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Virtual Giantess

Chapter 1 

 Her Corvette pulled smoothly into the nearly deserted parking lot, 
coming precisely to a stop across two of the reserved spaces near the 
building's front entrance.  The hood of the candy-apple red car was 
muted to a dull brown under the harsh sodium lamps illuminating the 
parking lot.   It was around 9:00 p.m. on a Friday evening and it looked 
like most of VeeRTech's employees had left for the day.  They were 
probably at home watching the evening's television shows, like I should 
be. She turned the car lights off and killed the engine.  For a while, 
neither of us moved or said anything, the silence was becoming 

 "Stormy, I'm feeling a little nervous about this.  If were caught, they 
could put me in jail for trespassing, and they'd probably fire you!"  I 
was hoping that I could talk her out of her latest escapade.  I  would 
have had an easier time talking a politician out of drawing a life 
pension for his moments of servitude. 

 Sighing, Stormy went over the plan, again.  "Look, Alan, were not going 
to get caught.  Say your lines right, and answer any questions with the 
techno-babble I prepped you with, and the guards are going to believe 
you're a consultant, just like all the others." 

 "Others?!? You never told me there were others! How many times have you 
done this before?" 

 "Alan!  I meant the other consultants who come through here every day. 
Stop always being so jealous.  I love you.  Consultants come through 
here all the time and the guards never question them.  If you act bored 
and disinterested, they're not going to give you a second thought." 

 Since this approach wasn't working, I tried switching tactics.  "Well, 
what is this big surprise you want to show me?  Is it really worth you 
risking your job for and me risking jail?" 

 "Alan", Stormy sighed, "I told you before, it's awesome and you'll love 
it, you know you always do. I can't tell you more than that.  It'll be 
an adventure!  You've done tougher things than this.  Piece-a-cake! "  
Stormy was used to dealing with my more conservative nature and knew 
just how to break the barriers down.  Looking over at me as sweetly as 
she could she told me, "If you do this for me, I'll be really grateful, 
and I mean really!" 

 I had heard that "adventure" line many times before.  This was the price 
I paid for being in love with an excitaholic.  Once Stormy got her hooks 
into an adventure, there was no stopping her, or changing her mind.  
And, like every time before, I would cave in.  "All right, if you say 
so.  Let's get it over with before I lose the little bit of remaining 
composure I have.  All I can say is that this better be worth it!"  God, 
was I a sucker for her! 

 "Don't worry, Alan, it will be!" 

 We got out of the car and headed for VeeRTech's main lobby.  Stormy was 
so excited she was actually bounding towards the door.  Holding it open 
for me, she whispered seductively into my ear, "All this excitement is 
really making me horny!"  Before I could respond, we were entering the 
lobby.  I quickly fell into my consultant role and began reciting my 

 "Well, Dr. Sommers, if we adjusted the isolinear phase induction 
transducers, we might be able to eliminate the overload in the magneto-
optical audio-visual rectifiers." 

 "Yes, Mr. Jeffries, I see your point, however, doing so may result in 
negative feedback into the optical decouplers resulting in a phase 
transition in the mechanical decoupling coils" 

 "Hmm, hadn't thought of that.  Were going to have to run some level 2 
diagnostic tests on the transducers, the rectifiers, and the decoupling 
coils and try to determine which component may be inducing the magneto-
resonance instability" 

 "One second, Mr. Jeffries, I need to sign you in."  Turning towards the 
guard she coolly and matter of factly stated "This is Mr. Jeffries, a 
consultant from Iotech.  He's here to help out with some diagnostic 
tests on the VR-3000.  I will be escorting him." 

 He was so transparent you could almost read his thoughts.  His 
expression was saying, "Lucky him, some guys get all the luck." What he 
actually said was, "Thank-you Dr. Sommers, just one minute please while 
we fill out the necessary paperwork.  Mr. Jeffries, could I please see 
some identification such as an employee badge?" 

 "Will my driver's license do?"  I already knew the answer, this was one 
of my choreographed lines. 

 "Yes, that will be fine.  Thank-you.  Please sign here next to your 
name.   Thank-you.   Do you have any briefcases, cameras,  or magnetic 
recording material with you?" 

 "No,  I don't."  Ordinarily I would have made some kind of little joke, 
but Stormy had admonished me to stick to the script.  She had told me to 
remember the kiss principle, keep it simple, stupid, and that would get 
me through any problems.  Then, to drive the point home, she had given 
me an unforgettably passionate kiss.  Needless to say, the principle was 
committed to my permanent long term memory. 

 The guard handed over a temporary badge, told me to place it on the 
upper part of my body and to wear it at all times within the building.  
As I  was placing the badge on my lapel, the guard buzzed us into the 
main building.  Stormy was working hard on suppressing her building 
excitement and was visibly forcing herself to walk slowly.  I could feel 
the guard staring  at her receding figure.  I bet he was wondering what 
she would be like in bed.  Lucky for me, I already knew, she was great! 

 I became suddenly aware that I had been holding my breath and now I 
began taking deep breaths to calm myself. My adrenaline had been really 
pumping, and now we were in.  This was already different from the other 
adventures with Stormy, usually the adrenaline part came near the climax 
not at the beginning.  If this surprise was bigger than the others, then 
this was really going to be something!  The best part of all was that in 
the rush that followed our adventures, we usually had the most 
incredible love-making sessions.  I couldn't decide which part I enjoyed 
more, the adventure, or the love-making afterwards... yeah right!  I  
began fantasizing about making love to Stormy in one of the many vacant 
offices we passed as we walked down the maze of seemingly endless,  
indistinguishable corridors that comprised VeeRTech. 

 I met Stormy about two months ago.  Unknowingly, we each had a common 
friend, Veronica, who had thought that we would make the perfect couple.  
For the longest time, it seemed like one or the other of us had 
something going on with someone else and Veronica had been unable to set 
us up.   Like most match-makers, Veronica was not one to easily give up, 
and she had persevered, laying plans, setting things up, giving out 
hints here and there,  and waiting for the right moment to put the 
wheels of fate in motion.  When that moment came, she struck quickly, we 
never had a chance. 

 Our first date, a blind one, had been at the beach.  We both liked 
playing beach volleyball and Veronica had used that as the key to get us 
together.  Veronica had done such a thorough job in describing us to 
each other, that we both excitedly arrived at the beach half an hour 
early.  Each of us instantly recognized the other from Veronica's 
description; neither of us was disappointed. 

 "H-H-Hi, I'm Alan" was all that I was able to get out.  Oh, God, I must 
have sounded like an idiot.  Stormy was drop dead gorgeous with looks 
that would have made Pamela Andersen envious.  She was five foot ten, 
had beautiful blond hair, full D-cup breasts, long, shapely legs, 
penetrating azure eyes, and a warm friendly smile.  She was wearing the 
sexiest bikini that I had ever seen, and I couldn't take my eyes off 

 "Hi Alan, I'm Stormy, Stormy Sommers, I came out early to work on my tan 
before we played volleyball."  Stormy was completely composed and was 
most likely used to the effect her body had on men.  She seemed more 
flattered than annoyed with the way I was acting.  Later on she told me 
that she couldn't believe Veronica wasn't holding on to me herself. I'm 
six feet tall, well muscled, yet still a little wiry, kind of handsome, 
and have nice eyes.  

 "What do you think?  I'm competing in a contest in a couple weeks, and I 
want it to be even", she asked, as first she modeled her frontside and 
then turned around to show me her backside. 

 I was too surprised by the thong bikini, my friends call them "butt 
floss",  to look objectively at her tan.  All I could muster out was, 
"Uh, looks pretty good to me!" Arrgh, I couldn't believe I said that! 
Come on Alan, get it together or she's going to ditch you.  I had to 
come up with something witty and fast, but what?  Come on, come on, 
think, think, think!  "Stormy is an interesting name, how did your 
parents come up that?"  You idiot, is that the best you could do?  She 
must have thought  I was some kind of moronic putz. 

 As Stormy arranged her towel on the sand and took her tanning lotion 
out, she answered, "Well, my parents really liked the song 'Stormy 
Weather' and later on, when I was older, they told me I had been 
conceived while listening to the song.  They decided to name me Stormy 
without even thinking about how it went with my last name.  I took a lot 
of ribbing in school, but I like it now, its distinctive.  Would you 
mind putting lotion on my back?  It's so much easier and enjoyable when 
someone else does it for you."  Without waiting for a response, she lay 
down on the towel with her front towards the sand and unhooked her top 
exposing her muscular bare back and the sides of her ample breasts. 

 I was in heaven.  With her top undone and that skimpy thong bikini, it 
was almost like she was naked.  Best of all, I was spreading on the 
lotion and massaging it into her body.  As I worked my way around her 
back, Stormy was cooing with pleasure telling me how good it felt.  I 
sneaked a couple stokes onto the sides of her breasts and she didn't 
even flinch.  In fact, she admonished me not to miss any spots.  
Tentatively, I worked my way down towards her cheeks.  She didn't seem 
to mind, so I began massaging the lotion into her firm well-toned 
cheeks.  She responded by spreading her legs, giving me even more room 
to apply the lotion and one of the best views I had ever seen in my 
life.  Reluctantly, I then moved on to her long, shapely legs ending 
with a massage of her ankles and toes.  With a mild spank on her butt 
cheek, I declared her done. 

 I later found out that while I was putting the lotion on, Stormy had 
been thanking Veronica profusely.  It had been Veronica who had 
suggested the thong bikini and asking me to put on the suntan lotion. 
Stormy told me that while I was putting the lotion on she had began 
fantasizing about us lying in bed together, giving each other full body 
massages, and then kissing, petting, and making love.  It turned out 
that she was a sucker for a good massage!  When I had touched the sides 
of her breasts, it had really turned her on and started her tingling.   
She told me she had had a  difficult time not reacting to my touch and 
turning over and starting to kiss me right then and there.  Massaging 
her cheeks had almost put her over the edge.  After I had finished, I 
saw her sneak a peak  at my shorts, and I'm sure she could see the 
outline of my erection.  She had smiled and closed her eyes again, 
seemingly pleased with what she had seen, I thought,  and hopefully 
anticipating things to come. 

 So many things could have gone wrong that day, but incredibly, nothing 
did; the whole day had been like a dream date.  Stormy had changed into 
a slightly more modest bikini for volleyball and we played several two-
on-two matches, winning most of them.  I was surprised to find that 
Stormy was a better player than I was.  She dug hard driven spikes with 
ease, gave me unending cherry sets from all over the court, and had 
spiked well herself, even though we were playing on a men's net.  She 
even blocked a guy's spike back into his face!  She was a very good 
player, highly competitive, yet she had a happy, easy going attitude.  
She didn't have a trace of the stuck up attitude that so many good 
players develop.  The most exciting point during our matches had been 
when one of Stormy's boobs fell out of her top following a spike.  She 
was so into the game,  she didn't stuff it back in until the point had 
been won! By that time, the other boob had fallen out as well!  
Laughing, she told me how she hated it when that happened.  I and the 
rest of the male players spent the rest of the day hoping it would 
happen again, but it didn't. 

 Following the volleyball, we got some quick take-out food and ended up 
at Stormy's apartment.  Listening to soft jazz, we ended up making out 
on her sofa.  I was still wearing my shorts and Stormy had put a large 
T-shirt on over her bathing suit.  Both of us were hot for one another 
and soon we were kissing and feeling each other. I was performing the 
dry humps, pressing harder and harder against her crotch, and  Stormy 
could feel my bulging cock pressing against her.  I reached under her T-
shirt and undid the straps of her bikini top.  Stormy obliged me by 
pulling the bikini top off through her sleeve, leaving her breasts 
covered only by the T-shirt.  I began caressing her breasts, at first 
through the T-shirt and then underneath.  They were incredibly firm and 
the nipples were rock hard.  Stormy loved having her nipples stroked and 
pulled her top off and dangled her boobs over my face, letting me see 
first hand what my hands had been feeling.  I  responded by beginning to 
kiss and suck on her nipples.  I then reached down to her bikini panties 
and began squeezing her cheeks again.  One of my hands moved around to 
the front and began stroking the wet area, causing Stormy to begin 
moaning and kissing me even more firmly.  She reached down and began 
rubbing my cock through my shorts as she ground her crotch against my 
hand.  The rubbing, stroking, kissing, and sucking reached a feverish 
pitch and then we both began coming together.  Afterwards, we lay 
together on the couch holding each other, and drifted off to sleep.  It 
had been an incredible first date but it had been nothing like the 

 Our second date had started out as a mystery.  Stormy had told me that 
she would pick me up and that I should dress as if going to the beach.  
She arrived right on time and ushered me into the car.  For the first 
time, I noticed her license plate, it read LVLTLMN, and sat in a  frame 
which read, "Get In , Sit Down, Shut up, and Hold On".   I began trying 
to work the meaning out of her plate as we headed inland away from the 

 "Stormy, why do you want to level tall men?" 

 "What? What are you talking about?" 

 "Your license plate, doesn't it say 'level tall men' ?" 

 "No, it's an acronym, each letter stands for a different word like 
tanstaafl, T-A-N-S-T-A-A-F-L, There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free 

 "Oh, it's an acronym, why didn't you say so before?", I joked.  Then, 
after a moment of silence while I racked my brain trying to figure it 
out,  "Ok, I give, what does your license plate mean?" 

 "Its a saying my mother always used, Live Vigorously, Like The Limits 
Mean Nothing!" 

 "Hmm,  interesting.  I never heard that saying before.    For a moment I 
thought maybe you had something against tall men and I got a little 

 "No, I'm definitely hooked on tall beach studs right now!" 

 "Speaking of the beach, where are you taking me? We not headed in the 
right direction for the beach!" 

 "It's a surprise, don't worry, you'll love it, promise!" 

 We drove along for about an hour and a half on highways and back country 
roads and I had no idea where we were.  We seemed to be in a rural area 
with cattle, large ranches, and rolling hills studded with oak trees.  
Then, Stormy pulled sharply off of the road into a ranch entrance.  A 
banner proclaimed the ranch to be the Flying T and below the name it 
proudly stated, "California's First Clothing Optional Recreational 

 Alarm bells were going off from all over within my mind.  It was at 
least a three alarmer.  My mouth was having a hard time forming the 
words, but when they came out, it was a staccato burst, "Whoa!  "What 
are we doing here?  Why did you bring me to a nudist colony!" 

 In contrast, Stormy was cool and prepared.  "It's not a nudist colony, 
it's a clothing optional park.", she replied matter of factly.  "I 
brought you here for the Miss Nude Riverside contest." 

 "I don't think I'm qualified for that, I got the wrong kind of 

 "Not you, silly, me! I'm entering the contest and I thought you might 
enjoy watching." 

 Hmmm, this was interesting.  "Do I have to take my clothes off?" 

 "Not if you don't want to.  But I sure wouldn't mind it if you did.  
I've been fantasizing about that cute butt of yours since our first 

 "There's probably going to be lots of attractive naked women here, 
aren't you worried about me ogling them?" 

 "As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I want you to do!", laughed 
Stormy.  She loved throwing people off guard and I'm afraid I'm so 
predictable it made it almost too easy. 

 I was getting very confused.  This date was getting stranger by the 
minute.  "I don't get it.  Why would you WANT me to look at other 

 "I got you a front row seat at the contest and I want you to videotape 
the entire contest.  I probably won't win but I want to see how the 
other girls walk, act, and perform so I can improve for the next 

 All of the pieces were on the table and the logical conclusions were 
falling into place in my mind like some kind of mental tetris game.  1) 
I don't have to take my clothes off, 2) I get to video tape beautiful 
naked women, 3) Stormy is going to be one of those women, and 4) she's 
actually asking me to do this.  I suddenly became very cooperative.  "Ok 
lady, you got yourself a camera man.  Just show me where to sit and I'll 
start setting up!" 

 "Are you going to keep your clothes on or take them off?" 

 "We'll see."  When hell freezes over is what I wanted to say. 

 "I hope WE will, Alan!"   Then she whispered into my ear with a voice 
that combined the sexiest elements of Marilyn Monroe with Mae West, "I'd 
be REALLY pleased if you did!" 

 As promised, I had a front row seat directly in front of the stage.  The 
stage was raised such that its floor  was right at my eye level.  It was 
bare with the exception of the judges box and a podium.  Behind the 
stage, a banner proclaiming this to be the 5th annual Miss Nude 
Riverside contest fluttered gently in the slight breeze.  I looked 
around through the viewfinder of the camera and immediately began 
feeling uncomfortable and out of place.  Nearly everyone was naked 
except me, and here I was, clothed, taking video of them.  I wasn't sure 
whether I was imagining it or not, but it seemed that several of the 
people were giving me incriminating looks.  Thinking about living with 
limits and Stormy's weakly veiled message, I decided to go for it and 
began removing my clothes.  Soon I was as naked as the rest of the 
crowd.  Surprisingly, I felt less conspicuous naked than I had when 

 The emcee was introduced and the contest was under way.  It was a little 
disconcerting to see the naked emcee standing above me, it was like I 
was staring right into his cock!  Luckily, filming through the camera 
had a distancing effect and I concentrated on holding the camera steady 
and framing the shot and not so much on the content of what I was 
filming.  The judges were introduced, also all male and naked, and then 
the female contestants were brought in. 

 First all of the contestants lined up across the stage and I got a nice 
shot panning slowly across the line-up of naked women.  My male hormones 
began exerting themselves and it was becoming harder not to admire what 
I was filming.  I must have been able to exert some control, because the 
first time I passed through the line of women I had not seen Stormy.  As 
I panned back, I began looking specifically for her and found her near 
the middle of the line up.  I zoomed in on her face and then panned down 
her body and back up.  To my credit, I only paused slightly on her 
crotch, noting how deliciously trimmed it was and that she was a true 
blonde.  As I was zooming back out, she threw me a slight wink and I 
gave her the 'thumbs up'. 

 Each of the twelve contestants was then introduced, one at a time, and 
each gave a short description consisting of her name, measurements, and 
hobbies.  I framed each woman nicely in the viewfinder and found myself 
strangely enjoying the perspective I had.  It was like the women were 
all extremely tall and I was, in comparison, a miniature cameraman 
barely as tall as their ankles.  I felt my cock starting to get hard and 
began distracting myself by making mental comparisons of each of the 
women to Stormy.  Some of the women had large tits while others had 
barely any.  Some women had trimmed their bushes and others seemed to 
have just let it grow.  Several of the women even had unshaved armpits!  
Overall, Stormy seemed to be more attractive than maybe all but one or 
two of the other women.  The one thing they all seemed to have in common 
was hobbies that involved thrill-seeking, such as hang gliding, bungee 
jumping, sky diving, and jet skiing.  Stormy had said her hobby was sky 
diving.  I shuddered, living without limits suddenly took on a new 

 Following the introductions, the contestants then performed a walk 
around the stage, where the judges observed poise, grace, composure, and 
tan.  Then there was the obligatory talent section.  Stormy's chosen 
talent was singing and I thought she had a pleasantly nice voice and had 
performed well.  Most of the other women performed dance steps  To me, 
they seemed to be nothing more than highly choreographed aerobic workout 
routines.  Nonetheless, I did have to admit I enjoyed watching their 
naked bodies bouncing around the stage.  Some of the routines were so 
tantalizing, I began to wonder if Stormy would let me make a copy of the 
tape for myself. 

 The judges tallied their votes and the winners were announced.  They 
worked there way back from fifth place.  Nine girls were remaining and 
only first and second place were left to be announced. Stormy jumped for 
joy when her name was announced as first runner up. I had never seen her 
so happy before and I hooted and hollered too.  I wanted to run up on 
the stage and give her a big hug.  I was so excited over Stormy taking 
second place I almost forgot to film the winner.  I had to admit it,  
though, the winner had been better than Stormy.  Her name was Wanda and 
she was almost as attractive as Stormy, had a very nice all-over tan, 
and had performed a very rousing dance routine.  All in all, Stormy had 
nothing to be ashamed about with her performance. 

 After the contest, we hung around the nudist ranch for a while.  We 
talked to several of the other contestants and Stormy introduced me to 
everyone.  It seemed that Stormy must have been a 'regular' at the 
ranch.  We had played some volleyball and at first it had seemed real 
strange playing against naked people.  After a couple of points though, 
I found myself concentrating more on how I was playing than what the 
others were wearing.  Throughout the day I found myself becoming more 
and more attracted to Stormy.  She was so composed and self assure, even 
when she was naked, I envied her.  Did living life with no limits make 
her that way, or did she live life with no limits because she was so 
self assure?  Classic chicken or the egg. 

 Much to my chagrin, Stormy seemed to be quite popular with the men at 
the ranch as well.  Wherever we  went, naked men seemed to cluster 
around her.  They all seemed to be vying for her attention, trying to 
score points with her, it was almost like I didn't exist.  Time after 
time, though, Stormy would seek me out, asking me to take her away from 
the crowd.  Once out of ear shot, she would tell me how phony those guys 

 In a quiet moment together, I worked up my courage and voiced my fears, 
"How come you aren't attracted to some of those guys?  A lot of them 
seem to have a lot more going for them than me."  I was concerned with 
my own standing and wondering if she might dump me for someone a little 
more carefree, who didn't live life with limits. 

 "Alan, I've dated guys like them before.  Some of them have great 
bodies, and others have such good looks, powerful jobs, or money, but 
they're nothing but pretty packages.  The outside looks appealing but 
there's nothing on the inside.  That's one reason why I liked you from 
the moment I met you.  You didn't try to impress me; you were open, 
honest, and straightforward.  It was like a breath of fresh air. 

 I felt a little better with her answer but it still amazed me that this 
gorgeous, intelligent, vivacious woman could have fallen for me.  She 
seemed so "out of my league" .  She had it all and, if she wanted to, 
she could probably have any man she wanted.  I felt like the luckiest 
guy in the world but I also worried that I could lose it all in an 

 Once again, the date ended up at Stormy's apartment.  The whole ride 
back she had talked excitedly about the video tape and the contest and 
how she couldn't wait to see the video.  Seeing how the video consisted 
almost entirely of naked women, including Stormy, I did not offer up any 
resistance.  Stormy set the VCR on play and we settled in together on 
the sofa to watch the contest.  Soon the tape began playing with some 
opening shots of the crowd that I had taken which then faded out.  The 
next scene faded in on the emcee of the contest. 

 "Whoa!", Stormy exclaimed.  "I've never seen Sam from that angle before.  
He looks so huge, its like he's fifty feet tall!" 

 "Now you know how the Lilliputians must have felt when they met 
Gulliver!  Wait until you see the contestants, they were even closer to 
the edge of the stage and look even bigger!  I was getting a neck ache 
from craning up to film them." 

 A few minutes later, the female contestants walked onto the stage.  As I 
had said, they looked even bigger than the emcee had.  So entranced was 
I with the imagery and the perspective, I couldn't take my eyes off the 
screen.  From the camera's perspective, the women were gigantic, easily 
seventy-five to one hundred feet tall.  For some of the bigger breasted 
women, their breasts jutted out so far, their faces were framed between 
their enormous tits. This time there was no distraction of having to 
film the contest to divert my attention.  I shifted uncomfortably on the 
couch trying to cover-up my increasingly excited state.  Uncomfortable 
as I was though, I could not look away from the screen.  For now the 
screen was being filled with the close-up I had done on Stormy.  There 
was her head, smiling down at me between those two wondrous breasts. 
They hung exquisitely from her rib cage and were immense.  Too quickly, 
the view shifted to her flat stomach and then shifted lower to her well 
trimmed vagina.  Every hair and fold of skin was visible and it 
literally filled the screen.  At this point, my cock was begging for 
action, pushing forcefully against the folds of my shorts.  The camera 
lingered for a few moments, to me it seemed like ages, and then finished 
with a long, foot by gorgeous foot pan of her incredibly sexy long legs 
ending with her sexy white high heels.  The camera zoomed back out and 
began panning down the remaining group of giant contestants. 

  "From the bulge in your pants, it looks like you enjoyed that little 
piece of footage.  It may surprise you, but it made me horny, too!" 

 "Seeing yourself naked turns you on?" 

 "No, not ever before that I can remember, it was the camera angle, it 
made me look so big, I started thinking I was the size of Gulliver and 
you were a Lilliputian cameraman and I was performing for you. I can't 
believe how hot it made me!" 

 "That's incredible! Earlier I was fantasizing almost exactly the same 
thing!  You were a beautiful giantess and I was a little cameraman 
filming your fantastically sexy body.  It gave me one of the biggest 
hard-ons of my life.  I almost started coming without even touching it!" 

 "If I didn't know you better, I'd have said that that was a pretty weak 
come-on line.  However, I did like the 'fantastically sexy' comment. I'm 
feeling very generous right now and I think I'll  give your poor little 
cock it's longed for release.  Take off your clothes." 

 I didn't mind that I was being ordered around or that she seemed to be 
taking charge.  I had heard that she was going to make me come and that 
was all that mattered.  Within a few seconds my clothes were scattered 
around the living room.  Stormy watched me eagerly remove my clothing 
and then, when I was finished, slowly began to remove her clothing 
letting me savor each inch of newly exposed flesh.  She swayed 
seductively back and forth as the clothing was slowly peeled away from 
her flesh.  She removed everything except her bra and panties and then 
teased me as she removed her bra without really letting me see anything.  
Then she turned her back on me and removed her panties.  Now fully 
naked, she turned around and asked me, "Like what you see?" 

 I nodded my head affirmatively.  "Now, lie face up on the floor."  I did 
so and she stood over me and began dancing and swaying.  It was just 
like the video and she was a giantess again.  She taunted me, playing 
with her tits, licking the nipples, opening her pussy lips, stroking her 
pussy, and bending her knees until it was inches (seemed like feet) 
above my face.  I could see that the dance was really turning her on.  
The pink skin of her fully exposed pussy was glistening with wetness and 
she was stroking herself with earnest.  She really seemed to be getting 
off on this giantess thing and I have to admit, I was too. 

 "Tell me, little man, do you like big women?" 

 "Oh yes, I do, very much!" 

 "And what would you do for your giant woman? What could a little man 
like you do?" 

 "I could suck her nipples and lick her pussy and give her the best 
orgasm of her life!" 

 "Well, that certainly is boastful, coming from a little runt like you, 
but I think we'll test that a little later.  Right now I'm going to make 
you come.  Get up and go into the bedroom.  I'm going to tell you a 
little story about a very big bad giant woman!" 

 I jumped to my feet and hopped onto the bed.  I wasn't sure what was 
about to happen but it sounded like it would be enjoyable.  Stormy came 
into the room carrying a bottle of hand lotion.  She knelt over me and 
poured a few drops of lotion onto my stiff cock.  She began rubbing the 
lotion in with her hand, stroking my cock from the base to the tip and 
back again, squeezing rhythmically as she did so.  I closed my eyes and 
let my imagination wander, it felt incredibly good.  Then she began her 

 "Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Mary who was a member 
of a nudist colony.  She was kind of homely and she had really tiny 
titties.  The other nudists always made fun of her calling her names 
like 'raisin tits'.  There were these other two members,  Betty and 
Cathy, who had really gorgeous bodies - blonde hair, big boobs, long 
legs, the works.  Together with their buff nudist boy friends, Frank and 
Ed, they loved to make fun of Mary, teasing her about her tiny titties 
and her lack of boy friends.  One day after a particularly humiliating 
session with Betty and Cathy, Mary had run off crying into the woods.  
Running between the trees, she tripped on something.  Through her tears 
she could see that it was some kind of lamp like from 'Arabian Nights'.  
She began rubbing the lamp and a 10 foot tall female genie appeared who 
granted her three wishes.  Mary wasted no time, for her first wish, she 
wished that she was incredibly gorgeous and sexy.  Poof! it was granted.  
Mary looked down and for the first time in her life, she couldn't see 
her feet.  Having taken care of that, now she wanted revenge.  For her 
second wish, she wished she had the ability to make things shrink and 
grow.  The genie told her that that would use up her last two wishes and 
granted them.  The lamp and the genie then disappeared.  Mary was 
anxious to begin testing out her new powers.  She thought about being 
bigger and instantly began growing and growing and growing.  First her 
head cleared the trees, then her breasts, then the trees were only up to 
her waist, then her knees, and there she stopped, deeming that she was 
now big enough.  She walked over to the main compound and people 
screamed and ran for cover as she approached. Mary ignored them and went 
directly towards  Betty and Ed's cabin.  She reached down and easily 
pulled the roof off.  Too astonished to run, Betty and Ed could only 
stare up at the enormous giantess as she reached in and plucked them up 
like they were little dolls.  Betty and Ed began pounding on her hand 
and Mary  could just barely feel their insignificant struggling. She 
laughed at their puny attempts.  She then went over to Cathy and Frank's 
cabin and did the same, easily snatching them up with her other hand.  
Holding them up to her enormous boobs she asked them what they thought 
of her raisin tits now.  Then she placed them on her nipples and laughed 
as they clung for life as she swung them around on her big tits high 
above the ground.  Tiring of that fun, Mary plucked everyone off her 
nipples and began shrinking Cathy and Betty's boobs.  Smaller and 
smaller they got until they were completely gone.  Then their nipples 
began shrinking tinier and tinier until they actually were the size of 
raisins.  Then Betty and Cathy's bodies began shrinking smaller and 
smaller until they were only as tall as their astounded boyfriend's 
ankles.  While watching the entire "show" taking place in her palm, she 
then commanded Ed and Frank to come on their girlfriends.  Immediately, 
they began rubbing their cocks. As they neared orgasm, Mary caused the 
jism in their bodies to grow and as they came they began spurting their 
come all over the pint sized Cathy and Betty.  Betty and Cathy screamed 
and threw their hands up to ward off the torrent but it was to no avail.  
The jism knocked them down and they were drenched from head to foot with 
come. Ed and Frank were amazed at how much they each had shot out.  
Their girlfriends were literally swimming in their come!" 

 Stormy would have continued but now I was coming.  My cock was madly 
fucking her hand and squirting it's jism all over my chest.  As my 
orgasm subsided, Stormy continued stroking my cock, milking out the last 
drops of come.  Fully spent, she let it rest and gave me a deep wet 

 "Now it's your turn, finger my pussy while you finish the story!" 

 I began stroking her pussy and gently massaging her clit.  Once I was 
sure I had found the right spot, I continued on with the story stroking 
her while I talked. 

 "Giantess Mary got very horny when she saw Frank and Ed hose their wives 
down with come.  She started playing with her pussy but then decided on 
a better idea.  She would put Frank and Ed inside her and have them make 
her come.  She put Cathy and Betty on the ground  telling them that now 
they were too small and homely for Frank and Ed and now she would show 
them the pleasures of a 'real' woman.  Then she began stuffing Frank and 
Ed into her pussy.  At first they attempted to resist her but their 
efforts were futile compared to her gargantuan strength.  Soon the two 
men were fully inside her pussy and squirming deliciously.  While the 
men were going at it, Mary decided to have a little more fun with the 
other nudists.  Going over to the main lodge, she quickly rounded up ten 
women and made them grow to fifty feet tall. Then she ordered all of 
them to each grab a man. The men, not liking the sound of the way things 
were going, began running but the giant women easily corralled them. 
Mary then ordered the women to rub their pussies with the men.  Frank 
and Ed were doing a marvelous job on her clit and she was approaching an 
orgasmic climax.  She began twisting her own nipples and ordered all of 
the women to come.  The women began coming and soaking the men with 
their juices.  Everywhere Mary looked there was a little man being 
coated with juices or swallowed up by a giant pussy and a giantess 
squirming with delight.   The sight of so many women coming, combined 
with the squirming in her own pussy, threw her over the edge and Mary 
began coming.  Giant convulsions pulsed through her body as she came 
over and over again flooding Frank and Ed with her juices." 

 Stormy was on the brink of coming  at this point and I left off telling 
the story and began licking her pussy.  Stormy's thighs clamped around 
my head as the orgasm struck and she began bucking and coming furiously.  
As the moaning died off, Stormy pushed my face away from her pussy.  "It 
needs rest!", she pleaded.  I moved back up next to her in bed and we 
lay together for a little while longer, gently holding each other, 
before drifting off to sleep. 

 That date had been followed by many others.  If I had any doubts before 
of what it meant to live life without limits, they were gone now.  In 
the dates that followed the trip to the nudist ranch we had gone 
mountain biking, rock climbing, scuba diving, bungee jumping, hang 
gliding, and sky diving.  With each date we sought ever increasing 
thrills. It had been tough for me to shove my fears aside but the 
rewards had been well worth living through the fear. The greater the 
thrill had been, the greater the sex afterwards had been. Stormy was a 
thrill seeker, the greater the thrill, the more she enjoyed it, the more 
she enjoyed it, the more passionate she became, and the more thrill she 
conquered, the more thrill she sought out. 

 Now as we reached our destination, a cipher locked door with warning 
labels expressing concerns about unauthorized visits, I was wondering 
just what it was Stormy had planned.  I loved her immensely, trusted 
her, and would do almost anything she asked, but I was concerned.  With 
the way we were headed, one of these times we might just bite off more 
than we could chew, and someone could get permanently hurt.  I knew, for 
people like Stormy, it could be quite a shock when they discover that 
they are not invulnerable. 

Chapter 2 

 Fingers trembling with excitement, Stormy pressed in the combination of 
the cipher lock and opened the door for me.  I walked into a large 
laboratory filled with computing equipment.  The heat from the equipment 
was stifling.  Across from the entrance were two other open doors.  From 
what I could see, the rooms beyond the doors were empty and seemed to be 
filled with some sort of sound absorbing foam.  The roar of cooling fans 
made it difficult to converse. 

 Yelling to be heard above the fans, Stormy regally announced, "Alan, 
this is a working prototype of the VR-3000. It is a virtual reality 
simulator that mimics reality better than any other system ever built.  
It's the closest thing to a 'holodeck' that's ever been made.  My team 
just got it working and I brought you here tonight to give you a 
demonstration of the system.  There's also some special software which I 
created that's going to knock your socks off! Walk into the changing 
area over there and I'll show you how to set it up." 

 We walked into one of the small rooms opposite the entrance and 
immediately upon entering the noise level dropped dramatically.  After 
Stormy closed the door, it became deathly quiet. 

 "This is a sensory deprivation chamber.", Stormy explained.  "The 
material on the walls absorb all sounds!"  She then handed me a funny 
looking jump suit.  It was crisscrossed with all kinds of minute wires 
which were bundled together over and over again until the bundles fused 
into a single thick cable that came off of the back of the suit.  "This 
is the VR suit.  It can monitor all of your movements and is sensitive 
enough to tell the difference between your hairs and your skin.  This is 
the male model and it has a special receptacle area for your cock.  
These suits allow you to have simulated sex!  We once had a guy who 
accidentally put on the female suit but I don't think he'll ever make 
that mistake again!  You have to take all of your clothes off to use the 

 I started to object but Stormy became extremely insistent.  I acquiesced 
but once again I began wondering what we  were getting into.  Why have 
virtual sex when we could enjoy the real thing?  Stormy was obviously 
excited about this and I didn't see any reason why I should rain on her 
parade.  I put the suit on and then Stormy showed me how to mount the 
helmet.  The computer ran some video and sound test patterns and 
everything checked out like it should.  Stormy yelled out, "Here we go!" 
and I suddenly found myself standing alone on an endless mono-colored 
plain.  I was the only thing present beside the plain. From nowhere and 
everywhere simultaneously, I could hear Stormy's voice, "If you don't 
like it, just unplug yourself from the system. To terminate your 
activity in the program all you have to do is press your belly button.  
If at any time you don't like what's going on, just press and you'll 
return back to the VR studio."  Suddenly Stormy appeared from nowhere 
directly ahead of me.  She looked 100% real, not like some weird 
computer generated woman. 

 Stormy, this is amazing!  You look just like you!  I mean it's not just 
close, its exact, this is amazing!" 

 "Yeah, I know.  After a while you just take it for granted.  It's always 
fun to bring someone new in and experience it for the first time again 
through their eyes!" 

 "It's so lifelike, I can't believe it's a simulation!  Can I touch you?" 

 "I'm flattered you asked.  Most people just start touching, reasoning 
that it's not really real.  After all, I'm not in the same room as you, 
just in the same computer. You can touch me all you want!" 

 I reached out and touched her arm.  I could feel the skin and even the 
delicate hairs on her arm!  "How is this possible?  I know I'm not 
touching you, yet I can feel you exactly as if I was!" 

 "It gets kind of technical, but there are electromagnetic field 
generators inside the chamber which set up self-contained fields that 
feel like objects to you and me.  The stronger the field, the harder the 
object.  Any object of any shape and texture can be simulated once it 
has been scanned.  You were scanned when you suited up!  The rest is all 
smoke and mirrors!" 

 "I can even feel the buttons on your blouse! They even unbutton like 
real buttons! I can't wait to try out a virtual bra!" 

 "What's stopping you, big boy?" 

 "Nothing, now." 

 We both began removing each others clothing.  As each item was taken off 
our bodies it disappeared. Doing laundry in virtual reality certainly 
must have some benefits.  Soon we were both naked.  Then Stormy reached 
out and playfully grabbed my cock.  "How do you like that special suit 
feature now?" 

 "Mmmm, pretty good!  My compliments to the tailor!" 

 "How would you like to give yourself a blow-job?" 

 "Is that possible? I mean my mouth doesn't reach." 

 "It does now!"  A wand appeared and Stormy pointed it at my cock.  A 
faint ray pulsed off the wand and my cock began growing longer and 
longer.  After a few seconds it was large enough to bend back and begin 
sucking.  Stormy began laughing and then sounding just like Mae West,  
"Is that a log between your legs or are you happy to see me!" 

 "This is incredible!  It really feels like I'm sucking myself!  Thank 
God we weren't made this way or no one would ever get anything done.  
Can I try using the wand?  Is it very difficult?" 

 "What is it you have in mind, Mr. Bigballs?" 

 "It's a surprise!  C'mon, Stormy, you know you love surprises!" 

 "Just don't get too carried away.  You press the red button to cause 
whatever you point at to grow and the green button to shrink it.  The 
orange button resets things  back to normal." 

 I pointed the wand down at my cock and pressed the green button.  
Instantly my member began reducing in size.  Stormy began laughing, 
"What kind of a surprise is that!  I'd call that more of a 
disappointment than a surprise!  I think you can be a little more 
creative than that!" I smiled knowingly and turned the wand towards 
Stormy's chest and continued pressing the green button.  Stormy's 
breasts began shrinking until there was nothing left but round little 
nipples.  "I never knew you liked raisin tits.  Do you have a secret 
desire for boyish figures I didn't know about?  Are we having fun yet?"  
Now that I had her starting from scratch, I moved my thumb down the wand 
and pressed the red button.  Stormy's chest began growing larger and 
larger.  After ten seconds they had passed D cup and they continued to 
grow even bigger.  After a few more seconds it was becoming difficult to 
see her face.  From somewhere behind those enormous jugs came Stormy's 
voice, "Alan, is this you idea of a dream girl? You men are all alike, 
no matter how big a woman's breasts are, they're never big enough!   I 
think you better stop soon, my legs are already off the ground!"  All 
that I could see of Stormy was a pair of enormous boobs.  No longer 
visible were her feet or any other part of her body.  I walked over and 
began playing with one of her bottle-sized nipples.  As I began 
squeezing it, a surprised gasp erupted from somewhere behind the mammoth 

 Stormy could feel what I was doing but could not see me.  I reached over 
to play with the other nipple but they were too far apart to touch at 
the same time.  I took the wand and was about to shrink her boobs down 
when I realized that that wasn't necessary.  Instead, I pointed the wand 
at my arms and hands and caused them to grow!  Now I could stand between 
the boobs and squeeze both nipples at the same time.  This wand was 
wonderful.  "How's that feel, Stormy?" 

 "It's great! What are you touching me with, I can't see you!" 

 "That's what makes it so wonderful, the suspense.  You never know what's 
coming next!" 

 "Oh, I have a feeling I know that!" 

 Very funny, I thought.  But on the other hand, why not?  It certainly 
would be fun to screw the biggest tits in the world!  I took the wand 
and started my cock growing again.  I was reveling in the power the wand 
gave me.  With it I could shrink or grow any part to whatever size I 
desired.  I watched excitedly as my cock grew larger and larger, 
surpassing my head in height. 

 It had been a while since I had touched Stormy and she was getting a 
little impatient.  "Hey, what's going on over there?  Did you fall 

 "I'm working on another surprise, hold your horses!" 

 "I'm afraid you made my boobs so large I can't hold anything other than 
them.  I can't even touch my hands together!" 

 I now had a cock that was sized to match Stormy's boobs and I began 
thrusting it into her cleavage.  It took all of my might and I had to 
guide it with both arms.  At first I had trouble maintaining my balance 
and my thrusts merely bounced off the mountainous breasts.  I could hear 
Stormy laughing at my amateurish attempts. 

 "What's the matter little boy, are mommy's boobies too big for you?" 

 The taunting made me even more determined.  I used the wand to make my 
arms and hands even bigger, so that I could get more leverage, and 
reached up and grabbed the upper sides of her tits.  Pulling my body 
toward her tits, I began thrusting into her cleavage with wild abandon.  
I could hear Stormy gasp with each mighty thrust and now she was 
encouraging me, ordering me to come on her massive tits.  With squirts 
that matched the size of my enormous cock, I began coming.  My jism flew 
dozens of feet into the air and rained back down coating Stormy and her 
enormous breasts.  Momentarily spent, I pulled my cock out from her 
cleavage letting it rest on the ground.  That had been one of the most 
memorable orgasms of my life.  I looked over towards Stormy and was 
struck with a pang of guilt.  That hadn't been very fair to her, I had 
been selfish, seeking my own sexual gratification without any thoughts 
towards hers.  I was going to have to fix that.  I looked around for the 
wand but I couldn't find it anywhere.  Then Stormy instantaneously 
reverted back to normal and began walking towards me.  The wand was in 
her hand. 

 "My, my, what big arms you have, darling!" 

 "The better to hug you with, my dear!" 

 "My, my, what big hands you have, darling!" 

 "The better to grab your titties with, my dear!" 

 "And darling,  what a big penis you have!" 

 "The better to screw you with, my dear!" 

 "We'll see about that!  I think it's time for something a little 
different!"  Stormy pointed the wand at me and pressed the orange 
button.  Instantly my body returned to its normal size.  I felt 
diminished.  It had been outrageously exciting having the world's 
biggest penis and hands and arms that could hug a building.  Now 
everything was back to normal and we were standing together on the 
endless plain.  Stormy seemed to be typing and pressing buttons in mid 
air but I couldn't see what she was working on. 

 "What are you doing over there?  You're up to something but I can't tell 
what it is!" 

 "I'm being suspenseful.  Don't worry, you're going to love it.  Up to 
now, we've been running a program I created for a special client with a 
few little modifications of my own thrown in like the wand.  Now I'm 
going to run a special program I created for us, I think you'll get a 
real kick out of it.  Just a few more entry parameters and there!  It's 

Chapter 3 

 As I watched, the computer plain dissolved away and we were floating in 
nothingness.  Then it began getting brighter and a street scene that 
seemed to be somewhere in New York City, began getting brighter and more 
substantial.  In fact, it appeared that we were standing on a corner in 
Times Square.  There were hundreds of people, milling about, intent on 
whatever destination or appointment they were headed  for.  A woman 
bumped into me and seemed to suddenly notice me for the first time.  For 
a couple of moments she just looked at me; then she started screaming as 
loud as she could, "HELP! RAPE! HE'S TRYING TO RAPE ME! HELP! POLICE!" 
and started hitting me with her handbag.  I tried to calm her down but 
it only seemed to make things worse.  Then Stormy, who was also naked, 
grabbed me, and we began running up the street. 

 "Up ahead, there's a food cart.  We have to eat one of the cookies 
labeled 'Eat Me'!  Don't drink anything, especially anything that says 
'Drink Me'!  We gotta make it there before the Police get us.  This is a 
VERY realistic simulation and I for one don't want to end up in jail!" 

 Already I could hear the whistles and pursuit of the police from behind 
us.  There were sirens and screams and quick blurs of people as we ran 
by.  I began wondering how I could run so far in that little virtual 
reality room, and the lapse in concentration caused me to run directly 
into a business man.  I fell down on top of him and became momentarily 
disoriented.  As I untangled myself from the man, all the meantime 
apologizing profusely, I risked a look back in the direction I had come 
from.  I could see two cops, with pistols drawn, now only about one 
hundred feet away and rapidly closing the distance.  They were yelling 
something at me, but I decided I wouldn't wait for them to get closer so 
that I could better understand them.  Pushing off the businessman, I 
began running as fast as I could for the food stand.  Stormy had already 
reached the stand and was beckoning for me to hurry up.  The wind was 
rushing in my ears but even so I could hear the rhythmic distinctive 
sounds of the policemen's Sam Brown's pounding against the pavement.  
Without looking, I could feel they were right behind me.  My sides were 
aching and my lungs were burning but I forced myself even harder.  Not 
wanting to slow down in the slightest, I ran full speed into the cart 
using it to stop myself.  As I grabbed onto the sides, it felt like my 
arms were being pulled out of their sockets.  I was completely out of 
breath, and  felt like vomiting, but I forced myself to look for a 
cookie labeled "Eat Me".  The cart vendor was yelling strings of 
obscenities at me but I didn't care as I tossed cookie upon cookie onto 
the ground in search of the elusive "Eat Me" cookie.  I was getting 
frantic, the last cookie in the cart had been tossed onto the ground, 
and I still didn't see it.  Where was it?  It had to be here somewhere!  
Then it was suddenly floating in front of my face.  It wasn't in the 
cart at all but was suspended in the air right in front of my nose.  At 
first I thought  that it was another VR trick and then I noticed that 
Stormy was holding the cookie and was having a hard time suppressing her 
laughter.  In her other hand was another identical cookie. 

 "Very funny, Stormy, Ha Ha Ha."  I was about to eat the cookie, but 
Stormy stopped me.  Then, in the manner people use for toasting with 
champagne, she linked her arm through mine, and I through hers, and 
together we each ate our cookie.  To my surprise, there was no taste.  I 
could feel the texture of the cookie and it even broke up as I chewed 
it, but there was no taste.  As I thought further about it, there was no 
aroma either.  I guess even virtual reality had its limitations.  My 
mouth had been fooled, it had been watering like crazy for that cookie.  
Unfortunately, there really wasn't anything to swallow.  "That was 
pretty disapp...   Hey! Watch it!", I shouted as the two policemen 
forcibly grabbed us. 

 "Lookie here Joe, looks like we got us a couple of pervies who think 
they don't need any clothes!" 

 "Yeah Sam, Well I don't mind her not wearing em, but I could sure do 
without seeing his Johnson right now. Pretty boy heres gonna have lots 
of fun in the cell, aint ya sweet meat! Them perps is gonna love you! 
Okay, lets move it sweet cheeks! To the squad car!"  Joe was laughing so 
hard he didn't notice the transformation taking place.  His first clue 
that something was up came from his partner Sam. 

 "Holy Shit, Joe!  This broad is getting bigger!  She must be seven foot 
tall!  I swear she was five something a minute ago!  Look, he's growing 
too!  What's going on here?!?  You two stop that immediately!" 

 We began laughing at the cops predicament.  Within moments we were 
fifteen feet tall and the cops looked like little children.  But we 
didn't stop there!  The growth rate was increasing and the city below us 
was rapidly dropping away like the view from an express glass elevator.  
The cops were dumbstruck.  Eventually the pace dropped down and the 
growth halted.  I stood next to a building and started counting the 
stories, poking out each window as I counted up. Inside the building I 
could hear the screams of the secretaries and office workers.  Behind 
the other windows I could see clusters of people staring at the two of 

 "Stormy, were over thirty stories tall!" 

 "I know, how do you like it?" 

 "It feels awesome, like we could do anything we want!" 

 "We can, there isn't anybody who can stop us from doing exactly what we 
want to do! This is our town now and were running the show! Watch 
this..." Doing her best impression of a dumb blonde, Stormy addressed 
the minuscule officers standing below her, "Um, excuse me officers, I'm 
ready to get into the squad car now.  Don't bother helping, I can do it 
myself.  Ooops, did I do that?  Sorry about that, I guess they don't 
make them like they used to!" 

 I couldn't help but laugh at the officers dilemma.  Their squad car was 
now only slightly higher than the curb.  They were standing there, 
looking at the car, they didn't have a clue as to what they should do 
next.  Traffic was backing up in the street and the New York City 
drivers were becoming impatient.  They began leaning on their horns and 
yelling at us and the policemen to move out of the way.  One cab driver 
was particularly loud and offensive and seemed to be in love with the 
sound of his horn.  He leaned out of his window and yelled up at us.  
His tiny voice sounded as if it were miles away. 

 "Hey you fucking bitch! Move your fucking ass out of the way!" 

 Not that she needed it, having just squashed a police car so flat it was 
almost unrecognizeable, but, feeling chivalrous, I jumped at the chance 
to uphold the honor of my fair giantess. To Stormy, I put my hand up 
letting her know that I was going to handle this one, to the cabdriver I 
angrily shouted, "Hey, dickhead!  You can't talk to my girlfriend that 

 "Oh yeah, who says!  You're nothing but a fuckin big ugly cocksuckin 
wimp.  Stay the fuck outta this, this is between me and the bitch with 
the big tits!" 

 I had heard about the cockiness of New York City cabdrivers but this 
went beyond belief.  This little shrimp of a man was actually standing 
up to me!  It was time to show this little shrimp who the boss was.  I 
reached down and easily picked the cab up.  It weighed next to nothing.  
It was like when I was a kid playing with my Hot Wheels cars, only this 
one had a living breathing driver inside. 

 "Hey you big dumb fuck, put the fucking car down, NOW!" 

 Humming to myself, I pried the car door open with my fingers, popping 
the door off its hinges.  It limply hung down, no longer able to 
function even remotely like it had before.   I turned the car sideways 
and poured the little cabdriver into my palm.  Then I handed the little 
man over to Stormy  who had quietly been watching the unfolding drama 
with amusement. 

 "Whatsamatter big shot, you not man enough to take me on? You gotta hand 
me over to your fuckin whore to fuckin protect yourself from me?  You 
fuckin wimps is all the same, all fuckin talk!"   

 Handling the car and the man so easily was an incredible turn on and I 
started to get a real hard on.  With my present size, there was no point 
in even trying to cover it up, nor did I really want to.  The cabdriver 
had noticed it and began shouting again, "You some kind of giant fuckin 
homo?  I bet you got  that hard on from fondling me!  Your not fuckin 
man enough for this bitch! No wonder you handed her to me!  Cmon, baby, 
let's fuckin leave this cocksuckin homo and I'll show you a good time!" 

 I looked over at the little cabdriver standing so defiantly in Stormy's 
giant hand and smiled.  Some people just didn't get it, even when it was 
staring them right in the face.  Then I took my hard cock and began 
hitting it against the car in my palm.  Each time it struck, new dents 
and damage appeared and the cabdriver winced in sympathetic pain.  It 
might have been about he size of a Hot Wheels car, but it sure wasn't as 
strong.  Within moments the car looked like the loser from a Monster 
Truck rally, it was flattened almost as completely as the police car had 

 The cab driver was livid.  "Oh sure, you fuckin smash my cab while your 
fuckin slut of a whore holds me back.  Some big man you are, you fuckin 
homo freak!" 

 I could see that Stormy had had enough.  Looking down at the 
insignificant, foul mouthed, pipsqueak in her hand I guess she decided 
it was time to shut him up.  "You like titties, shithead?  Here, try 
mine!"  She then swung her boobs and began smacking them against the 
little man in her hand.  "Don't", smack, "Ever", smack, "Call", smack, 
"Me", smack, "A", smack, "Bitch", smack, "A", smack "Gain!", smack.  
After the last blow, the cabdriver was reeling.  It had been quite 
literally worse than being struck by a ton of bricks.  I was thankful, 
for the cabdriver,  that Stormy wasn't one of those women who talk 
forever, never getting to the point;  otherwise, he never would have 
made it to the end of the sentence.  Stormy was laughing at the sorry 
state the cabdriver was in and then smacked him once more for good 
measure.  The cabdriver was out cold and Stormy unceremoniously dumped 
him out on the roof of a nearby building like he was a piece of human 

 "I sure wouldn't want to meet up against those in a dark alley!", I 
remarked,  "Um, I mean I would, but I also mean I wouldn't, uh, well, I 
think you know what I mean!" 

 "Yeah, I do.  You got a pretty nice little club there yourself, Mr. 
Jeffries. Kind of gives 'The Club for automobiles' a new meaning!" 

 "It seems to do the job.  Could you believe that cabdriver?" 

 "I'm glad you found him believable.  After all, he was just a simulated 
personality called up from the computer's database.  There are all types 
of people in the database." 

 Ooops, I felt a little sheepish.  In the excitement of standing up for 
my woman, I had forgotten that it was all a simulation.  It had seemed 
so real, even though the threat had truly been inconsequential.   On the 
other hand, it was more fun to "forget" that it was a simulation and 
believe you really were a 300 foot giant.  Luckily, the simulation was 
so good, it was easy to forget the reality and lose oneself into the 

Chapter 4 

 Oblivious to what had just happened to the cabdriver, drivers continued 
to honk and voice their unhappiness at being blocked by the pair of 
giants.  Nothing seemed to phase the New York drivers, not even a pair 
of naked 300 foot tall giants.  I looked down and saw that a city bus 
was one of the vehicles caught in the jam.  Grabbing the bus I did a 
quick comparison between my still-hard cock and the bus.  They were 
almost exactly the same size.  Stormy had been off poking fun at some 
buildings and slapping others with her tits and hadn't seen me pick it 
up.  Good, I thought, I wanted to give her a surprise and I hid the bus 
behind my back. 

 "Hey Stormy, ever ridden a bus before?" 

 "Well, of course I've ridden a bus, who hasn't?" 

 Holding the bus out in front of me, I asked again, "No Stormy, I mean 
have you ever RIDDEN a bus before?"  To really get the point across, I 
touched my index finger to my thumb and slid them slowly up and down 
along the length of the bus. 

 Stormy blushed a little and now she understood, "Well, now that you 
mention it, no, I haven't.  Looks like it might be fun!  Let's head over 
to Central Park, away from all of these noisy cars, and go for a little 
bus ride."  She looked over at the bus and she could see several 
passengers and the driver inside.  "Alan, are you going to let the 
passengers out?" 

 "No, I thought it would be more exciting if they were inside, besides, 
they might enjoy it too!" 

 "Did anyone ever tell you that you a very naughty boy?" 

 "Only a 300 foot woman, and after seeing what she does to police cars 
and cabdrivers I'm not going to argue with her!" 

 The people in Central Park scattered like roaches away from our path.   
Stormy selected a nice grassy area and lay down on her back with her 
hands crossed behind her head.  Ringing the park were the buildings of 
New York City.  Lord only knew how many people could see us and were 
watching us.  It was exciting and thrilling having sex in public.   Her 
knees were bent and she was obviously ready to fully enjoy her first bus 
trip.  I lay next to her and started kissing her ravenously thrusting my 
tongue expertly around hers.  She loved that.  Most men she had met were 
content to have her put her tongue in their mouth and rarely returned 
the favor.  From the first day we met, I had been more of a "giver" than 
a "taker".  That was one of the things she liked about me.  She never 
felt like I was using her until something better came along but I often 
wondered whether the same held true for her. 

 I then began stroking her breasts with the bus, rubbing the tires on her 
nipples, playing with them, and teasing them until they were fully 
alert.  I loved her tits, the size, the shape, the way the nipples sat 
up.  Had I been asked to describe the ideal breast, I could not have 
done better other than to point at Stormy's wondrous breasts and say, 
"There!  There they are!"  I began working the bus down her flat stomach 
playing with the wheels in her belly button.  Stormy had her eyes closed 
and was enjoying the novelty of the situation.  I thought about the 
little people on board the bus and how big her breasts must have looked 
to them.  Would they know that she had pummeled a cabdriver unconscious 
and damaged several skyscrapers with them?  Would they be fearful of 
them, knowing they had such power?  How would they react, now that the 
bus was nearing her cavernous pussy and soon would be swallowed whole by 
it, knowing that they were completely helpless, at the mercy of this 
large giantess?  Stormy was getting very turned on and I could see that 
she was getting very wet.  I was teasing her clit with the front of the 
bus and my free hand was squeezing her nipples.  My hard cock was 
pressing against her thigh.  After a few moments of teasing, I was soon 
thrusting the bus into her pussy.  Stormy's pelvis rose to meet each 
thrust and intensify the feelings.  I pulled the bus out and ordered the 
driver to restart the bus engine.  Now as I drove the bus into her 
pussy, Stormy would feel the vibrations of the bus engine.  It would be 
like an incredible vibrator.  How had I thought of that?  I certainly 
did have a wicked mind.  Once again, my thoughts returned to those of 
the people on the bus and how small and helpless they were.  The pace 
was quickening and I imagined the people being thrown around the bus as 
first it was drove in and then reversed direction and was pulled out.  
She tightened her muscles and I could feel the increased resistance.  
"Faster, faster, Fuck me! Fuck me HARD!", she screamed out. 

 "I'm sorry, Miss, no talking to the driver while the bus is in motion!" 

 "I was just trying to tell him that I was ready to get off." 

 "Oh, you say you'd like to get off now?  Thank-you for riding 
Metropolitan Bus Lines, where we've never had an unsatisfied customer!" 

 Then I began ramming her pussy even harder and faster with the bus.  She 
gasped as my  fingering of her clit added to the sensations.  I could 
feel her muscles tightening on the bus and she didn't want to let it go.  
It was her prisoner of love and she wasn't ready to give it up without a 
fight.  Her muscles were squeezing the bus and the shape of the bus was 
changing.  Her powerful pussy was molding the bus in its image, 
intensifying the incredible feelings emanating from between her legs. 
Now the bus was driving in and out of her at an incredible pace and I 
could tell that an orgasm was coming.  It was going to be a big one.  It 
started with moaning, built to innumerable repetitions of "Oh God", and 
then erupted with wild uncontrolled screams of ecstasy that shattered 
nearby windows.  Her hips bucked wildly sending out small earthquakes 
powerful enough to topple garbage cans and knock down people.  Slowly, 
the orgasm subsided.  Breathlessly, she called out "Enough!" and I 
stopped pleasing her with the bus and delicately pulled the battered bus 
out, placing it on the ground away from us.  I leaned over her and 
collected a deeply passionate kiss. 

 "Was that a good one?" 

 Stormy rolled her eyes and laughed.  "Why do men always ask that 
question?  It has to be something with your egos.  It's like you all 
strive to be "Orgasm Man" able to bring a woman to her knees with the 
most earth shattering orgasm of her life.  Do you guys gather around the 
office coffee machine and compare notes and accomplishments?  I can just 
see it!  I made mine scream like a cat in heat.   Mine howled so loudly, 
the neighbors called the police!  Oh yeah, mine came so hard she 
shattered windows, caused major earthquakes, and squashed a city bus 
with her pussy!  Wow!, they would all say in unison, you are 'Orgasm 
Man'!  Can we have your autograph?  What's your secret?" 

 I was becoming  concerned that she was somehow laughing at me and I 
think maybe she sensed that too.  "Yes, Alan! It was wonderful.  Best 
I've ever had!"  I relaxed and cuddled up next to her. 

 After a moment of silence I asked, "What about it did you like best?" 

 Stormy burst out laughing.  "You  really are all the same!  The bus ride 
home, of course!  You're one hell of a mean bus driver, Mr.!" 

 "Thank-you, gratuities are gratefully accepted!" 

 "Well I got two great titties, is that close enough?" 

 "Absolutely, best tips I've gotten all day, lady!" 

 "Well you can drive my bus anytime, big boy." 

 Stormy was drowsy and was falling asleep.  I didn't quite know what to 
do.  It was Stormy's simulation so I didn't know whether it was safe to 
sleep or not.  Maybe, as had happened in Gulliver's Travels", an army of 
little people would tie us up while we slept.  I let her sleep and kept 
watch but nothing happened.  I found myself a little disappointed that 
there hadn't been any attempts to capture us.  I had enjoyed 
demonstrating my strength and superiority with the cabdriver and had 
wanted to do so again.  Hell, it might even be fun to whack my cock off 
against a couple of office buildings and give some secretaries a real 
thrill.  With luck, there might even be a tunnel the right size around 
here; then I could show them a real traffic jam!  I had to admit, this 
being a giant stuff was pretty exciting.  So far, I had had a constant 
erection.  I was really looking forward to having some virtual sex with 

Chapter 5 

 After an hour of napping, Stormy woke somewhat disoriented.  It took her 
a couple moments to remember where she was.  She saw the battered 
remains of the bus and it all came flooding back to her.  That must have 
truly been an awesome orgasm.  Maybe I was "Orgasm Man"!  By now, I was 
getting a little fidgety.  For an hour, while she slept, I had done 
nothing but fantasize about new ways to use my giant cock, making me 
extremely horny.  I was anxious to get up and try out some of the 
juicier fantasies I had thought up. 

 "Have a good nap?  Good!  What shall we do now, my lovely 300 foot tall 
giantess?  Do you have anything else special planned?" 

 "As a matter of fact I do!  There's another scenario I have programmed 
that should be even more fun!  Look over there on that building, do you 
see the 'Eat Me' cookie?  It's identical, except much larger, of course, 
to the ones we ate before.  There's only one cookie and it will make 
whoever 'eats' it grow bigger.  Were going to have a race to see who 
gets it!" 

 The cookie was resting on top of a building that was uptown several 
blocks from the park.  I was certain the cookie hadn't been there 
before.  The race would go through the park and then through the 
streets.  It seemed fair.  A set of drag strip staging lights appeared 
suspended in mid air.  The lights began staging, turned green,  and then 
we were off.  We were covering ground at an incredible speed, jumping 
over little lakes, through small trees, and hopping over small 
buildings.  It was like being Superman.  The race was neck and neck with 
Stormy slightly ahead and then we hit the city streets.  Filling the 
road was a traffic jam and I slowed down to avoid stepping on the cars 
and squashing them.  Stormy raced ahead, making a beeline for the 
cookie, oblivious to the cars her giant feet were smashing.  I was 
shocked at her cavalier attitude towards squashing so many people.  I 
bent down on one knee and proffered whatever assistance I could, 
offering to carry them all to a hospital if only they would tell me 
where one was.  Then I heard Stormy's laughing voice, "Remember Alan, 
it's only a simulation, they're not real!"  What a sucker I had been.  

 I bolted up and began running after Stormy.  She was now headed down a 
narrow street which wasn't wide enough for me to pass her.  I hung a 
left at the next corner and then a right and began running up the next 
street over.  Periodically I could see Stormy's bobbing head and hear 
her laughter.  I was running for all I was worth and I had made back 
most of the distance.  Once again, we were neck and neck, except I was 
on the wrong street.  I was going to have to pass her to make up for the 
time I was going to lose changing streets.  Suddenly, my foot slipped 
out from underneath me and I was plummeting  towards the street.  With a 
mighty thud that shook the city block, I struck the pavement and slid to 
a halt against a building.  All around me, New Yorkers were screaming 
and scattering.  A small traffic jam had formed out of nowhere and the 
cars had been like marbles underneath my feet causing me to lose my 
balance.  Feeling slightly bruised, I quickly scrambled to my feet.  
Behind me it looked like a meteor had hit the intersection.  There were 
people running everywhere, smashed cars,  broken cables, erupting fire 
hydrants, downed power lines and an enormous crater.  I began running 
again towards the cookie building and arrived to find Stormy casually 
licking the crumbs off her fingers. 

 " You tricked me, You knew I'd wouldn't step on those cars and would 
stop to help them." 

 "Yes, that's true.  I predicted you would do just that." 

 "You programmed that traffic jam to be there too, didn't you?" 


 "And the slippery cars?" 

 "Guilty as charged!" 

 "Was it possible for me to win?" 

 "Yes, but it wasn't very likely.  There were several physical and 
psychological traps designed to slow you down.  If the traffic jams 
hadn't work, there were a couple others that might have.  By the way, 
what makes you so sure you're the one who has lost?" 

 "I didn't get the cookie." 

 "Just because you didn't get the cookie doesn't mean you 'lost', it just 
means that what is about to happen  is going to be different from what 
you had hoped would happen."  She began  whistling "You can't always get 
what you want" from the Rolling Stones and then began laughing as my 
body and the city of New York began shrinking away below her. 

 I now knew exactly how the police officers had felt. Helplessly, as I 
watched, Stormy began to grow bigger and her laughter filled my ears.  
Entranced, I watched as all of her familiar features expanded and grew 
to even more gigantic proportions.  At first, the rate was slow, and she 
looked like a tall model.  Then the afterburners kicked in and she 
rocketed skyward, laughing at the ever-shrinking little man she was 
leaving behind.  All I could do was stand and gawk, as first her 
bountiful tits grew beyond my reach, and then her pussy.   As her knees 
came up to the level of my head, the growing pace began slowing.  Her 
growing halted when her knee was more than twice my height.  I was 
already over 300 feet tall and now she was at least ten times as tall as 
I was, making her over 3000 feet tall, over half a mile tall!  The size 
was mind numbing.  A normal sized athletic man would take more than two 
minutes to run from her feet to her head!  I craned my head to look up 
at the towering giantess,   Stormy had her hands on her hips and was 
bent over at the waist, glaring devilishly back down at me.  The view 
was familiar, it was the same view I had seen on the nudist contest 
video and on the floor in her apartment! Stormy reached down to pick me 
up and I staggered under the feeling of vertigo.  It was impossible, no 
one could be that big and move that fast!  She picked me up like a Ken 
doll and brought me up to her more than ample bosom.  The ground rushed 
away from me at a frightening pace as I struggled pitifully against the 
iron grip which held me.  Things seemed to be getting out of hand.  I 
thought about hitting the escape button,  but I was still too curious as 
to what this new experience would bring. 

 "Well, my little bus driver, what do you think about my new size?  Would 
you like your tip now?" 

 Not waiting for an answer, she thrust me onto one of her nipples.  
Leaving me to hang precariously  on my own, she began swaying her 
breasts gently too and fro. I was having no difficulty in hanging on, in 
fact I was rather enjoying the ride.  Then the motion started increasing 
in amplitude and I could feel my grip loosening with each change in 
direction of her monstrous tits.  

 "If I'm not mistaken, your the man who likes to fuck big titties, what's 
holding you back, don't you like my mine, or are they too small for 

 The motion was getting quite violent now and I knew for certain that I 
was moments away from being flung thousands of feet to my death.  I 
wanted to press the escape button but I didn't dare, both my hands were 
occupied hanging on to her nipple for life!  Stormy was laughing 
wickedly at my predicament.  She was almost unrecognizable, I had never 
seen her like this before. 

 "Stormy, Stop It!  This isn't fun!" 

 "Oh, whatsamatter you pooor little boy? Are mommie's titties moooving 
tooo much for little ole you?  Is sweetums afraid of falling off?" 


 Instantly the shaking stopped.  Stormy's hand quickly came up grabbing 
me firmly.  I was in a vise.  My hands and legs were pinned and I was 
having difficulty breathing.  Stormy glared down at me and I was scared, 
very scared.  At that moment, she seemed to be entirely capable of 
literally squeezing the life out of me. 

 "Listen here, little man, let's get something straight, right now. This 
is MY universe.  I created it.  Whatever I want to happen, happens.  You 
had your turn earlier with the wand and now it's mine." 

 "But you cheated to get the cookie, that wasn't fair!" 

 "Foolish little man! Do you really think I need a cookie to grow?" 

 Suddenly I was plunged into darkness.  The vise-like pressure was gone, 
yet I couldn't see anything.  There was an uneven texture to the ground 
and I felt as if I was in some kind of trench.  From above came the 
muffled sounds of Stormy's voice, "Heres the church, there's the 
steeple, open the door and there's the little people!"  Suddenly, light 
began seeping in through ever-widening cracks in the roof. I gasped.  I 
was lying in one of the lines on Stormy's palm.  Instantly, she had 
grown bigger beyond belief, she was miles high.  She was so big, I 
couldn't see anything else except her.  There was no telling how far 
below the ground was, but it had to be miles below.  I looked up at her 
distant face, trying to gauge her emotions, but all I could see was that 
she was smirking at me.  I felt like the tiniest most insignificant ant.  
Then the most enormous breast and nipple I had ever seen eclipsed the 
view of everything else.  The nipple was taller than I was and at least 
three times as large as me in diameter.  Unable to run, I watched with 
growing fear as it approached closer and closer.  I yelled to Stormy but 
the only reply was her mocking laughter.  Then the nipple began pushing 
me around, flicking me forcefully back and forth across her palm.  I 
fought against the giant nipple with all my might but it was like a 
speck of sand trying to hold back the ocean.  The giant teat pushed me 
closer and closer to the edge of her hand.  I could now see over the 
edge and it was a very long way down.  Her nipple flicked me again and I 
went sailing into the air, screaming for help.  I was naked and falling 
without a parachute and I didn't stand a chance, except for maybe one.  
If I angled my fall towards Stormy's legs I might be able to grab on and 
slow my fall.  I flared my hands and began controlling the direction of 
the fall.  Man, was she big,  I had been falling for several seconds and 
still I was as high as her waist. I went for broke and aimed for a spot 
above her knee and then the knee was no longer there.  Stormy had moved 
it well out of my path.  There was nothing to stop my fall now, except 
the earth, and I screamed for Stormy to help me. 

 She snapped her fingers and we were back on Earth. Multitudes of giants 
thundered by, oblivious to the ant sized woman and her even smaller 
friend standing on the edge of a New York City sidewalk.  She snapped 
her fingers again and the scene changed instantly.  I was standing on 
the edge of a stage surrounded by a dozen giant women wearing nothing 
but white high heels.  I was ankle sized by comparison and I instantly 
recognized where I was.  It was the nudist contest, in living 3-d.  
Somehow the video tape had been converted from a two dimensional image 
into three.  I didn't have to use my imagination to fantasize the 
contestants were giantesses, here, they really were.  Then I started to 
think about the situation a little more deeply.  I was no longer 
protected by a television screen.  So far only Stormy seemed to have 
noticed me.  What would happen if the others did, would they scream and 
try and squash me like a bug?  Maybe they would never see me and I would 
be unknowingly squashed under the spiked heel of a 400 foot tall 
giantess! The women started parading around the stage and I had my hands 
full dodging the deadly spiked heels.   No sooner had I dodged one set 
of heels when along came another requiring immediate evasive action.  
Then a pair of heels was heading directly for me that I couldn't seem to 
dodge.  I danced left and right but the heels seemed to change direction 
as I did.  I crouched in fear, dreading the moment when I would be 
flattened, or worse yet, speared, and waited for the end to come.  When 
it didn't happen I looked up to see that the approaching giantess had 
been Stormy.  Her feet had stopped just in front of me and she was 
reaching down to pick me up.  The other women now noticed me for the 
first time and crowded around.  Stormy proudly held me out on her 
outstretched hand for all the women to see.  Everywhere I looked I was 
surrounded and fawned over by tall women with enormous breasts and 
gorgeous smiling faces.  I felt like I was some kind of fancy diamond 
engagement ring.  I didn't really mind, though, because I was surrounded 
by the most incredible pairs of tits, each one bigger than I was.  I was 
doing my best trying to look everywhere at once and see and memorize it 

 "Oh, he's so tiny!  Stormy, wherever did you find him?", cooed a tall 

 "Look how tiny his pee-pee is!", gushed another giantess and began 
nudging it with the fingernail of her little finger.  She hadn't even 
asked me for my permission! 

 "I think its getting bigger. Your exciting him!", laughed a voluptuous 
blonde, the one I remembered as having won the contest.  "I think he 
likes the attention.  Would the itty bitty man like to suck on my nipply 
wipply?" As she thrust her enormous tit forward, I stretched my arms out 
to greet the enormous nipple.   It was so large and had so much mass, 
there was no way my body could stop the onrush of tit, I was knocked 
flat on my butt and pinned against Stormy's hand.  All of the women 
laughed in amusement at my plight. 

 "I guess it was more than he could handle!" 

 "Wanda's tits are quite a handful even for normal sized hands!" 

 "Yeah, but you know what they say, anything more than a handful is a 

 "Yeah,  that's what women with small boobs like Trish say!", laughed 

 Indignantly, Trish replied, "Hey, Even my  little titties would be more 
than this little shrimp could handle!" 

 "At his size, his little pee-pee is about all he can handle!", laughed 
Wanda.  All of the other women joined in laughing at him.  

 Fumng, it was more than Alan could take.  "Hey, it's not that small!  I 
don't have to stand here and take this crap, especially not from a bunch 
of bubble-headed bimbos!" 

 "Ooooh, he talks!  Saaay, he's kinda cute when he gets upset.  All full 
of piss and vinegar.  I like em feisty but I also like em to know where 
their place is!" 

 "Yeah, He talks pretty big for a man that can't even stand up to my 

 "He's just like every other man.  They talk real big, but when you 
finally really see em as they truly are, their tiny." 

 "I think this one needs to be reminded of his place, maybe we should 
teach him a lesson!  I bet I could teach him a little respect!" 

 I didn't like the way things were headed.  I didn't know what kind of a 
lesson they intended to teach me but I was pretty sure I didn't want to 
find out.  One giantess could get very wicked.  What twelve could do 
boggled the mind.  I looked up at Stormy who was smiling smugly down at 
me and begged her to change the scenario.  The other women pleaded with 
her to let them have me for a while. 

 "Here you go ladies, teach him a lesson he'll never forget!"  She tossed 
me up, high above their heads.  As I started descending I could see the 
women below jockeying for position to catch me.  I felt like a wedding 
bouquet being tossed to a group of desperately eager brides to be.  
"HELP! Stooooorrrrrmmmmmyyyyyyy!", I screamed and everything suddenly 
changed again. 

 We were back in Central Park standing near the battered bus.  I guessed 
that I was still around 300 feet tall.  Stormy was wearing nothing but 
white high heels and was looking down hungrily at me.  I was staring 
straight across at the top of her ankle looking up at her lovely feet 
and perfectly shaped legs.  Then I felt something touching my back.  For 
an instant I feared the return of Wanda, Trish, and the other nudist 
from hell, but as I turned around, I saw that there was a pair of white 
wings attached to my back!  With a little effort I figured out how to 
flap them and I began to lift off the ground.  I flew up and around 
Stormy's leg, passing through close to her furry pussy, circled around 
her waist, buzzed her boobs and hovered in front of her lovely face.  
This was great! I could fly! 

Chapter 6 

 "This is great Stormy, I feel so free, it's incredible!"  I was flying 
all around performing intricate maneuvers, loops, wing-overs, stalls, 
divebomb runs, and sharp turns. 

 "Welcome to my parlor, little fly, have you figured out who I am yet?  
Let me give you a clue."  There was something sinister in her voice and 
it sent chills up my spine.  I hovered in place and gave Stormy my full 
attention.  I didn't have a clue as to what was about to happen.  
Smiling, Stormy stretched her arm out and flexed her wrist.  From just 
below her palm a white sparkly spurt of liquid shot out,  quickly 
forming into a finely meshed flying net.  It traveled an incredible 
distance, struck between two office buildings and stuck creating a 
perfectly crafted finely meshed web between the buildings. 

 "You're Spiderman!  I mean,  Spiderwoman!" 

 "You may call me Spydra, and now were going to play a little game called 
'The Spider and the Fly'.  Can you guess which one you are?"  A large 
digital clock readout suddenly appeared in the sky, reading 30:00.  "If 
I catch you in the next thirty minutes I get to do with you whatever I 
want and you will do so willingly.  If I don't catch you, then I give 
you back the wand and I will do whatever you want." 

 "Can I make a suggestion?"  She nodded her head.  "It would be more fun 
for me if the webs shot out of someplace else other than your wrists." 

 "Just what did you have in mind, my little fly?" 

 "Well, I was thinking of maybe your breasts or um, your pussy or maybe 
both."  I gave her my best playful smile, although I wasn't sure she 
would be able to see it that well at her size. 

 "Oh, you were thinking that were you?  Why you naughty little boy!  I'm 
not really sure about shooting webs out of my pussy, it would be hard to 
hit you if you were flying above me.  Besides, it would be too much like 
peeing on you and I've never really been into the golden shower kind of 
thing. You're not into that are you?" 

 I was suddenly embarassed.  I felt like I owed her some kind of 
explanation.  "Well, it does kind of turn me on, but I don't know.  I've 
never really had a true golden shower.  One time at a bachelor party I 
had a 'golden beer shower' and it was pretty exciting.  It made me think 
that a real golden shower might be kind of fun someday." 
 Stormy was shaking her head in amazement.  "I just can't see what you 
men find interesting about that at all!  Does your mother know about 
this little fetish of yours?   I wonder if she would be interested!"  
Then she paused, "Don't worry, your little secret is safe with me.   
Well now, where were we?  Oh yeah, I guess boobs are ok.  I could still 
squirt you no matter how high you fly."  She paused, obviously thinking 
it over in her mind.  "All right, boobs it is!  Do we have a deal?" 

 "Yeah, I guess so.  But why didn't you just make it happen? Why did you 
need my agreement?" 

 "I could have just made it happen, but it's more fun this way!"  Then 
she suddenly reverted to the menacing persona of Spydra.  "All right you 
little fly, you better flee 'cause here comes the big bad giantess 
Spydra.  I'm a mountain of mayhem and I'm gunning for little you!   I 
got titanic, semi-automatic, twin tittie, web-cannons and I'm gonna 
spray yah and catch you in my web. Then I'm gonna torture you and pull 
your puny wings off. After that,  I'll make you satisfy my lusty 
monstrous sexual appetite with your puny little body!" 

 I was off and flying, beating my wings as fast as I could to distance 
myself from the titanic Spydra.  The transformation from Stormy to 
Spydra had been instantaneous and it worried me how quickly she had been 
able to change character.  This was a side of Stormy I had never seen 
before.  I risked a look up at the clock and I could see that it was now 
counting down.  Webs were already flying around me.  For the moment they 
were way off, but you never knew when she might get lucky.  I didn't 
know where I was going, but I knew that I was a sitting duck out in the 
open.  Spydra would close in, spray me down, and that would be the end 
of the poor little fly.   The park was coming to an end and I passed the 
first blocks of buildings and banked sharply to the left flying low over 
the street.  At least this way, Spydra wouldn't be able to see me until 
she was almost right on top of me and the buildings would block her from 
seeing where I was going.  After a couple minutes of flying full speed 
"under the radar" I landed near an office building and rested.  I could 
hear the footfalls of the pursuing giantess and while they were loud, 
they were still a ways off.  Then the New York drivers, true to form, 
began honking at me, yelling at me to clear the road.  Shit, they were 
giving me away!  Sure enough, the footfalls were coming quicker, and 
they were definitely louder.  The cars on the street were bouncing up 
and down, the buildings were swaying,  and the pedestrians were having a 
hard time keeping their balance and staying on their feet.  I had to 
flee again or I'd be caught for sure. 

 "Fee Fum Fo Fi, I'm gonna catch me a tiny little fly!" 

 Yikes, she had been even quicker than I had thought possible.  The webs 
were pumping out of her breasts in a near continous stream and they were 
flying everywhere.  At first I thought that she was merely wild with her 
aim; then I noticed that she was cutting off my escape and trapping me.  
The only avenue of escape was to fly up and over the buildings, giving 
her a clean shot at me.  Knowing that hesitation leads to failure, I 
bolted for the sky.  Web after web traced below me always arriving a 
fraction of a second too late.  No matter how Spydra adjusted her aim, I 
was able to zig and zag away from the webs.  I was faster and more agile 
than she was!   Armed with that knowledge, I began taunting Spydra, 
becoming increasingly daring and bold. 

 "Fast as Spydra can be, she can't catch little ole me!" 

 "Hold still for a second and we'll see how fast you can be!" 

 "Awww whatsamatter, is the itty bitty little fly moving too quickly for 
the biggy wiggy Spydra?" 

 "Come a little closer and I'll show you how quickly I can move!" 

 I became insanely bold.  "As a matter of fact, I think I will.  See this 
foot, I'm gonna plant it right on your face and there isn't a damn thing 
you can do about it!"  

 "Ooooh I'm trembling, come on little bug man, let's see what you got!" 

 Heading directly for Spydra, I easily dodged the unending gauntlet of 
flying webs.  I had become so comfortable with my flying that now I was 
performing maneuvers, impossible banks, and sharp turns that I had never 
dreamed would be possible.  My skills were so great and my reactions so 
quick, I felt like a high performance fighter plane, maneuvering through 
a slalom course of stationary nets.  So intent was I on negotiating the 
course, I almost flew right into Spydra's chest, only pulling up at the 
last minute to avoid collision.  Now I was so close to her, she couldn't 
get a shot off in my direction and the frustration on her face was very 
evident.  The cease fire didn't last very long.  Now Spydra began to 
flail at me trying to grasp me with her enormous hands.  They moved even 
slower than the webs had, the movements telegraphed well in advance of 
the threat once you knew what to look for.  I buzzed circles around her 
head coming to a stop in front of her cheek.  She hadn't seen me yet and 
I quickly kicked out with my foot planting it firmly against her cheek.  
Billy Jack would have been proud of me!  I knew it hadn't hurt her but 
it must have come as quite a shock to her ego.  Here was the giant 
Spydra, tall enough to squash buildings under her shoes, completely 
unable to handle this tiny little fly of a man.  Spydra was fuming.  "All 
right little bug-man, pretty funny.  You think your such hot stuff.  
Let's see how well you handle this!" Spydra began growing and I hovered 
in awe at the spectacle.  Every part of her body was growing to 
incredible proportions.  Her beautiful legs, I guessed it would take me 
at least a minute to fly their length, her pussy, it was so big I 
doubted the Brooklyn bridge would span that lovely crevice, her breasts, 
mountain climbers could spend weeks scaling those peaks, and her 
beautiful face,  so impossibly far away, the lips could kiss a mountain 
range.  And then I saw the timer; there was only five minutes left, and 
its sight snapped me out of my awe inspired stupor.  If I could just 
hold out that long, I would win.  I jetted off towards the buildings 
again hoping to lose her in the maze of downtown buildings.  Spydra, 
however, was so tall, she had no trouble keeping me in sight and 
following my path.  Blocks of city buildings crumpled under her high 
heeled shoes as she single-mindedly chased after her quarry, me.  The 
sounds of destruction were incredible. 

 The destructive crunching was growing louder and I knew I was in 
trouble. What if she just decided to step on me rather than catch me in 
a web.  There would be nothing left of me other than a tiny grease stain 
in the street.  I shivered.  Then the first nets started flying.  Being 
so much larger, the nets were harder to dodge.  Interestingly, the mesh 
was the same size, she had denied me the ability to dodge them by flying 
through a hole in the mesh.  I risked a look up at the clock, there was 
only a minute left!  Only sixty more seconds of dodging Spydra and her 
web spitting tits.  

 Spydra was closing in and I took an evasive turn down a new street.  
Unfortunately it led to the same area where she had tried to trap me 
before when she was smaller.  With the side streets cut off, she needed 
only to lay down a canopy above the buildings which she quickly did.  I 
was trapped.  Spydra crouched down, nearly to street level, and with a 
mighty breath, blew me into her webs.  Immediately I  was completely 
surrounded by a blanket of sticky web and was helpless to move.  The 
more I struggled the more entangled I became. Laughing, Spydra shrank 
back down to her original but still very large size, grabbed one of the 
web threads,  lifted me up, and dangled me in front of her face.  She 
was grinning like the cat that ate the canary and I was feeling very 
canary-like at the moment. 

 "Game over, little fly.  You gave me a good chase and now it's time for 
my reward!" 

 "I once read somewhere that the journey was the reward." 

 "Not this time!  Although, there is a journey in store for you!" 

 "What do you have in mind?" 

 "First I'm going to pluck your little wings so you can't fly away and 
then you're going to quench my monstrous sexual thirst!"  Spydra had 
been carrying her booty, me,  towards Central Park and grabbing each 
little wing, ceremoniously plucked them off of my back.  They made a 
little pop sound when they were removed but there wasn't any pain.  
Spydra let them fall from her fingers and they fluttered delicately to 
the ground, landing on the grass next to a battered city bus.  We were 
back in the park. 

 "How am I going to quench your thirst?, I'm not very big." 

 "No, your not.  Spydra usually prefers her men considerably bigger.  And 
yet, I think you may be just big enough!" 

 "You're not going to..." 

 "Yes, I am. I've been ready for it ever since the scenario with Wanda 
and Trish.  I wanted to play with you then and all of this chasing has 
made me even more horny.  You lost the chase and now you must do my 

 A bet was a bet.  I resigned himself to make as much fun of it as 
possible.  "Hail Spydra, we who about to be screwed, salute you!"  As 
Spydra began lowering me, I remembered what Stormy had said earlier and 
really began to ham it up. 

 "Oh Spydra, what big eyes you have!" 

 "The better to see you, my dear." 

 "Spydra, what big breasts you have!" 

 "The better to tease you with, my dear." and she swung them around, 
batting me,  knocking me swinging like a yo-yo on a string. 

 "Spydra, what a big pussy you have!" 

 "The better to eat you with!" and she pressed me feet first into her 
slick slit.  I was surprised to find that there was no moistness or 
odor.  There was a feeling of slipperiness consistent with being wet but 
no actual wetness.  Spydra's finger than pushed me in all the way 
cutting off any further observations. 

 "Squirm like the little snake that you are!", commanded Spydra. 

 I could have corrected her and let her know that I was a fly and not a 
snake but instead I began squirming.  I wasn't sure what I was doing but 
it seemed to be having a pleasurable effect on the giantess.  I could 
distinctly hear her moaning and I felt the vibrations of her finger 
playing with her clit.  I squirmed forward until I could observe her 
finger directly, but there was no rest for the weary. 

 "Play with my clit, little moth-man!" 

 It was directly before me and incredibly huge.  I began rubbing and 
hugging it.  The moaning intensified.  I suddenly felt my legs and arms 
getting longer.  I could now push my legs completely to the end of her 
love tunnel while massaging her clit at the same time.  

 "Fuck me, Alan, Fuck me hard!" 

 Stormy's hands held her pussy lips open and I was able to look up at the 
colossal woman I was screwing without holding back the slightest on my 
assignment.  God, she was incredibly sexy.  The combination of seeing 
her beauty, stroking her pussy, hearing and feeling her moaning, and 
feeling my hard cock rub against her love tunnel was too much.  Holding 
back as long as I could, my body began to shake uncontrollably with 
spasms as I began coming.  She must have felt it too and the thought of 
the little man coming in her pussy must have pushed her over the edge.  
It was an even bigger orgasm than the one with the bus.  She had been 
standing watching me work my magic and now she quickly had to sit down.  
The orgasm built and built until it reached tsunami-like proportions, 
then the dam burst and the waves of pleasure broke over her immersing 
her in sexual bliss.  Sparks erupted, the lights flashed, and then there 
was darkness. 

 I was completely disoriented.  There was a horrible roaring, like the 
sound of a freight train going by, two feet away from me, , and then, 
just as suddenly, it was quiet. Deathly quiet.  The air had a strange 
odor that was a combination of sweat, and something electrical.  It was 
very dark and I felt like I was in some kind of a heavy cloth tent.  I 
couldn't find any opening. As I struggled to find a way out, the only 
sound I heard was the beating of my heart. 

 I heard a door open and Stormy's voice boomed down at me from somewhere 
above.  The sound clarity and directionality were amazing. 

  "Alan?  Alan!  Where are you?", she screamed. 

 "I'm not sure, it's dark and I feel like I'm in some kind of cloth tent.  
Is this some kind of new program?  Where am I, in your purse?", I yelled 

 I felt the tent being jostled and then suddenly it was open and the air 
was noticeably fresher.  Stormy was wearing her VR suit and was looking 
down at me; she seemed strangely concerned.   Above her I could see the 
ceiling of the VR studio room. 

 "Oh my God, Alan, your tiny!" 

 "Well of course I am, that's the way you like it.  I'm the little man 
and your the great big giantess.  Hey, this program's even more 
realistic that the last one.  The sound quality is better and I can even 
smell things now!  What do you have planned for this one? After that 
last orgasm, I thought you'd want to cool it for a while!" 

 "No Alan, listen to me.  This isn't a program anymore!  Its real.  
Somehow, oh God, I don't know how, the machine shrunk you down.  You're 
only 8 inches tall!" 

 "C'mon Stormy, who are you trying to fool!  Were still in the computer.  
You're just trying to trick me.  I have to hand it to you, though, this 
one is pretty realistic.  You were saving the best for last, weren't 
you!"  She didn't seem as concerned as she should be and I had the 
distinct impression she was up to something.  Knowing her penchant for 
pulling tricks on people, I was pretty sure that this was one of them. 

 "Alan, listen to me, this is not a simulation.  What can I do to prove 
it to you?"  "Hmmm, since this is your universe and you can do anything 
you want, there really isn't any way you can prove it, is there?  I 
thought about having her give me a golden shower but I still wasn't sure 
I really wanted one.  Although, a virtual reality golden shower might be 
kind of interesting.  Just then my stomach growled and I had the perfect 
test.  "I know! Give me something to eat.  If it's a simulation, I won't 
be able taste it or swallow it." 

 Stormy left and momentarily returned with a bag of Frito's.  "Hey, 
couldn't you have created something better, like chateau briand or filet 
mignon?"  I realized that I was very hungry.  I had no idea what time it 
was or how long we had been playing in the simulator, but I guessed it 
had been all night. 

 She handed me a single Frito.  It was the size of a boogie board and 
nearly as thick.  I could feel how greasy and oily it was and the strong 
smell of roasted corn overwhelmed my sense of smell.  My stomach was 
grumbling, my mouth was watering,  and I took a bite of the chip fully 
expecting to taste air.  I tasted the Frito!  I looked up in shock at 
Stormy and she had this triumphant look of "I told you so" on her face. 

 "Now do you believe me, Alan?" 

 "But.... How is this possible?  How did this happen?" 

 "I don't know, it just seems to happen!", she said shrugging her 
 She had begun to take off her VR suit.   She seemed considerably less 
concerned with my new condition than she had before.  In fact she almost 
seemed downright pleased with herself.  Looking down at me as she 
undressed, she had  that same "cat and the canary" look I had seen 
before.  I was beginning to get suspicious, but like usual, I was always 
one step behind her.  "You mean, it just seems to have happened, don't 

 "Well, um no, actually, it has happened before.", she said smiling and a 
cold chill ran down my spine. 

 "Before!, You mean you've shrunk other people as well?"  This was 
getting unbelievable.  My mind was swimming.  If I understood her 
correctly, she had actually shrunk me on purpose and had shrunk others 
before!  The whole thing had been pre-meditated.  She had brought me 
here knowing that I would leave eight inches tall. 

 "Well, only a couple of times."  

 She was now very naked and was standing above me with her hands on her 
hips.  She had positioned herself between me and the door and there was 
no way out except through those giant shapely columns that were her 
legs.  Once again I was captivated by that incredibly gorgeous body.  
Knowing that it truly was gigantic somehow made it that much even more 
incredible.  She had to be aware of the effect it would have on someone 
this size, and that reminded me of the others.  "Where are these 
shrunken people?", I demanded. 

 "Oh, they're around.  I have a couple at home, Veronica has some, Wanda 
and Trish have a couple, and a few other girlfriends of mine have one or 

 "But you can't do this, it's not legal, or moral.  You never asked me 
for my permission!" 

 "What's the matter, Alan?  Didn't you tell me you fantasized that I was 
a giantess and you were my little man?  Didn't you enjoy the fantasies 
we experienced in virtual reality?  I just made your dreams come true!  
Look at me, I'm 60 feet of raw unbridled woman!  I've  seen how you look 
at my body, how it turns you on!  I can give you untold pleasures, 
taking you to the limits of ecstasy or, if you're bad and disobey me, I 
can make your life a living hell.  Your mine now, and what you make of 
it, believe it or not, is mostly up to you." 

 I was in shock.  I didn't want to be a prisoner.  I panicked and ran.  
With incredible speed she snatched me up and held me firmly before her 
face.  She was holding me so tightly, I could barely breathe.  She was 
obviously displeased with me. 

 "Oh Alan, I was so much hoping that YOU wouldn't have been like the 
others.  They always try and run at first.  I had a bet with the other 
women  that you would be different because of your attraction to giant 
women.  Well, looks like it's time for your first lesson in obedience.  
She lowered me somewhat away from her face and loosened her grip on me.  
Looking at her enormous breasts, I was thinking that so far my 
punishment hadn't been so bad and then I was smacked by one of those 
tits, hard. "Don't", smack, "Ever", smack, "Run", smack, "Away", smack, 
"Again", smack.  If there was any more to the message, I never heard it, 
unlike the cabdriver, I lost consciousness after the word "again". 

Chapter 7 

 Life with Stormy hasn't been too bad.  There are four of us who live 
with her in her apartment in the spare bedroom.  One of the other guys, 
Jim,  used to be the owner of VeeRTech and the other two, Tom and Larry, 
were yuppie bean counters or something like that.  I remembered hearing 
about their disappearance, it was widely held that they had given up the 
rat race and gone to be beachcombers in the South Seas.  People actually 
revered them as modern day heroes for having abandoned the rat race.  It 
was laughable, for now, at their present size, they could barely give a 
rat a run for his money.  I wondered if the same story was being 
circulated about me. 

 Stormy is good to us when we obey, but can have quite a temper when we 
don't.  One time when Larry wouldn't eat all of his food, she responded 
by putting him in her underwear and wearing him in there all day.  
Afterwards, Larry was always a member of the clean plate club.  Needless 
to say, we all try very hard to obey her.  Sometimes though, I get a 
little jealous of the attention she gives the others and I'll act up 
just to have her punish me.  I've noticed  that there's a side to her 
that likes punishing us because sometimes she'll make up rules that are 
impossible for us to follow just to provide an excuse for being able to 
punish us.  Usually,  there's a sexual overtone to the punishment such 
as putting us in her panties or bra, boxing us with her titties, 
spanking us against her butt, trapping us in her pussy, or once, when I 
had been especially bad, she had flicked my cock with her finger until I 
passed out from the pain. 

 Stormy likes dressing us up in clothes and playing dolls with us.  We 
are her Ken dolls and she is a giant naked Barbie.  I'm her "Surfer 
Ken", and she usually dresses me up in shorts and a tee shirt.  A couple 
of times, she's taken me down to the pool late at night and made waves 
for me to surf on.  Usually we'll end up skinny dipping and the feeling 
and sight of her surfacing underneath me with her giant boobs is 
incredible.  For fun, she floats on her back like a giant raft and I get 
to run up and down her body visiting her incredible ports of call and 
pleasing her.  Afterwards, I usually get to swim around her incredibly 
beautiful body.  I like those adventures the most.  Times like those I'm 
almost glad that I have been shrunk. 

 Last week, I was traded to another giantess named Carly.  Carly is very 
different from Stormy.   She has long brunette hair, average sized 
breasts and a very muscular body with very little body fat.  I think 
from it's shape, that she runs a lot.  Carly in general does not appear 
to like men and loves to belittle and demean me at every opportunity, 
emphasizing her superior femininity.  I'm the only shrunken man she has 
and she loves forcing me to do degrading things like acting like a dog 
or a little baby.  Any hesitation in responding to her commands and I am 
immediately punished.  Often she will reach out and punish me for no 
reason other than I am a man.  She has become an expert at metering out 
the punishment, never giving out too little, such that I don't really 
feel as if I have been punished, and never giving out too much, such 
that I fall into unconsciousness.  Oh the number of times I have longed 
for that blissful unconsciousness!  I have been punished so many times 
in the last week, that by now I believe she has used every part of her 
body in disciplining me.  Stormy must have informed Carly that I had a 
golden shower fantasy because Carly has made it her solemn duty to 
perform this task at least once a day.  I can't say that I enjoy it as 
much as I thought I would, but Carly seems to derive immense pleasure 
from the act. Sometimes she'll place me before her and force me to watch 
her drink an entire six-pack of beer, laughing cruelly the whole time, 
knowing that I know that I'll be seeing the beer again.  Then she drops 
me into her toilet bowl, squats over me, and laughs wickedly as she 
watches me flounder under her torrent.  Her stream is so strong that 
sometimes it will hold me under the water until I'm nearly out out of 
breath.  The feeling is very close to that of being caught in an ocean 
wave and tumbled endlessly not knowing when it will stop or which way up 
is.  For her finale, she usually has me tell her how awesome she is and 
how insignificant I am and she has me beg her for mercy so that she 
won't flush me down the drain.  I believe I have been cured of my golden 
shower fetish. 

 And yet, despite the punishment and the demeaning belittlement, there 
have been good times as well.  Sex with Carly has been quite an 
experience.  She often has multiple orgasms and comes so loudly, I've 
heard neighbors beat the walls in protest.  Her best orgasms come when 
she uses me as her personal dildo and she has used me in every room of 
her apartment.  I think that may be the only reason she keeps me around 
and doesn't just flush me.  One time, she even took me out grocery 
shopping with her.  She pushed me into her wet steamy pussy just before 
entering the store and commanded me to please her while she shopped.  I 
gave her such an incredible orgasm, she was nearly thrown out of the 
store!  Of course, I was punished for that, but even still, it excited 
me that I could have such a dramatic effect on  a woman nearly ten times 
my size. 

 And so, this is what my life has become, a playtoy for the gigantic and 
feminine.  No caviar wishes or champagne dreams here. I am traded 
around, like a baseball card, from giantess to giantess with no say in 
the matter.  They treat us like second class citizens with no rights and 
no say in anything and talk about us amongst themselves as if we were 
not even present.  Except for providing them with sexual satisfaction 
and a target for their punishments, they essentially ignore us.  For me, 
this is the worst aspect of their treatment.  I hate being ignored.  
I'll even act up in order to avoid being ignored.  I get incredibly 
jealous when they put us away and go out on a date with a normal sized 

 My life has become very simple, they tell me what to do, I do it, or I'm 
punished.  Some of the giantesses are extremely nice, I love performing 
for them, and others are downright wicked, even worse than Carly.  With 
them, I can't wait to be traded, hoping that my life won't be 
extinguished before that occurs.  From what I've pieced together, some 
men have not been as lucky as I have been.  I cannot tell you the number 
of times my life was nearly wiped out by the careless tromping of an 
unsuspecting giantess or the vengeful wrath of an angry giantess who 
perceived she had been somehow wronged.  And yet, please don't get me 
wrong, it was my fantasy and much of the time I do enjoy my new 
condition.  The giantesses bodies are so deliciously huge and beautiful;  
they love to wear minimal or no clothing around us; they love having sex 
with us; and they all seem to have voracious sexual appetites! It's 
heaven paid for with little sidetrips to hell. 

 Oh, I nearly forgot, one more thing.  Stormy's license plate, LVLTLMN.  
It's not some anachro-whatcha-macall-a-gram thing which stands for  
"Live vigorously like the limits mean nothing", it's really quite simple 
and it had been right there under my nose the whole time we dated.  It 
stands for "Love Little Men".  I should've known. 

The End. 

