the 
alcohol I was smelling was from their ship.  She said she felt strange 
and decided she had to get to her father's office so he could treat her.  
On the way there she'd started growing.  The reason why she had 
been weaving was that her bust had grown so huge, it was interfering 
with her driving.  She stopped her story to take a deep 
breath, and suddenly, her bra just exploded, bursting her sweater to 
bits and scattering them all over me and the car.  Her chest swelled 
hugely, and became even more gigantic than it had been a moment 
ago.  Christ...I was speechless!  I stood there, staring at those 
massive mountains of bare boobie flesh, as they bounced and jiggled 
like crazy.  I was looking up at them, since they were higher than my 
head...and way bigger!  I felt stupid as I stood there, staring up at the 
most tremendous tits I had ever seen, and not being able to do 
anything about it.  She was looking down across those gigantic tits at 
me, and giggling.  I didn't know whether she was giggling at the tits 
or me.  Finally, I took hold of her elbow and walked her around to the 
door of my patrol car.  Her damn elbow was nearly as high as my 
head, and my hand didn't go half way around it.  I was glad that she 
was cooperating as I put her in the back seat of my car; if she had 
resisted she could have wiped the street with me! After a couple of 
minutes I glanced back.  She had grown even bigger, and was still 
growing!  At this rate, she'd soon fill up the entire back of the car.  
Somehow, she managed to twist around and press those gigantic 
breasts against the cage. "Stop the car and let me out...or else!" 
she commanded. "Or else what?" I laughed."Or else...this!"  
 She took a deep breath, and her already over-enlarged bosom 
grew dramatically larger. She took another breath and those enormous 
tits swelled even larger...another one, and those humongous boobs 
started to bend the cage.  She inhaled tremendously, and the cage 
started buckling before her colossal breasts.  She took one more 
breath, deeper than any of the others, and the cage crumpled like 
tinfoil between her mighty boobs. She laughed as I stopped the car; 
as I reached for my pistol, her hand covered mine, and she plucked 
the gun from my grasp like taking candy from a baby.  My gun 
looked like a toy in her big hand.  She held it between her thumb and 
index finger, and crushed the little "toy" as if it was made of wax.  I 
started to open my door, but her hand clamped heavily on my 
shoulder and I knew escape was impossible.  I watched, awestruck, as 
she put her other hand on the ceiling of the car and pushed.  With a 
terrible crunch of ripping metal, the top peeled back like a banana.  
She sat up in the back and the naked flesh of her unbelievably 
gigantic tits hovered over me like a pair of huge weather balloons, the 
tremendous masses of milky white flesh rippling and jiggling with her 
every move. Still seated in the back seat with my shoulder clamped 
in one mighty hand, she lifted me out of my seat and into the air as 
though I was a little rag doll.  Her shins were pressed up against the 
front seat with her knees way over the top. With a lazy push from 
those titanic legs she ripped the front seat from its moorings and, 
crushing it against the dash, rammed the whole mess into the engine, 
which brought it to an immediate, grinding halt.  Then, she sat me 
down on the seat beside her.  Her gigantic ass crushed the seat, 
leaving very little room for me.  Seated next to her giant body, the top 
of my head didn't come up as high as her breasts.  Not only had her 
breasts grown, she had grown too! She looked down at me, and 
smiling, said: "I think I have one more left."  With that, she took the 
longest breath of all.  I watched as she grew bigger and bigger and 
bigger. I was terrified as her massive hips spread wider and wider, 
slowly squeezing me between her giant body and the side of the car.  
After she was finished I was all scrunched up in the corner of the seat 
beside her gigantic body; her massive rear was crushing the seat, and 
she had grown so large that now I didn't even come up to her giant 
breasts.  Jamie looked down at me, laughing as she reached toward 
me with one colossal hand.  Her hand wrapped around me, and she 
lifted me out of the car as easily as though I were a small doll. As 
she climbed to her feet, the remains of the police car crumbled 
beneath her every touch.  Standing there, looking down at it, she 
laughed, and lifting one colossal foot, stomped down on the 
crumbled remains.  I watched in terror as she trampled the car 
beneath her giant feet until it looked like a beer can that'd been run 
over by a truck. "I think I've put your car to rest," she said, 
grinning at me, "but, what to do with you?" she added as she brought 
me up to her face. I screamed in fear.    "Jamie, don't...please, 
don't...please!" "Oh, I'm not going to hurt you! You worry too 
much!" she laughed. She looked at a nearby telephone pole.  "I 
know!" she said. She walked over to the pole, which was still a good 
20 ft. taller than her.  She closed her eyes and it looked like she was 
concentrating very hard.  Then she did it again, she sucked in a 
tremendous breath, and started growing again.  Pretty soon, her hand 
completely surrounded my body, my arms rested on her thumb and 
index finger like the puny little arms of a child's doll.  I watched in 
disbelief as her enormous body expanded and grew more and more.  
She held me at breast level, and I watched in awe as her breasts rose 
and soared higher than that 50 foot pole. Finally, she stopped 
growing, and opened her eyes. "Goodness!" she said, "I didn't 
think I'd grow this much!  Let's see if I can grow any more." She 
closed her eyes and inhaled once more, but nothing happened.  She 
opened her eyes and said, "I was hoping I was going to grow tall 
enough to put you on top of the pole," she glanced at the 50 foot tall 
pole, noticing it only came up to her waist, "but since I've outgrown 
that...I've got a better place!" I was now no bigger than a little toy 
soldier to her. She held me between her thumb and index finger like 
some tiny figurine, and put me between her gargantuan breasts. Her 
giant tits were fleshy walls on either side of me, as she carefully 
placed me in the valley between them, completely engulfing me in the 
giant masses of soft, warm flesh. I writhed and  squirmed as she 
pressed those gargantuan breasts together over me, trapping me 
between them like a little bug, grinding my entire body in the 
yielding softness of her bare titty-flesh as she rubbed them together 
over me. Plucking me from the erotic warmth of her bosom, she 
laughed down at me as I lay in the palm of her hand like a tiny toy. 
 "Now, that's not I am, totally naked, and you're 
still wearing that silly little uniform!  How can I have any fun that 
way?  Let's take it off, shall we?" Her giant fingers ripped my shirt 
open like so much tissue paper.  I thought my heavy, leather gun belt 
would present a problem, but it popped between her powerful fingers 
like a piece of paper.  Then one giant, blood-red fingernail, as huge as 
a dinner platter, slid into the front of my pants and peeled them off as 
though they were nothing.  In seconds, I lay naked as a jay bird in the 
palm of her hand, staring up at her vast, beautiful, grinning face. 
 "There, that's better!  If I'm going to be naked, my little toy is 
going to be naked too!" Her giggling laughter washed over me like 
soft, feminine thunder. I didn't know whether to be thrilled or 
terrified of this titanic giantess, as she played with me like a tiny little 
toy.  She rubbed my naked body over the soft, bare flesh of her 
mountainous tits again and again. Pressing my face to one 
tremendous nipple she giggled, "Lick it, little man, lick it!"    I 
licked at a nipple the size of a cantaloupe, grasping the soft, tender 
flesh in both hands as I caressed it with a tongue that could never 
cover more than a tiny portion of it at a time. "Suck it...I want 
my titty sucked, little man...suck my titty!"  She was no longer 
giggling, but beginning to sound as if she was getting aroused, her 
deep rumbling voice a sibilant whisper now. It was a totally 
impossible task. I could no more suck that immense nipple, than I 
could swallow a watermelon whole.  I threw both arms around it, 
squeezing and pulling as I licked, hoping it would feel like sucking to 
her.  Apparently it did, for in moments I could feel her moving as she 
lay back on the grass of the hillside.  I could hardly believe that this 
titanic, teenage girl was for real, as she lay on the ground writhing 
and thrashing, while I licked the gigantic nipple of a tit half the size 
of the Goodyear blimp!  Suddenly, one enormous hand crashed 
down on top of me, squashing me deeply into the soft flesh of that 
giant tit, while those tremendous fingers squeezed that awesome titty-
flesh around me.  Pressing me deeply into the hot, soft flesh, she was 
squeezing and pulling at that giant tit like she was about to come.  I 
was trapped under the palm of her hand, while those huge, crushing 
fingers surrounded me, kneading and squeezing powerfully on the 
enormous masses of soft, yielding boobie-flesh.  If they were to 
squeeze me like they were squeezing that giant tit, she'd crush my 
entire body and squash me like a bug with one mighty squeeze.  I 
screamed as those enormous fingers suddenly closed on my body, and 
plucked me from her gigantic breast like a tiny little toy. I was 
whirled helplessly aloft, and got only a quick glimpse of her gigantic, 
naked body, as it lay writhing and thrashing on the ground beneath 
me.  I was twisting and squirming in her giant hand, screaming in 
helpless terror as she brought me down between her titanic legs, and 
thrust me into the vast tangle of giant hair.  Terrified, I had only 
seconds to gape in awe as she spread her sequoia-like thighs, 
exposing a hairy cunt slit that rose higher than my head. She 
parted the giant labia with her other hand, and I watched in terror as 
the sleek, undulating mass of moist flesh rippled inward with sucking 
waves.  I realized the danger I was in. I'd be like a man caught in 
quicksand, sucked in and wrung out like a wet dish rag by her giant 
cunt when she'd climax, only to drown in her cum.  I would've 
done anything to avoid going into that hot, wet cavern, but held like 
a dildo in her enormous finger. I couldn't do a damn thing to stop 
her.  "Oh, shit!  No...!! Don't...I'll drown! You'll crush 
me!"  Her giant fingers tightened on me; if Jamie had heard my 
pleas, she was simply ignoring them.  In seconds, I was turned head 
down, and before I knew what was happening, thrust headfirst into 
the flesh of her cavernous pussy. "Oh, my God!"  I cried out, "No 
more, no more!"  But it was too late for that; my cries were cut off 
with a choked gurgle, as my head slipped between her giant labia. 
 Jamie brought my body downward into her, pushing me into 
the tight clutch of her colossal cunt.  The hot, velvety sheath of her 
hungry cunt gripped me tightly as she thrust me inside her. Heat and 
darkness engulfed me as deep masses of warm softness clung to my 
body.  Her giant cunt engulfed me in tons of writhing wet flesh.  My 
arms were pinned to my sides; I couldn't move.  The slippery tube of 
her cunt held me tight as I struggled helplessly inside her.  I found I 
could breathe, there were scant traces of humid air around me.  I 
could feel the gigantic masses of hot, soft flesh close about me, as she 
squeezed her giant pussy around my trapped body. Suddenly, she 
pulled me out. Clamping my head between her thumb and fingers, she 
began rubbing my face against her clit. I was completely helpless; I 
had no control over my bodyQshe held me and used me as she 
wanted, rubbing my face against the huge clit faster and faster as she 
used my head to masturbate herself.  Then, just as suddenly, she 
thrust me back deep into the cavernous tunnel, ramming me in and 
out.  I could tell she was nearing orgasm, because she began to 
move in a building rhythm. I could feel her giant body writhing and 
heaving as she used me like a dildo in her pussy.  I could feel the 
passion rising in her groin as she moved her hips faster and faster.  
The heat increased terrifically; and then her hot cum washed over 
me.  The muscles deep inside her gigantic vagina hugged and 
caressed me in rippling waves of pleasure.  I came, spurting again and 
again; even though she was using me like a sex toy in her cunt.  Even 
from deep inside her giant body, I could hear her wailing cries 
rumbling like distant thunder. She cried out, thrashing her arms and 
legs about as she plunged and rammed and sunk me into herself. 
 Gushing torrents of cum engulfed my entire body as she came 
again and again.  I couldn't begin to count the crushing spasms of her 
giant climaxes as she repeatedly exploded in gargantuan orgasm after 
orgasm.  Slowly, her giant body relaxed, and she collapsed in 
exhaustion. She pulled me out, and clutched me to her massive 
bosom beneath her giant hands.  Squashed in the deep valley between 
her mountainous tits, I rested there, knowing she owned me totally 
and completely...knowing I would never be with any other 
woman...and idly wondering if I really cared. 

