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The Beam That Shrank Me

It was a cold night in December when it happened. I was just leaving
Richwood Place shopping mall after a late trip to the book store It was a
Saturday Night, and the mall was still crowded with people doing last minute
holiday shopping. As I left the mall through the back entrance, by the beauty
salon, I noticed an unusual glow in the still darkening December sky as I walked
to my car, which was parked far out in the lot. Suddenly, the clouds parted,
in a state of fear I had hidden behind. Then a beam began to shine down.
and a strange ball of light descended. It hovered directly over my car, which,
But It was too late I leaped out of the beam's range and scurried away,
Something strange was happening. The surroundings about my car seemed to distort
and grow tall. The beam! I had to get out of the beam!
my car to see it slowly rise in the air, up, up, till an opening in the ball of
but even as I did so, the beam was turned off. Still running, I looked back at
light swallowed the object whole. Then the ball of light disappeared as quickly
looked around. The parking lot had been devoid of people, so no one else had
as it appeared. Instantly, I realized my incredible situation; before the UFO
took my car it had shrunk it down to the size of a toy, and me too. Shocked, I
seen it. I was standing in the middle of a giant parking lot, no bigger-than a
giants to me now, and I hoped that their car was not parked this way. I turned
doll.. The nearest car that I could run to for cover was a good distance away.
I would have to try and make it there. There were some people leaving the mall,
I was about halfway there when I became aware of a loud pounding that
and began to run to the safety of a group of cars-far out in the parking lot.
shoulder length and framed a sweet young face. Her shapely legs were wrapped in
shook the ground behind me. The rhythm of the pounding quickened and a lend
shadow stretched out in front of me. I turned around. It was a young woman,
about seventeen or; eighteen, and she was staring down at me. She must have
been about seventy feet tall. She was very cute, with curly brown hair that fell
was only because she was bent slightly over that I could do so. She was kind of
a pair of tight jeans. She wore a tight black T-shirt, and, over that, a short
brown fringed suede jacket. A young giantess. Shit.
suppose I could have tried to scamper away, but there was nothing but flat black
We must have stared at each other for five minutes or so it seemed. I
fist. My tiny legs churned up the air as she slowly lifted me up to her face.
top for what seemed like miles. I craned my neck so I could see her face, but it
giggling to herself, as if she was a child on Christmas with a new toy. I
suppose that was what I was from her perspective. She finally spoke, and her
voice was soft and musical. "Oh how sweet! A living doll!" She bent down
Without saying a word, she reached out a giant hand and scooped me up in her
lower, getting on her knees. I started to tremble violently, and she noticed.
the talk of the Senior girls at school. I can't wait for Monday,"
"Don't be frightened, I'm not going to hurt you, little doll." She was
smiling, and her huge lips were level with my body.
"Put me down!" I screamed, "I'm not a doll, I'm a man! Put me down and let
me go!"
The smile on her lips turned into a fetching pout. I wondered what it
"No way." She cooed. "I found you and I'm keeping you. You're going to be
would be like to be kissed by those big, soft lips.
She winked, and pushed me up against her full lips for a kiss.
Against my squeaking protests she stood up to her full height. She had no
purse or packages, so I was tucked in between her jacket and her body. I felt
shaking thuds and knew I was being carried to her car. Inside her car, she
"You're the most incredible thing I've ever seen. A tiny man! I wonder
brought me out from under her jacket and held me up to her face.
if you're real all over. Huh?"
More footsteps. Another loud slam. Another door. Her fingers curled about my
"I can't wait to get you home!"
She then slipped me back inside her jacket. I could see nothing but I felt
the dull rumble of the car as she began driving. I could smell her perfume and
feel the nubile softness of her chest as she crushed me against her. A few
minutes later the engine stopped, and a tremendous lurch told me that she was
getting out of the car and walking into her house. I was shaken badly by the
bed and danced over me. Her titanic body was like that of a goddess, huge but so
pounding of her footsteps ,but was trapped like an insect. A loud slam. A door.
body as she brought me out. I was in a giant bedroom. The walls had been white
There were clothes all over the floor. The room was a mess. She put me in the
but were now almost completely covered with Heavy Metal rock band posters.
center of her bed, walked over to the door and locked it. She turned on the
the floor, she began to dance and laugh to the music. She sauntered over to the
radio, which blared some hard rock she obviously liked. Throwing her jacket to
up. You're mine. Forever."
perfect. When the song ended she knelt by the side of the bed and stared down at
got to let me go!"
"You can't do this!" I screamed up at her. "This is kidnapping! You've
all the way on the other side when she laughed loudly, stretched an enormous arm
I began to back away towards the opposite side of the bed from her. I was
across the entire width of the bed, and snatched me up. She held me next to her
She laughed and brushed a finger across my chest. She tossed her head
face and with a playful look on her face, replied
"You're not going anywhere, my little toy. I'm never going to give you
Setting me before her once again, she stood up and began taking off her
pants. When they were off, she got down on her knees again. Still smiling, she
She laughed again. Her hand shot out to pick me up. Holding me up to her
raised her arms up and pulled off her shirt. Her breasts were perfect, and firm.
beautiful face, her free hand came up to fondle me. Her fingers grabbed my
back and then, leaning forward, kissed my chest. Her other hand came up again
shirt and she ripped it off.
"Oooo! Look at those tiny chest muscles ! And that chest hair. You're
so sexy!"
between her breasts and squealed with delight. Her chest shook violently as she
and in one motion plucked off the bottom half of my clothing. I lay naked and
helpless in her hand, her fingers playfully squeezing me about the middle.
"Oooo! you are a man! I think it's time we got better aquatinted, my
She gently set me at the top of the bed. Standing up, I got a great view
features of her face. She was a young woman at the peak of her beauty, all
of her fantastic body. Her. skin was dark and smooth, perfectly matching the
seventy feet of her. Climbing on to the bed, she deftly picked me up in her fist
moved me so that my head was crushed against her nipple, she pressed me deep
and, stretching out on her back, set me on her enormous chest. She placed me in
laughed at me. A hand came down and scooped me up. Her thumb pressed me against
"What a man you are!" she sighed. "By the way, I'm Melissa, your new
her palm as I lay in her hand in front of her face.

"But you can't own me! I'm a man! Please let me go!"
"Not for all the money in the world, my pet. Don't be upset, just relax and
I was dangling in front of her face. Her lips parted slightly and pressed
against my body. She covered me with kisses.
breast engulfed me. Her hand came down and lifted me out from under her breast.
enjoy my great body--while I enjoy YOURS!!!"
She placed me over her right breast. Lowering me gently on top of it, she
"Wheee!" she cried, picking me up off her breast and setting me directly in
into her softness. She moaned with pleasure.
the center of her tummy. Looking downward, her legs spread out like two golden
small hills of creamy peach. her face beamed down at me like the sun. The whole
rivers of flesh. Glancing upward, her breasts rose in the distance like two
hearty burst of laughter sent me flying off her body to the surface of the bed.
flat plain of her tummy was rippling up and down as she giggled with delight. A
She shifted me to between her breasts, in her cleavage, as she moaned and
Rather than placing me back on her body, she rose up, and turned over on her
stomach. She lowered her chest right over me, and I was gasping for air as her
he adorable?"
laughed, drunk with pleasure.
There was a banging on the door.
"Melissa, open up, its me, Jennifer. I need to use your shampoo to take a
Melissa put me on the bed and got up. She put on a bathrobe and opened the
door. In walked Jennifer. She was roughly the same age as Melissa was. She was a
wore just a nightshirt with pair of red panties. Melissa pointed at the bed ,
bleach blonde, with long straight hair that cascaded across her shoulders. She
and Jennifer stared down at me in amazement.
today. I don't know how he got there, but he's mine now. I'm keeping him. Isn't
"Melissa what Is it? It looks like a tiny man!"
"It is a tiny man, Jennifer. I found him in the parking lot of the mall
world!" Her dark eyes studied me hungrily.
Jennifer moved closer to the bed.
"Can I touch him?" she asked. she sat down on the side of the bed.
"Of course, sisters share...everything!, "Melissa laughed . "Besides , I've
been playing with him for a while."
fingers, but it was no use. I tripped over a fold in the bedspread and fell on
Jennifer reached for me. I ran across the bed to avoid her clutching
forefinger. She dragged me back across the bed by my foot, then, when I was next
my face. Jennifer reached across and gently seized my foot between her thumb and
"Oh Melissa, he's absolutely adorable. He's the most unique thing in the
to where she sat, she lifted me up before her calm, beautiful face. She smiled,
first at Melissa, the at me.
girls will love him!"
Wordlessly, with her free hand Jennifer pulled off her nightshirt, exposing
her firm, hard little body to me. She was smaller than Melissa, but not younger,
and kissed me. Her lips covered my torso, and more. Chuckling softly, she slid
her body was tanned and slender. Cooing to me, she lifted me close to her mouth
me slowly down her neck, lower, lower, till I was snuggled against her breast.
on her smooth cool tummy. I tried to get up, but her hand swooped down to hold
Her hand clutching me up against the supple flesh. She picked me up again and
throwing herself back against the pillows, stretched out on the bed. I was place
me firm against her flat, fantastic, bodyscape.
or later, after all, since we're keeping him". She fondled me playfully, then
"Oh Melissa I'm in love! I can't wait to take him to school Monday. The
"I know, neither can I", she said reaching for me. Her fingers closed
"Put me down!", I screamed.
around my body as she lifted me up off Jennifer's tummy.
Melissa laughed loudly as she sat down on the big bed across from
face. The giant sisters looked at each other and giggled.
Jennifer. My tiny legs kicked helplessly as she held me up to her beaming
"What a prize you are!", cooed Melissa, holding me next to her giant,
to keep the little man a secret". She looked down at me lovingly.
pouty, lips. Then to Jennifer:
"Will you take the little man with you tonight? I have a date."
"But I'm going to Chrissy's overnight", replied Jennifer, I won't be able
"'That's quite alright" , Melissa said, "she'll find out about him sooner
to protect me from drowning in the water. For the next half hour the bathroom
set me on the bed between her and Jennifer.
"Just be sure he's safe. I don't want to lose him. Ever."
"I promise. Can I take the little man into the bath? " She snatched me up
in her fist. I tried to struggle, but Jennifer only smiled. "Since when do you
take baths? What happened to the shower?"
to another part of the house, clutched tightly against her firm breast.
Jennifer didn't answer, just flashed a grin at Melissa and carried me off
I heard the slam of a door, and the next thing I knew, I was standing on a
done, she picked me up, clutched me against her chest and eased herself into the
giant vanity. Jennifer towered over me, smiling Then she bent down and turned on
the water in the bath tub and let it fill up with hot soapy water. When this was
She smiled, and against my tiny screams placed me in her purse. There
water. I was placed high on her breast as she soaked, clutched tightly around
the middle
was filled with her laughter as she toyed with me, lathering up my body and
drying her and myself. Then I was buried in the soft folds of her towel as she
slipping me up and down hers. Finally, she rinsed me off and got out. Towel
carried me into her room. She put me on the bed. Then walked over to her
looked down at me.
dresser and put on a pair of panties and dried her long blond hair.
"Let me go!", I shouted up at her. She sauntered over to the bed and
picked me up. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she held me up to her face,
"Did my little man say something?" she cooed, "You're not going anywhere,
doll, except with me to Chrissy's house, and is she ever going to love you!" She
her skimpy white T-shirt. Her tummy was tanned and smooth, and she wore skinny
studying me, then planting her soft lips on me. Finally she said: " Into the
purse with you, my friend, or I'11 never finish dressing."
followed a long period of darkness, than of tossing; she was carrying me
somewhere. Suddenly, I heard her voice, along with another that was high and
feminine, but unfamiliar to me.
"Jennifer what's in the bag?"
The purse was shook, and by the rush of light I could tell it was open.
"I thought you'd never ask"
Someone was peering in. It wasn't Jennifer
"I know, I know. It's a little man. My sister found him at the
"Eeeeee...what is it? It looks like..."
him to me for the night. Isn't he cute?"
mall today and we're keeping him. Melissa's on a date tonight so she gave
"Ooooh! Can I touch him?"
Chrissy was a slender girl with short brown hair and stark blue eyes.
"Of course Melissa, I brought him over to play with him."
Her body was cheerleader toned, with pert, firm breasts that jutted up against
bed. Rising up, she lifted her shirt over her head, exposing her round, firm
pink panties. Her hand reached in for me, then drew back at the ring of the
telephone. I heard her answer;
"Jennifer, it's your boyfriend." Some more talking then, abruptly a giant
hand closed about me and I was lifted up and out. Chrissy held me close. She
up her purse and was headed for the door.
giggled to herself, then turned to Jennifer, who surprisingly had snatched
"So he doesn't have to work tonight after all?" asked Chrissy, fondling
"The pleasures all mine!" squealed Chrissy. Jennifer left, and I was alone
"No. So we're going out with my sister. We'll be back for the little mar
tomorrow. Thanks for watching him tonight."
medium-sized breasts, tanned sultry brown. Letting her arms fall to her sides,
with the brown haired giantess who sat on the edge of her bed, holding me out in
front of her, tiny legs churning air. With a swift motion, she set me on her
"I'm so hot just looking at you that i just can't help myself, I've
and the shirt to the floor, she folded one sumptious leg under her and perched
on the edge of the bed smiling down at me.
"So, a little man? How sweet! C'mere you little doll! You're Chrissy's
tonight. She reached out and snatched me up.
"Put me down! Put me down! This is humiliating! Put me down and let me
"Mmmmmmm...." she moaned, then held me a little higher, up to her eye
She drew me close. Her warm breath drenched me as she pressed my tiny
body against her sweet lips.
"I'm going to have fun with you tonight, little man!" she whispered
level. Her short brown hair fell loosely, framing her fetching face.
softly. I was swung down, and felt the bed beneath me. Chrissy towered over me
above her chest, clutched at the waist.
as she swung her other leg up on the bed so she was sitting up, knees folded
arms at her sides staring down at me. Her pinkie came up to her lips, where she
chewed it playfully.
got got to make love to you. She leaned forward, taking her pinkie out of her
mouth and reaching for me, growling like a tiger. Her hand seized me around the
middle as she leaned close swinging me up against her nubile left breast. I
"Help! Help! Please let me go! Stop it!" Despite my complaints, I had to
started screaming.
I was trapped between her lush bosom and the bed. Upon hearing my complaints her
admit I was getting turned on by the luscious play from these giant young women.
Now laying on her side, she lifted me up to her mouth again, lips parted in an
whole body shook with her merry laughter, she reached down, and brought me out.
easy smile as she watched me squirm in her grip, a tiny doll, helpless in her
She swung me through the air again. This time her other hand came up to support
giantess hand.
" poor little toy. You're clothes are filthy, here let me..."
"Poor little doll could have been broken by the fall. Lucky Chrissy's
me as she shifted to her back, her head against the pillow, I was dangling just
Her hand caught hold of my pants, ripped them off. My shirt followed.
I was buck naked in seconds. And helpless as a doll, which I guess I was!
"Stop it! Please, give me my clothes back! Put me down!"
"I'm never going to put you down, doll. You belong to me tonight,
lips again, puckered, and pressed. Her soft tongue brushed between her lips. She
and I intend to play with you, little man!" She brought me close to her
laughed, then held he up at arms length, high overhead, laughing at her tiny
"Oooohhh!" she exclaimed, seeing me fall. She reached out and picked me
prisoner. Dangling high in the air, I twisted and turned in her gigantic grip,
which broke, sending me plummeting onto her smooth tummy unharmed.
stomach. I was overwhelmed at how much more fragrant her skin had become. It was
up holding me up to her face for inspection. She scrutinized me for some
time before deciding I was not harmed, her expression changing from concerned to
tummy broke it for you. You like my body, don't you, little man? Its much more
one of pure self indulgence.
slim and taut than either Melissa or Jennifer's, don't you agree?"
As she spoke, she gently lowered me over her right breast. I was helpless
as she positioned me over her nipple and crushed me into its soft browness.
hand was removed, and all at once, as she ran her slender fingers through her
Glancing upward, I could see her giant face peering down at me and smiling. Her
hair, her whole body shook with laughter.
off for the opposite end of the giant bed. I was almost at the end of the bed
Seeing my chance, I leaped down off her chest and on to the bed then took
and its forty foot drop when she spotted me. She sat up on her knees, smiling.
"Why are you running away, little toy? Don't you like Chrissy? I just
"And just where do you think you're going, little man, huh?"
chuckling to herself, she reached down across the bed #and snatched me up.
love you! Sweet thing, come here...mmmmmmmm..."
drew me in for a kiss. Tired of fondling me, she settled me in high on her
I was caught. Still erect, she swept me up against her smooth wall of
warm and soft, too. She released the pressure, and I slipped gently to the bed,
another giggle with her hand, than reached down her hand again and picked me up,
between her legs folded at the knees. Staring down contemplatively she stifled
rather matter of factly
which changed expressions from one of mischief to playfulness.
"I can pick you up whenever I want, play with you whenever i feel like it,
understand, little man?" I was clutched high in the air in front of her face,
Chrissy cooed to me gently. Drawing me close to her, she settled me in the
"Please! Please! I beg you! I'm not a toy, I'm a man! Please put me down
before you hurt me! Put me down and let me go!"
down to smooth my hair.
space between her breasts, clutching me tightly against her. Her pinkie came
chest, smiled down at me and laughed.
"Don't worry, doll man, you're safe with me. I'11 never let you get hurt.
you'll always be safe in my arms. leaning back, she stretched out full length on
her back and picked me up. I squirmed in her grip for a few seconds then she
"You can shout all you want, little man, but it won't do you any good. I've
Her hand held me trapped there for what seemed like hours. I was held
firmly against the soft, smooth, flesh by her giant fingers, tipped with long,
pink nails. I looked up at Chrissy. Her eyes were closed, and her chest heaved
up and down regularly. She was asleep. I tried to struggle free of her grip, but
it was no use. I was clutched too tight. I lay there trapped, between her
breasts, for some time. Eventually, I fell asleep. I was awakened by her
snatch me up. She was sitting up in bed, propped up by her pillow, staring down
laughter. Somehow, I had been transferred to her soft stomach during sleep; her
hand, which had me trapped, was now hovering over me, ready to swoop down and
struggle, but
at me, a pouty look on her face.

"Are you awake, little man?" she asked. "Are you ready to
play some more? I think it's time we really made love." She reached down and
picked me up, her fingers gently squeezing me about the middle. I tried to
I slid down to her lower chest, over her left ribcage. The skin beneath me was
the girl only laughed again.
"Help! Help! Put me down! Put me down!"
She was holding me at eye level, her lips still pursed in a soft pout. Her
got you now".
great head lowered slightly, and I was thrust against her smooth forehead, than
down over her pert, snub nose, and finally I was drawn down to her firm lips for
a long, deep kiss.
fist. With her other hand she reached over the side and brought up a ten foot
"Mmmmmm...I'm in love, doll". She smiled, still holding me faceward, in her
held it in. Her expanded chest drew closer. Gently, she lowered me over her left
tall bottle of baby oil. Giggling like a little girl, she took a deep breath and
breast and tilted the bottle directly over my position, lying back down as she
and around my tiny body, spreading oil all over her own body, which began to
did so. Slippery liquid quickly engulfed me as i lay clutched to her supple
bosom. With her other hand, she put the bottle aside and rubbed her fingers over
glisten with the combination of oil and sweat. Giant fingers, also slippery,
quite elastic, due to her youth, and gave way in all directions as she messaged
gently curled around my body. I was slowly pulled down off the mound that was
the front of her breast. I clung desperately to her nipple, but she only giggled
playfully, tugging me harder until
raceing with excitement. What little air there was in there quickly became
me up and down her torso, starting up at the base of her breasts, then down her
middle, across the thin skinned ribcage and onto the quivering plain of her flat
was left free to move around on her stomach, which spread out for many yards on
"Isn't my tummy smooth and warm, little doll?" Her fingers loosened, and I
beaming down at me with delight. She stretched her hand toward me slowly,
all sides, a golden field. I stood up and looked up at my captress who was
speaking to me
in a cooing voice, low and musical.

almost eight inches deep was directly behind me. My foot caught in it, and I
"Poor little man. Come to me..."
I backed away from her advancing fingers, not realizing her belly button,
up off her stomach and slowly lowered me to her crotch. I was confronted with
fell on my back. Her stomach shook with her laughter. A hand closed over me.
Once again her lips were against my body, then her soft breast. She snatched me
thrust head first into her awesome vagina. Inside her I could hear her heart
the largest female genitalia I'd ever seen. I began to struggle violently as
she moved me closer, brushing me against her pubic hair. Then I was upended and
stale. I squirmed with all my might, but I think that only encouraged her
further, as I could start to feel the velvet pink walls pressing me all over. I
felt her fingers grab my tiny feet as she eased me out of her vagina...and then
crushing pressure of her pussy become greater as she neared her climax. She
back in. She repeated this over and over the next few minutes and I felt the
left me in at the peak and I thought I was going to be crushed to death inside
off by a flood of her thick juices as she came. I came, too, but I'm not sure
of her as her walls closed in on me like a vise. What air there was was choked
if it was out of sexual stimulation or just plain fear. Just as I was going to
kleenex and carefully cleaned me up. When this was fineshed I was lifted up to
pass out from lack of air and exhaustion her fingers closed on me and lifted me
out. Holding me up to her smiling face she reached over to her nightstand for a
her plush lips for a long kiss to my midsection, then she lowered me down
between her breasts and gently closed them together over my tiny body, trapping
me in soft fragrant, smooth flesh.

"It's only 11:00, little man. I'm going to play with you all night.
