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The House of the Tiny Men

Tom could hardly believe the bad luck he'd been suffering from that
evening. Not only had his car dies on a country road that wasn't used
often, but it had started to rain sheets once he'd started to walk. He
probably shouldn't have been surprised that he hadn't yet found any farm
houses. So on he trod.

Finally, after what seemed like an entire night, he spied a house off in
the distance. It was a really nice house. Heck, if he'd wanted to he
could have called it a mansion. It was also fairly brightly lit for the
late hour and Tom was surprised to find such a large and obviously awake
house, but he was so happy to have found any house at all that he
practically ran to the front gate.

The gate opened immediately after him ringing the bell and he walked up
the long drive. As he walked he looked off into the fields surrounding
the unusual house and noticed a crop growing there that he had never seen
before and as he walked the rain stopped and he felt a strange sensation
wash over him. He shrugged it off and continued till he had reached the
front door.

The house was built in the style of an old southern plantation and had no
doorbell only a huge knocker. He lifted it and knocked loudly.

Not long after, the door opened and Tom saw one of the most beautiful
women he had ever seen. She was about 5' 7' and had auburn colored hair
that was up in a bun. She had dark green eyes and full red lips. She
could easily have passed for a model.

Once she had opened the door she looked at Tom and said, "Come in. We've
been hoping you would come."

Tom didn't quite know what to make of that but decided to forget about it
and follow her into the house. She motioned him to follow her and once he
was inside closed the door and slid a bolt-style lock into place with a
loud click. For some reason the bolt was high in the door and the woman
had to reach above her head to get to it.

Once she had slid the bolt into place she said, "You'd can't be too
careful can you?" Not waiting for a response she said, "Come this way."

Following the woman further into the house Tom took a good look at his
new hostess. She wore a white blouse under which he could easily see her
bra. Under that she wore a dark blue mini-skirt. She wore back seem
stockings and blue four inch heels decorated with bright sterling silver.
She was exquisitely beautiful and Tom hoped that before the night was
over he would get a chance to know her a lot better.

She led him through numerous rooms and what seemed like miles of
hallways. Tom couldn't quite tell, because he hadn't been paying
attention. But finally that arrived at a room and she was standing there
opening the door and motioning him to enter.

It was a bedroom. It had all the things that you might expect to find in
an 19th century plantation room. Tired as he was the sight of the bed
made him temporarily forget about his hostess and want to sleep instead.
Suddenly she interrupted his thoughts.

"I'll bring you something that should help you sleep, okay?"

She had the most beautiful voice that he'd ever heard and before he left
this place he decided, he would know this woman intimately well.

Tom quickly undressed from his damp clothes and get into the bed and soon
the mysterious lady was back with a glass of what looked like warm milk.
She gave it to him and encouraged him to drink it. Taking the drink Tom
looked at her and asked, "What's your name?"

"I'm Marisa, now drink up," was her only response.

Tom took a sip. It tasted like milk but didn't, he couldn't quite make
out what it was but finished it anyway and laid back on the thick feather
pillow as the lady left the room and closed the door. Quickly Tom was
drifting off to sleep.

It was getting cold, Tom was shivering. He reached for his blanket, but
found it wasn't there. As he started coming to he noticed that the bed
had been replaced with a hard surface and there was a breeze blowing
around him. A breeze that smelled like the breath of someone who had been
chewing a lifesaver.

He looked to where the breeze was coming from and stood up screaming.
There in front of him was the face of a gigantic woman.

Tom backed away from the face until he had reached the wall behind him
and finally stopped screaming. Once he was quiet the giantess spoke.

"Well, it's about time you woke up. You're a very handsome man and I've
been looking forward to having some fun with you since I laid eyes on

"Wha...wha...what are you talking about? Where am I? Why am I so small?
Why are you so big?"

"Hey, one question at a time," she responded. "First, lets get you into a
more comfortable surrounding."

With that she reached in with an unbelievably huge red-nailed hand and
picked him up. For the first time Tom realized that he was completely
naked and could feel every inch (or was it inch? Couldn't really tell on
his scale) of the skin of her palm as it encircled him. It was warm and
slightly rough. But another thing it was sexy. He suddenly found himself
aroused by this giant woman's hand.

"Hey wait a second there, we'll get to that later," she said while
placing him on the top of what looked to be a coffee table. Surrounding
the table were five women and Tom noticed that the lady that had removed
him was not the one who had tucked him in the previous night.

Looking around he noticed that Marisa was sitting on one of the two
couched on either side of the table. She sat in the middle of two other
women. The one on her right was the woman who had taken him from whatever
it was that he had woken up in. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes.
She wore a black teddy on the top and a denim skirt on the bottom.

To the left of Marisa was a sandy-blonde. She had a thick necklace made
of pearls around her neck and was also wearing a black teddy. She,
however, did not wear a skirt but instead wore gray stockings. Tom could
not make out her shoes from his vantage point.

Suddenly Marisa began to speak. "I'm sure you're no doubt wondering
what's going on. Well I'll be a brief and up-front as possible. You are a
guest at the House of the Tiny Men club. It is a club that exists to
shrink men such as yourself so that we can have 'fun' with them. More
often than not these men don't make it through the 'fun' we have so we
are constantly finding ourselves needing new recruits. You were just
lucky enough to find yourself on our doorsteps the day before one of our
meetings and we could hardly turn down a freebie. So, welcome to the

Tom didn't know what to say and looked at the two women sitting on the
other couch as Marisa began making introductions.

"I would like the introduce today's party participants. To me right is
Katherine, but don't call her that, she prefers to be called Kath. To my
left is Ami. Across the table to the left is Angelica, whom you can call
Angie and Sherilynn. As Tom looked on he noticed that Angie had black
hair and Ami was a blonde.

Still Tom was speechless, and as he watched Marisa placed a shoe box on
the table, opened its top and dumped it over. As Tom watched ten men as
small as he tumbled onto the table. They all looked terrified.

Marisa continued, "Until you arrived we each had two men to play with,
but you gave us an uneven number. So we'll let you decide who gets three
men to play with. We like to watch each other and really enjoy the show.
You'll get to watch as well and once all the men have had their 'fun'
then you can decide who gets you. So, lets get this game going."

To that Tom heard all the women agree.

Sherilynn leaned forward then and, grasping a struggling screaming man in
her palm, said, "I am absolutely dying to begin and so I'll go first."

Slowly, Sherilynn removed her blouse and bra, making a show out of it for
the man in her hand, and once her top was naked brought the man to her
immense breast. Placing his head on her huge nipple she said, "suck it my
little man. You'll never get another opportunity like this again."

Suddenly, Tom felt himself lifted from the table and he noticed that
Marissa had picked him up and brought him close to Sherilynn and her
little man.

"Don't want to miss anything. After all, it'll probably make a difference
in who you decide to pick in the end.

As Tom watched the poor little man struggled against the huge nipple as
it poked against his face. There was absolutely no way that he could have
sucked it, but he was doing his darned best at licking it. A moan escaped
Sherilynn's lips as she laid her head back. She continued crushing the
man up against her nipple but eventually moved onto rubbing his entire
body across them.

Tom could see that the man was aroused by the whole ordeal and was even
trying to swing his body so that his little penis would touch her nipple.
Sherilynn, noticing this, aimed him so that his penis actually
disappeared into her nipple hole. Tom heard the man moan as Sherilynn
rocked his body back and forth.

Looking down at him Sherilynn spoke, "well time for something a little
different." With that she placed the man between her breasts and squeezed
them together, leaving just enough space for his head to stick out. As
Tom watched Sherilynn began kneading her breasts together and steadily
applied more and more pressure. Eventually Tom heard an audible crack and
the man's face between a pale color with a small stream of blood running
from his mouth.

Unceremoniously, Sherilynn took him from between her breasts and plopped
him into the shoe box on the table. "They never last long enough for my
taste," she said.

Next to reach for a man was Marissa. But as she reached across Tom she
grabbed two men instead of one. Sitting back on the couch Tom found
himself lifted by Ami to get close to the action.

"I never can be patient enough to last through one man while anticipating
the next," she said "so I just do both of them as the same time."

As she leaned back she spread her legs wide and placed the men between
her thighs. Both men stood gawking at her gigantic pussy and didn't move.
Irritated Marisa put her hands behind each of them and moved them

"Come on guys, I really shouldn't have to tell you what I want here do

Soon the men were plastered against the massive wall of flesh before them
and impatiently Marissa grabbed them both in her hands. Immediately to
plunged the first man head first in hear gapping hole while placing the
second over her clit. To him see commanded "do it."

He immediately got to work licked, biting and doing anything else he
could think of to excite the giant women while Marissa pumped the man in
her pussy in and out with increasing speed. This continued for minutes
until Marissa grabbed the man at her clit.

"My feet have always been one of my most erogenous zones and I never fail
to orgasm when a man is servicing them. As Tom watched she popped her
heel from her heel with a popping sound. He could smell the smell from
her shoes and feet and Ami lowered him to see better. The man Marissa was
holding screamed as she dropped him into her shoe. He clawed viciously at
the shoes sole, but it glistened with Marissa's perspiration and he could
do nothing but slide down the sole until he collided with her stockinged
sole. Panicked, the man turned himself onto his back just in time to see
a giant sole descend on him.

Marissa threw her head back. "Oh man, there's nothing better than a man
squirming in your shoe while one squirms in your cunt."

Placing two fingers on the feet of the man in her pussy, she pushed him
until they too disappeared. Then holding her palm across her pussy lips
she began to buck until at last she screamed in ecstasy. Once it was over
she dug into her cunt and pulled the man from it. It looked like he
passed out. But Marissa either didn't care or didn't notice because she
took off her other shoe and put him into it and then put it back on.

"When he wakes up I'll crush them both."

All the woman chuckled at this as Angie reached for a man. But before
doing anything she reached over the side of the couch and got a large
metal bowl. One she had placed it on the floor, she dropped the little
man in her hand into it. With that she stood up and began removing her
panties. Tom could only guess what she intended to do to him and he just
quickly becoming certain that this was not the giantess he wanted to deal

Once Angie's panties were removed she squatted over the bowl, took aim
and released a long stream of yellow, smelly piss. The little man in the
bowl raised his arms to fend off the stream but it hit him with such
force that he was knocked onto his butt. She continued pissing and
eventually had the bowl filled to the man's mid-section. Once she was
finished he stood up and tried to wipe his eyes. But as he did, Angie
knocked him down and dunked him in it.

She then played a game with him. Up and breathing one second, under the
surface and gagging on oceans of piss another. Finally, he came up
coughing and sputtering as she removed him from the bowl.

Getting on her hands and knees she handed the little man to Ami. Ami,
with a knowing look reached into a box on her side of the couch and
brought out a large jar of Vaseline. Gathering a large amount in her
fingers, she began spreading it up and down the length of the little
man's body. He must have realized what was about to happen, because at
some point in the spreading he began a blood-curdling scream.

Once Ami had liberally smeared his body she bent towards Angie and began
with the little man's feet to slowly work him into her anus. It was
agonizingly slow as Tom watched. Ami would push him in a little, pull in
out a little, and push him in a little more. The man's pitifully tiny
screams could be heard throughout the process, until it was cut off mid
scream as Ami pushed him all the way in.

Slowly, Angie clenched her butt-cheeks tight and moaned contentedly. I'll
save him for number two.

Ami was next to reach across the table for her man. But before she did
she lit a cigarette and took a few deep drags from it and exhaled into
the air above her head.

Bringing her man close to her face she took another deep breath, only
this time she exhaled directly onto the little man in her hand. Tom
coughed enveloped in the smoke cloud as well. Ami then instructed the man
to hang onto the cigarette saying, "Once this burns out, you're times up.
So hang in tight while you can." Then she left him dangling from it.

This man was different from the rest, he didn't seem to have been broken
like the others had. Instead of dangling, as Tom watched, he swung
himself until he could pull himself up and was eventually astride the
cigarette. Ami wasn't amused and growled, "You little shit, I told you to
hang not climb up."

Quickly she reached up and grasped the small man and, after taking a deep
drag, placed his little head between her lips. She held him there as long
as she could, but finally had to exhale. He came out soughing and
sputtering and was rubbing his stinging eyes. He opened them just in time
to see it coming. After removing the little man, Ami took one last drag
and then placed the hot tip of her cigarette on the small man's face.
There she put it out by rubbing back and forth. All that was left was a
black spot where the man's face had been. Angrily she threw his body
against the far wall where it exploded in a red spray that left a gory

To this all of the women laughed while Kathy reached for her man. But
instead Ami interrupted her, "not yet. That little shit ruined my fun so
I'm gonna take my second now if you don't mind." So Ami reached for her
second man.

Having seen what had just happened, it was understandable when the man
she was reaching for screamed and ran in the other direction. Ami cursed
then and lashed out. Grasping the man in her palm, she cursed as he bite
her hand. Cursing again she clenched her fist tight and the man's scream
ended in a gurgle while blood oozed out from between her fingers.

"You shouldn't have done that, now you're all out," said Marissa.

"Oh well, its fun no matter how they go out," replied Ami.

Angie spoke up then, "It's time for my second man, I gotta go."

With that she reached over and plucked a screaming man from the table and
dropped him into her piss-bowl. Landing with a loud splash he stood up to
see what was coming next. As Tom watched Angie once again pulled off her
panties and squatted over the bowl. Tom covered his nose when he heard a
loud fart escape her ass. Then, with disgust, he watched a shit-covered
man as he emerged from her hole. Tom took a close look and could see that
the man was dead.

It was impossible for Angie to aim at the man in the bowl so he moved
aside as the shit-covered man and another turd dropped with a plop into
the bowl. But Angie didn't take long to pull up her panties and pull on a
large yellow dish-cleaning glove with a loud snap.

Reaching over the side then of the bowl she grabbed the turd and smashed
it into the man trapped there. Ensuring that no inch of this body wasn't
covered she gleefully giggled as she went. Eventually she had forced so
much of the shit and piss into the poor man's mouth that he suffocated
and died. Angie then took the bowl and disappeared into another room.
Then Tom heard the sound of a toilet flushing and Angie returned.

"Well since I'm going to be going last anyway you might as well take your
second man," said Katherine winking at Sherilynn.

So, with a knowing look on her face and reaching over the table,
Sherilynn grabbed a man from its surface. As Tom watched Katherine licked
her lips as Sherilynn popped her shoe from her heel. Creating a gap just
large enough she stuffed the man into it and then put the shoe back on.

The smell from her shoe was greater than the other one he had smelled,
for she wasn't wearing any stockings.

Then the woman took a short break while Sherilynn wrapped her foot in a
thick blanket. Tom could only imagine how hot it must be getting for the
unfortunate man in her shoe, but he was certainly glad it wasn't him in

After a long ten minutes or so, the 'game' continued. Sherilynn laid back
on the couch and put her feet in the air as Katherine moved around to be
face level with her feet. Then, grabbing the heel on Sherri's foot Kathy
placed her chin on the back of her ankle. Then opening her mouth wide,
she popped the shoe of off her heel and watched as the man slid down
Sherri's sole and landed in Kathy's mouth. Closing her mouth quickly
Kathy swallowed, swallowing the little man whole. Tom stared in disbelief
as he followed the little figure as it went down her throat. He was
almost sure that he'd seen the figure struggle.

Laying back on the couch then Kathy put her hand on her stomach and said,
"Oh, I think I feel him struggling." That was enough to make her buck
back and forth in orgasm.

Then, taking another man from the table, Kathy placed him in her mouth
and leaned forward towards Sherilynn who embraced her in a passionate
kiss. Tongues went wild in each others mouth and Tom could hear the
gurgling of their saliva as they passed him back and forth like a piece
of gum. Every so often Tom spied the little man's arm of leg as it
escaped the sides of their mouths.

But soon the game was over and Sherilynn leaned back and closed her mouth
on the man. For a moment it looked like he might escape her mouth. But he
only got one arm and his arm out before her lips closed on him. Then
Sherilynn got an evil look on her face and bite down. A short scream was
cut off as she pulled the rest of him into her mouth and chewed him up,
then swallowed.

The last man on the table decided then that he'd go for broke and ran to
the side of the table and dived off. He was unhurt because of this small
size and got to his feet and started running. But before he could get
very far, a shadow descended on him as Kathy pushed him over with her
high-heeled shoe.

Once he'd fallen she put the sole of her shoe on him so that all that
stuck out was his head.

All she said was "that was a big mistake." Then blowing him a kiss she
slowing increased pressure until he would scream and then released it. "I
really mean it this time," she said and stepped down violently. The only
thing Tom could think of was a ketchup pack as red sprayed out from the
bottom of her shoe.

Finally, the woman placed Tom on the table and all looked anxiously at
him while Marissa asked, "So witch of us have you chosen?"

Tom really didn't know what to say but began sputtering anyway. "Well, I
guess if I have to choose, I choose..."


Part 2

"Wait a second," interrupted Marissa, "you're the first man we've shrunk
that hasn't yet tried to get away from us, even after seeing what
happened to all the others. I, for one, am impressed. Because of this I
think little Tommy deserves to live for now, what do you ladies think?"

Going around the room one by one the woman agreed. Certainly no man
before Tom had kept his composure so good. The second to last man had
been a good example: he had tried to run from the women. Although Tom
hadn't acted the way he did out of any kind of self-control, he had just
figured fighting would have been quite useless and a waste of time and

But, it would seem, he was saved from an ugly fate - at least for the
time being. Marissa looked at Tom long and hard and then with a smirk on
her face looked up at the other ladies and spoke.

"Do you remember way back when we hadn't yet perfected the size control
process and we had a bunch of six to twelve inch men?" The woman nodded.
"Well do you remember that one pudgy one that I had tried to stuff my toe
in his mouth?"

Ami then spoke, "Oh yeah I remember that. I just about busted-a-gut
laughing. I remember you taunting him 'come-on fat man, if you suck my
whole toe into your mouth maybe I'll let you live.' No way was he getting
your huge toe into his mouth. But he sure tried. Ha, ha..."

"Yeah," added Kath, "you pushed and pushed until he had a bloody nose and
even broke some of his teeth. Then there was that popping sound when his
head exploded. I'll never forget that, its the first time I heard it."

"Yeah, me too," said Marissa, "well, I learned later that he was the
police chief of a little town upstate."

"Really?" was the general comment of the gathered women.

"Yup, I'm surprised we didn't get caught for this one. Well, I'm thinking
that we need to catch another important toy so I can pop his head as

Again the women all nodded in agreement.

"Well ladies I think its about time we called it a night." And with that
the ladies left and Tom was left alone once again with his original
hostess Marissa who eyed him with evident lust.

Well, my tiny man, its time you and I got to know each other better. So,
grabbing Tom in her hand she arose and went to bathroom. He still
couldn't believe how horny he could get just from the touch of her hand.
But the feel on her palm was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. No
doubt that was due to his new size. The heat from begin wrapped in her
hand made him perspire and he was able to wiggle his body in the
lubricating sweat and rub his tiny penis up and down against the rough
skin of her palm.

Feeling Tom's attempts Marissa raised him to her face while walking to
the bathroom and said, "Well, I'm glad to see that you have the interest
and energy to do what I was planning for you anyway. But whatever you do
don't waste your energy on my hand small one."

When they reached the bathroom, Marissa stopped and put Tom on the vanity
while she stripped. This was the first time in his life he'd ever gotten
a strip show, and being that he was getting it from a giant woman made it
all that more memorable an experience. As she got to her bra she swung it
up and over Tom so that the left cup landed over him.

It looked like a huge white tent and had a unique odor to it - and odor
that wasn't entirely unpleasant. But Tom didn't have much time to take it
in because Marissa removed the bra in order to replace it with her
panties. The panties where very slippery and as Tom struggled to get out
from under them he found himself becoming more and more trapped. The
smell that emanated from the panties was more familiar to him, he'd
smelled these smelled before.

Suddenly everything was spinning as Marissa lifted the panties. Tom
landed on the counter with a thud. He stood up slowly and rubbed his

"Time to shower now honey," said Marissa and picked him up and got into
the shower.

The shower was in a bathtub and instead of standing Marissa sat down.
Then laying back she started to rub Tom's little body all over her body
as if he were a bar of soap. He could hear loud moans coming from her and
even enjoyed it himself a little. It was a very erotic feeling being wet,
naked and rubbed on the skin of a giant woman. But when she started
'washing' her breasts he got especially excited. She took an extra long
time there. Slowly she rubbed his wet naked little body over her nipple.
His dick was extremely hard and when she rubbed him across her nipple,
dragging his legs to either side and his dick right across it, he

He came like he'd never cum before, but it was quickly washed away and
down the drain. It was doubtful she'd even noticed the tribute he'd given
her. She simply continued rubbing until she'd covered each breast
completely. She rubbed him on her stomach, rubbed him over her genitals,
down her thighs and calves and eventually reached her feet.

At first she started rubbing him along the tops of her feet, but soon
moved on till she'd reached the soles of her feet. Her feet were enormous
compared to Tom's small three-inches. She had beautiful feet. Her soles
were soft and slightly wrinkled. She began by rubbing him along her heel
and then moved onto to her instep and soon reached her ball.

Tom moved easily along the soles of her feet because of his slick body.
He was happy she'd chosen to rub him face first and took the opportunity
to lick as much as his little tongue could reach. She lingered for
awhile, enjoying the feeling of his movement against her sole but at last
put him between her big and second toe. Squeezing him there so he
couldn't get away, she began to masturbate, plunging her fingers in and
out with increasing speed.

As her speed increased, she began squeezing Tom tighter and tighter. She
began to moan loudly and thrusting her hips to her fingers. Soon the
pressure was almost too much for Tom to breathe and he had to struggle to
get any air. Half to time he got water in his mouth and he thought for a
moment that he might either drown or suffocate. But just as he was ready
to give himself up to doom she climaxed and released the pressure while
sitting up. Looking up she smiled at Tom and shut the water off. Then,
sticking a finger deep into her pussy and back out again, she smeared
Tom's entire front with her cum and said, "It's not important for
playthings to be clean, it is important that they are marked though. And
you belong to me now because I've marked you."

Then grabbing Tom in her hand Marissa stood and went to her bedroom. Then
placing him in the middle of her vast bed she put on a very sexy silken
oriental robe. Then turning to Tom she spoke.

"Well Thomas I'm sure you have a zillion questions for me and now is the
time to ask them. I'm feeling satisfied and clean."

Tom jumped right in and began asking. "How did I get so small?"

"Well," she started, "Do you remember those strange crops growing in the
fields when you came here.." Tom nodded. "Well, they started growing when
a meteor landed in the fields about three years ago. At first daddy
didn't know what to make of it but thought he'd make the best of a bad
situation and cultivated it with the idea that he'd sell it some day.

"Luckily I was away to school then and so I wasn't home when he finally
harvested the alien veggies and fed them to my family. Not more that two
days after eating the crop me and my friend Ami, who was here today, came
home from school for a visit and found my mother, father, and two
brothers shrunken to a size no bigger than you are.

"Well, Ami had always had a crush on my brother and has always been a
sex-starved maniac and she put my brother through hell. She did every
conceivable thing you could do to a miniature person. But it wasn't a
planned thing when she killed him. She was using him as a dildo again one
day when she got a little carried away and crushed his little body.
Instead of being upset with what she had done the feeling of ultimate
power that this gave her was a rush and she finally persuaded me to
entice a victim to the house so I could feed him the new food and
experience the rush. I did and the rest is history. Ami finished off my
other brother and my parents disappeared. I can only assume that they
were trying to get away from us but I've never seen them since then."

With that she looked hard at Tom and said, "I wouldn't have done anything
to them, I'm not a total monster." Having heard all this Tom really
couldn't think of any more questions to ask and just stood with his jaw
slightly open in amazement of the situation he was in and the story he'd
just heard.

"Well Thomas, my itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny little man. Its time for bed.
We've both had a long day, but I for one enjoyed it immensely. Perhaps if
you're lucky you'll become something of a mascot to our little group,
then you'll get to see all the different things we can do to little men
like you. But until then, and just to make certain you don't escape I'm
going to have to put you someplace where you can't get away."

Then going to her closet she grabbed a large fish bowl from the shelf.
Tom could see that it was filled with stockings and socks. Marissa
removed about two-thirds of its contents and then dropped Tom onto the
remaining third. Quickly his little senses were assaulted by an extremely
powerful smell. These were obviously not clean things.

Placing the bowl on the night stand next to the bed Marissa leaned
forward and kissed the glass. Leaving a large lipstick mark on the glass
she smiled one last time at Tom then laid back on the bed and was soon
asleep. Tom, however had a long night.

First, he tried to make a pile large enough to climb out of the bowl, but
eventually discovered that there were not enough to do that. So finally
giving in he tried to sleep, but the smell in the bowl kept him awake
most of the night. Light was streaming through the windows before he
drifted of to sleep, and he felt as if he'd just fallen asleep, when he
was awakened by a tapping on the glass.

"I think today you should come with me to catch some little men and maybe
even some little women for our games. You slept pretty late so we're
going out to lunch."

So, after dressing in a fetching outfit, Marissa reached in and grabbed
Tom and placed him in her purse. He could only guess where they where
going, but there was certainly a lot of movement and he was tossed about
in the purse.

In time the purse opened and light flooded in. Tom put his hand up to
shield his eyes and saw a hand reaching in to retrieve him. He wondered
what it was that his new goddess had in mind for him. No sooner had she
removed him from her purse than Tom could see that they where in a fancy
restaurant. Marissa instructed Tom to stand behind the salt and pepper
shakers while she pointed to a man sitting across the room and said
"that's the man I want today."

While Tom waited Marissa ordered spaghetti and meatballs and a fruit cup.
Suddenly she became very excited and said pointing towards the man's
table, "look his dinner date is here. We're going to get two for the
price of one." Tom looked at the table where she pointed and saw an
attractive woman sitting down with the gentleman that was already there.

Looking at his new goddess, Tom studied here intently. She had beautiful
dark flowing hair that reached to her shoulders and dark green eyes. She
had magnificent full-red lips and brightly polished teeth. There where no
visible flaws on her skin. Her hands were equally beautiful. Her long red
nails looked as though they had been manicured and she had all the
manners of a lady. Watching her with her girl-like almost innocent
seeming excitement made Tom wonder, "could I learn to like a woman like

Waiting for the right moment Marissa rose and approached the table of the
couple. As Tom watched, she introduced herself and offered to buy them a
drink. After they'd agreed she rose and went to the bar, bringing the
drinks to the table herself, and sat and talked to the people. Tom
couldn't tell what she was saying but was simply spellbound just watching

As time went on it seemed as though the couple were beginning to feel ill
and both excused themselves to go to the restrooms; however, Marissa
followed them. After a few minutes she emerged from the hallway leading
to the restrooms with a huge grin on her face, tightly clutching her

Returning to the table she laid her purse of the table. Before she had a
chance to say anything her order arrived. Then looking at Tom she said,
"Thomas honey, meet Mike and Jennifer." Then opening her purse, she
plucked two naked people from it with completely bewildered looks on
their faces.

Tom noticed that these two had been shrunk even smaller than he had been.
They were no larger than perhaps an inch. Obviously, whatever Marissa was
using to shrink people could be controlled. It was because of this that
when she dropped the man into her fruit cup and the woman onto her plate
of spaghetti, no one could hear their small peeps, peeps that no doubt
were blood-curdling screams to Mike and Jenni.

Immediately Tom knew what fate awaited them but watched with fascination.
Quickly, Marissa began digging in to her spaghetti with her fork and
finished over half of it without touching her tiny captive. The entire
time, Jennifer crawled through the sauce and spaghetti strands trying to
avoid Marissa's fork. It didn't seem that she was trying to get her with
her fork though. After awhile, however, she began picking the meatballs
up with her fingers and eating them separately. When there where no more
meatballs left she grabbed the tiny woman between her fingers and brought
her to her beautiful face.

"Ummmm, you sure do look like a delicious meatball." Then with
tantalizing slowness she leaned her head back, opened her mouth and
lowered the terrified woman in closing her gigantic lips around her.
Slowly she pulled the woman through her lips and Tom could hear load
sucking sounds. Then she began licking the sauce from her tiny body. The
tiny woman screamed but each time Marissa's tongue passed over her face
her scream became muffled. Then leaning her head back once again she
lowered the woman once more into her waiting mouth. As she passed her
lips Tom could see that she glistened with Marissa's saliva. Slowly she
withdrew her fingers with a loud suck of air and then swallowed. Tom
watched her adam's apple move and could see the figure as it went down
her throat. He couldn't believe how hot this was making him.

Finishing her plate of spaghetti, Marissa then focused on her cup of
fruit. Because the lip of the cup was about an inch-and-a-half above the
top of the fruit, the little man trapped inside had had no chance of
escape. He had spent the entire time trying to keep his head above the
surface so that he wouldn't drown. Looking into the cup Marissa took hold
of her fork and with another loud "Ummmm" stuck a piece of fruit very
close to the man.

The man screamed loud enough for Tom to hear and thrashed about violently
trying to get away. Once Marissa had taken the fruit from the fork she
took aim and thrust her fork into the cup again. Once again she stuck a
piece of fruit close to the man. With renewed vigor he thrashed about
trying vainly to escape the cup. The next time she stuck her fork into
the cup she got her mark.

Two of the fork's prongs stuck through the little man and the liquid
around him began to turn a crimson color. As Tom watched he grabbed the
fork prong sticking through his stomach and it reminded Tom of movies
he'd seen of actors grabbing a hold of swords that had pierced them clear
through. Then, sticking the fork through him further still Marissa picked
up another piece of fruit and brought it and the man to her mouth. Weakly
the man put up his arms to fend off the inevitable but was soon well
inside her mouth. Closing her lips around the fork she pulled it from
them and chewed with great delight "Ummm"ing the whole time. Then this
too she swallowed.

Once she was finished with her food she looked at Tom and spoke. "Oh my,
sometimes I get a little too carried away with myself and can't even wait
to get home. Heck, I usually have to go through about twice the number of
men and sometimes woman just so our club can have its little playthings.
Now I'm going to have to get more."

As Marissa spoke the waiter who had helped her approached the table and
asked if everything had been all right. To this Marissa ordered some
desert and then wrote her address on a piece of paper. When the waiter
had returned with her desert and bill she handed him the slip of paper
and said with a wink, "bring a friend or two kay?" Grinning ear to ear
the waiter stuffed the paper into his pocket and left the table. Soon Tom
was once again stuffed into Marissa's purse and on his way to wherever.

With all the excitement Tom completely forgot that he hadn't eaten
himself. Once they'd returned home, however, Marissa fed him. Going to
the kitchen he was placed on the large table while Marissa went to the
cupboard to get a large slice of bread and a plate. Then returning to the
table she placed the plate on the table and instructed Tom to get onto

At first Tom certainly didn't want to get onto the plate. But Marissa
assured him that she was quite full and had no intention of eating him.
So reluctantly he stepped up onto the plate and went to center and laid
down on his back. "Don't worry little one," Marissa said, "this is just
so that I don't get the table dirty."

With that she took a large bite from the bread and began to chew. Tom was
beginning to wonder what was going on when Marissa leaned over him and
let and large glob of saliva and chewed bread fall from her lips and onto
his head. It landed with a loud splat (at least to Tom) as he looked up
questioningly at his beloved goddess.

See the question on his face she spoke, "Well, I've learned that little
people have a hard time digesting solid food. Most of the time we don't
keep them long enough to matter. But for those we do intend to keep
around, this is the way they have eat. So, chow down sweetheart." Seeing
no alternative he began licking the saliva-bread mixture from his face
and scooped it from the large piles laying around and ate his fill. The
whole while his new goddess smiled and looked pleased.

Once he'd finished his 'meal' he discovered that he had a new job.
Grasping him about the middle Marissa spoke. "I hope you don't think that
your new life is going to be completely care and responsibility free. One
of the new jobs you're going to be responsible for is painting all my
nails. Its a rough job so I hope you're semi-physically fit."

So, after selected a deep red color from her large selection, Marissa
placed Tom on the floor and handed him the brush. "You'll start with my
toes and then move onto my hand." She was right, it was hard work. The
brush got heavier and heavier the longer he used it. Often he had to
wedge himself between her toes and fingers just to stay upright. Panting
and groaning he continued his work. While the whole time his goddess laid
back and seemed to fall asleep. Once his had finished his task he
collapsed into a heap.

Looking satisfactorily on his work, Marissa spoke, "You do good work,
take a rest you'll need it because I'm going to exercise now. Tom had no
idea what she was talking about but was simply too tired to care. As he
watched she changed into an exercise leotard and thick exercise socks and
shoes on. Then, turning on some music she began doing aerobics. Tom
watched in fascination. He couldn't believe the feelings that this giant
woman caused him. He was falling for her.

She worked out for about thirty minutes and then came and sat on the bed
next to Tom. Panting softly she said, "Now its time for your next job."
Then grabbing Tom she laid back on her bed, put one arm over her head and
put him right next to her armpit. "If there's one thing I hate its
smelling pits and so your job is going to be to clean them after I work
out -- with your tongue."

Tom looked at her pit with utter dismay. But without a moment to think
Marissa pushed him forward till he touched her skin and said, "lick."
Seeing no option he started to lick. It was a taste unlike anything he'd
ever tasted before: somewhat salty but not altogether unpleasant. Using
what little energy he had left he finished the one side and was moved to
the other side where he did the same thing as before.

Once he'd finished Marissa looked almost lovingly at him and said "I seem
to recall that you like feet. Well, since you've done such a good job I'm
going to give you a treat. A treat that should rejuvenate your strength
and your tongue." With that she grasped Tom, took off her tennis-shoes
and dropped him inside. The smell that assaulted him there was possibly
the strongest scent he'd ever smelled. His eyes began to water but his
dick was instantly hard. Then, crawling to the toe of the shoe he began
rolling his body over the moist sole while he licked everything he could.
He'd never thought about being small enough to fit his whole body into
the toe of a shoe, but the feeling was very erotic and he came
uncontrollably. He laid there for a while enjoying the humid warmth and
smell that surrounded him and then fell asleep.

He awoke to the sound of the doorbell. He had no idea whole long he'd
slept but it was getting dark outside. Slowly he emerged from the toe of
the shoe and stuck his head out to see what was going on. Marissa was no
longer in the bedroom but as he waited he heard his goddesses voice along
with that of three men. He recognized the voice of their waiter that
afternoon and realized that they had come for their 'party.' He had no
doubt that he would see them real soon.

As he'd expected no sooner had an hour passed then Marissa walked into
the room carrying four very frightened men in her hands. Tom noticed that
she was still wearing her workout cloths and once she'd reached the bed
she unceremoniously dumped them on it as she began to undress. Marissa
sat of the side of the bed and removed one of her socks. Waving a hand in
front of her nose she looked down at Tom still in her shoe and said, "I
really don't see what it is you like about this."

But before he could answer one of the men ran to the side of the bed and
jumped to the carpet far below. Swiftly Marissa reached out and grabbed
him. "So you think you're gonna get away, I don't think so little man."
Then looking around for a way to restrain him she noticed the sock in her
hand. With that she took her other sock off and started to make a ball of
her socks as some people do before putting them in the dirty clothes,
only this time she put the little man in her hand into the sock before
doing so. She then threw the sock across the room. Tom knew the man would
be unhurt. Later when Marissa did her laundry she took the little man
from the ball and added him to the group awaiting playtime.

As Tom looked closely at the remaining four men, he noticed that one
seemed to be shrinking more than the others. Seeing his look Marissa
said, "Oh, Franklin here seems to have a drinking problem and drank a
rather large amount of shrinking powder. Well, it seems to be taking its
toll on him," she finished with fake concern. Then rising from the bed
she placed the three struggling men in the fish bowl where Tom had spent
the night and went to the bathroom.

Tom couldn't believe it, but he was disappointed and almost felt cheated
that he hadn't been taken along. He really was starting to love his new
goddess. He also noticed that she hadn't made any attempt to restrain
him. Perhaps she realized now that he would never leave her, even if he
had the chance.

By the time she'd returned from the shower the still shrinking man had
reached the size of a quarter-inch. In fact, Marissa had to completely
empty the contents of the bowl just to find him. Shaking her head with
disappointment she said, "Well you'll be no good at our party. I wonder
what I should do with you. Then, as though a light bulb had come on, she
reached into her purse and withdrew a dollar bill and started to roll it
up tight. Once done she put one end to her nose and the other next to the
little man who started to run. She followed him for a little ways but
then, with a snort, he was gone.

Then, as though nothing had happened she started dressing. When it came
time for her stockings she grabbed one of the remaining two men and
dropped him into it. Rolling down its length, he found himself in the
toe. Soon after, Marissa began rolling in onto her leg and the man was
trapped against her sole. Laying bed on the bed she moaned and said, "Ohh
I feel him struggling." She soon began fingering herself.

As Tom watched he could hear his goddesses sounds of ecstasy but suddenly
she stopped and said, "I've got a better use for you little man." With
that she grabbed the sole of her stocking and pulled it out till it was
lose enough that the man trapped there began to tumble downward. And down
he continued until he fell from the top of the stocking landing solidly
on her cunt. Reaching down then she grabbed him roughly and plunged him
headfirst into her pussy. She pushed in his feet until they too
disappeared into her and then she laid back and pulled her legs tightly
together. Then speaking softly she said, "that's it, struggle little man,
struggle hard."

Slowly she started undulating on the bed, which soon became a wild
bucking motion. After an obvious orgasm Marissa settled down somewhat and
said, "I think I'll stay in tonight." Then, without removing the man from
her pussy, she pulled her knees up to her chest and she curled up and
fell asleep. Tom once again felt left out and climbed out of the shoe and
approached the bed. Once there he climbed the sheet and then climbed her.
By the time he'd gotten to the top of the bed she had rolled over and was
laying on her back. So Tom climbed onto her leg, walked up her and
nestled himself between her breasts and fell into a light sleep.

Tom awoke the next morning to his mistress stirring underneath him. He
then heard her soothing voice, "Good morning Thomas sweetheart. Are you
ready to come with me to catch more men and women?" To that Tom stood and
saluted and said, "I'd go with you to the end of the world.

Marissa took Tom to the bathroom this morning and allowed him to join
with her for a shower. This time however, he was on his own as she was
concerned with actually cleaning himself. He just enjoyed standing
beneath her as the water that streamed off of her body fell onto him.

Days passed and Marissa and Tom almost daily went to find new victims.
They caught them in gyms, in restaurants, in church, and at bars. There
didn't seem to be anyplace that was off limits. But it didn't matter to
Tom, he was just happy to be with her. Many times new playmates didn't
make it to the game, but eventually she'd gathered enough for another
game and the small group of woman that had initiated Tom into smallness
came together once again.

They did a lot of the things they had done before, but one thing his
goddess did caught his attention. Grabbing a small man, she placed him on
the floor at her feet and removed them from her shoes. She wasn't wearing
any stockings and Tom could even smell them from his vantage point. Then,
pointing to her toes, she commanded the little man to lick between all of
the them. Tom had had the opportunity to do this a number of times and
really enjoyed it. But he could tell by the look on the man's face that
he didn't like what he'd been told to do.

He didn't do what he'd been told right away and so Marissa flicked his
little dick with her finger causing him to double over in pain. "Now, do
what you're told." With that the little got to work once he'd recovered
enough to stand. When he'd completed his task Marissa placed her soles
together and then put the man between them. Only once had Tom found a
woman that had been willing to give him foot sex. She too had put her
soles together where he had put his dick. He hadn't thought about putting
his whole body where his dick had been and watched jealously as the man
was put there.

Slowly she rolled her feet back and forth as the man turned along. But
soon she began increasing the pressure until he had trouble breathing.
Soon he began turning different shades of color and then simply popped
with a wet spray of red. By then Tom had become so excited that he was
beating off and came the same instant that the man popped. The woman
seemed to enjoy that fact that he enjoyed what they where doing.

Soon the party was over however and it was Tom and Marissa alone once
again. As days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and eventually
months into a year, Tom and his goddess grew closer together. It was a
sign of her affection for him when she opened her immense shoe closet so
that Tom could explore to his hearts content. He spent long hours there
and many times smelled from head to toe like Marissa's feet. But he
didn't care, he loved that smell.

As time continued to pass Marissa's parties became well known across the
world and she was hosting more and more of them. Soon the plaything
requirement became too much for Marissa to supply herself and her friends
began helping her. She was kept busy. Too busy to do any of her
housework. That was why she hired the fifteen year old girl, Amber.

Amber was a diligent, hard-working girl and a very attractive brunette at
that. She worked for Marissa for months without any problems. When she'd
been hired she had been instructed not to do any wok in Marissa's
bedroom. But, trying to impress her employer one day she walked into the
room and caught Tom asleep in the middle of the big bed.

He was awakened by a loud gasp and was startled by the girl's huge face
as it hung over him. But without a word she picked him up. Then looking
around and not finding whatever it was she was looking for, she unzipped
her pants, pulled out her panties, and dropped little Tom in. His cries
of revolt were smothered as she let the panties snap back into place and
Tom found himself pressed up against her pussy. Then what little light he
could see disappeared as she zipped up her pants. Then, he felt her move
and could only guess where he was heading, he could only hope that it was
as good a place as the one he'd just left.

It was a bouncy ride for Tom and he could tell from the sounds
penetrating from the outside that Amber was leaving the house. Down the
walk she went and then Tom could hear a car door slomming loudy shut.
He'd only been this close to a tennage pussy once in his life - when he
was a teenager and could feel the temperature in the panties surrounding
him go up a few degrees. Wetness began seeping from the giant orafive in
front off him and the temperature still rose.
He was jostled about during the ride and soon his little body was covered
with a light covering of perspiration, along with a healthy dose of
Amber's fluids on his front side. The smell he smelled from Amber was
entirely different from Marissa's. Different, but not unpleasant. Sweat
was running down his face and stinging his eyes, when at last the
jostling was over and light flooded in once again. Tom could hear the
zipping of the zipper and then Amber's giant hand was there to remove
He looked around the room he found himself in and saw a typical teenage
girl's bedroom. Poster's of music groups on the walls, stuffed animals on
the bed and little nicknacks here and there. After scanning the room his
attention came to rest on his giant captor. Looking around to her
direction he noticed her studying him intently. Her piercing brown eyes
felt to Tom as though they could see through him.
Having been a small man for over a year, large faces no longer filled him
with the same level of awe that they had once. Although they would always
make him feel respect for their owners, large faces had basically the
same effect as normal-sized ones once had. So, he studied her back.
She had beautiful black hair that flowed from her head to about the
middle of her back. Her full red lips hung open slightly and inside he
could she her polished with teeth. Her breath, which smelled slightly of
spearmint, surrounded him and kept him from chilling. She wore large loop
earnings and had the dark skin of a latino girl. To put it shortly, she
was quite beautiful. But she had also taken him from his rightful place.
'Why have you taken me from my home?' Tom demanded of the girl. But
instead of answering him she smiled large and asked, 'What are you?'
Tom became uncomfortable with that question as it became apparant to him
that she did not consider him to be a man. But he stood valiantly and
declared, 'I am a man. A three inch man, but still a man!'
Giggling she said, 'You're funny. A teeny-weeny little man.' Then
standing she looked around the room. Spying whatever it was she was
looking for she went and grabbed a metal box lying on her dresser. Then,
opening the lid and turning it over, she dumped it's contents onto the
dresser. Tom watched as jewels of every discription tumbled out. Then,
spinning on her heel, she approached the bed again. Tom knew what was
coming from past experience and didn't even try to run. He also knew from
past experience that it was impossible to escape a giantess and usually
made them angry. Only in the last few months had he been able to do
little things that had made Marissa only slightly angry, but he wasn;t
going to take his chances with a giantess he didn't know well at all.
As Amber reached the bed she reached down and grasped Tom in her open
palm. Her hands felt cold and clammy, like she was nervous. But soon he
was out of the giant palm and deposited in the bottom of the jewelry box.
Sitting the box down on her nightstand Amber laid on her bed and picked
up the phone. The clasp from the front of the box prevented it from
closing entirely, getting caught on the front of the box, and Tom climed
to the little opening and listened in.
'Hello, Brandi? It'e me Amber. You are not gonna believe what I have
hear. Ask your mother if you can come over for a slumber party tonight.'
Then pausing a moment she continued, 'No, it's a surprise. You'll just
have to wait till you get here to see it.'
As Tom listened the topic changed a few times and then the call was over.
Then pressing the flash button on her phone Amber continued her calls.
Tom kept track as best he could and by the end of the numerous calls
figured that Amber was going to have four friends over for a slumber
party. Tom shuddered. Tennagers wouldn't know how delicate he was, and
five altogether most likely spelled trouble. Amber soon rose and left the
room and slipping back to the bottom of the silky smooth inside of the
jewelry box Tom waited.
It was a long couple hours and Tom had to fight to stay awake. Drifting
off a couple of times, he figured he would need the sleep later on. But
the wait was over then, the door to Amber's room flung open and she and
four of her friends entered.
Amber was the first to approac and grabbed the little jewelry box from
the nightstand and placed it on the floor. Each of the girls then sat
around the little box forming and circle and then, with the flair and
gesture of a magician showing a trick she lifted the lid of the box.
Squinting at the bright light, Tom looked around the room as Amber
introduced her friends to the little man.
'Ahem,' she began then looked quizickly at Tom and asked, 'by the way
what is your name? Or do you have one.'
To this Tom snorted, 'Of COURSE I have a name, I'm Thomas Moore. But you
may call me Thomas.'
With that she laughed along with the others and said, 'Ha ha, Tom thumb,
that's more like it. What do you think of that name little Tommy?'
Glaring and angry then Tom didn't bother to reply. So Amber continued
then with her introductions. 'Tommy, these are my friends Brandi, Ann,
Shauna and Stacy.'
Folding his arms in front of him Tom refused to acknoledge any of their
presences. But this angered Amber and she reached over to him and flicked
him in his little back with her finger. Falling flat on his face she said
sternly, 'Your respect level better change real quick little man.
Otherwise, your life won't be worth much.'
The tone in her voice had changed considerably and Tom thought it wise to
change his approach. 'After all,' he thought, 'I may be spending an awful
lot of time with this girl from now on, might as well make the best of
Then going around the room one by one, Tom bowed low and introduced
himself, 'M'lady, I am here to serve you.' They all gigled with glee at
the sight and begin chatting amongst themselves about what they should do
with their little man. Tom was surprised that they didn't seem to have
any ideas and so sat in the padding of the box to wait.
Eventually Ann spoke. Ann was dressed in a leotard and tights. She wore
ballet slippers and looked as though she had come straight from dancing
lessons. She was blond and had crystal blue eyes. Leaning forward to get
closer to Tom, he could see just how clear they were and was enamoured
for a moment.
'Let's have some fun with him,' she said with a wink. Confused Tom looked
at the other girls and noticed that they too were a bit confused. So Ann
continued, 'Oh come girls, you know what kind I'm talkin' about. I know
for a fact that there are some here that have never been with a man
before. Sure he's a tiny little man, but man just the same. Isn't it
better to have your first experience with a man small enough to control.'
Tom watched intently for the reactions as all the girls began to shake
their heads. 'Yeahs' and 'Good ideas' slipped out and then the planning
was on. Soon all the girls were undressing and Tom prepared for the
Getting out of her outfit, someone commented to Ann that her ballet
slippers reeked. Liftly it to her nose and sniffing slightly she yanked
her head back and said, 'Whew, you're right they do.' Then, looking evily
at little Tom, she turned the slipper so that it's entrance faced him and
moved it slowly towards him. None could have known that Tom liked feet,
but he made a show of trying to avoid it. He'd discovered a long time ago
that giantesses loved a struggling little victim.
Soon the shoe's entrance surrounded him and he lifted his hands to touch
the bottom. Ann continued pushing the shoe down on him and then turned it
quickly. Finding himself in the shoe he looked up at the smiling face of
Ann. But then, tipping the shoe forward, he lost sight of her as he slid
down into the toe. Strong smells surrounded him then and he could hear
snickers and giggles from the girls outside.
'I'll bet that's just about more than he can handle. I really work up a
sweat at dance class,' said Ann matter-a-factly. It wasn't long after and
the other girls decided that he should spend a few minutes in their
footware 'touturing' their little captive. Unbeknowst to them, he enjoyed
every minute of it. It spent another few minutes in the ballet slipper
than was one to two pairs on tennis-shoes, a pair of flats and a pair of
clogs. He'd never spend any time in a clog before, Marissa must not have
cared for them, but found that he liked them. Unlike the other shoes,
their soles seemed to be slicker and so there was more for Tom to smell
and lick once in them.
Eventually his shoe 'torture' was over though and he emerged smelling
like a smelly shoe. Standing up in the midst of them, the girls instantly
noticed that his little dick was rock-hard.
'Hey,' said Shauna, 'look at that, he enjoyed that, what a little pervo!'
Noticing the little dick for themselves they all basically had the same
'Do you like feet little man?' asked Shauna. Tom, figuring this could
really only get better, nodded his head. And, true to his thoughts Shauna
extended her beautiful foot and planted her sole right onto his little
body. Tom couldn't believe the matter-of-fact way these girls approached
things. Weren't they suppused to be innocent young girls. But, turning to
face the gigantic sole, he extended his arms out to his sides, grasped
the sides of her feet and pressed himself firmly into it. Milky white
sole-flesh extended out everywhere it seemed and Tom could feel Shauna's
sole-print as his check touched it. Pressing his little dick into it
below, he could hear a slight gasp from Shauna.
'Oh my,' she started, startled, 'I can feel his little dick. It feels so
Then, to Tom's surprise, another sole pressed him from behind and he
quickly found himself pressed between the soles of two gorgeous teenage
girls. He could tell from the familiar smell that the sole behind him
belonged to Ann. Squirming in ecstacy, he could hear the girls.
'I'll bet he's either really unhappy now or in total bliss.' Then he came
on the sole in front of him. 'His in total bliss,' said Shauna, 'little
fart just came on my foot.'
Finally the soles parted and Tom caught his breath. He was almost unhappy
to have it end. Luckily for him it wasn't quite over, examining the small
pool of cum on her sole, Shauna extended it once again to him and
commanded him to clean up the little mess he'd made. So leaning forward,
he stuck his face down to the little puddle and licked it clean. He'd
never been instructed to clean his own cum by Marissa before, but figured
this was a new experience he could remember for a while.
As he cleaned the other three girls in the room began to complain that
they weren't having any fun with the little man. Angrily Ann interjected,
'you girls aren't having any fun because you're not getting invloved.
Don't be afraid just because he has a penis. It's a pathetic little penis
that couldn't do anything to you if it tried.' Tom snapped Ann a quick
stare then as the girls around the room giggled again.
Tom was still staring at Ann angrily when a hand grabbed him from behind.
Craning his neck to see who it was that grabbed him, he could see that it
was Brandi. Moving her hand quickly, Tom soon found himself pressed
firmly to her breast. Cupped from behind with her palm, her nipple
pressed into Tom's chest and he could feel it hardening beneith him. As
it hardened, he could feel the giant hand holding him move him,
maneuvering his little face to be right on to tip of the hardened nipple.
Pressing him firmly into it, his little nose pressed to the side Brandi
spoke, 'Alright little man, suck it. Even though Brandi had only
moderately sized breasts, her nipples were still far too large for him to
have any chance of fitting either into his little mouth. But, having been
a three-inch man for some time, Tom had been demanded this before.
Realizing that effort was really more important in this case than
accuracy, he dove right in and began licking and slightly nipping at the
nipple, while moving his hands so that he could massage it's side. And
finding the opening in it's tip he buried his head and began licking as
far down as he could.
Slowly, Brandi's breathing became deeper and quicker and his efforts were
rewarded with deep sighs. Soon, the sighs were replaced with moans and he
could tell from the movements all around him that she was squirming under
him. As time passed the movements became more voilent (at least to him)
and he had to struggle to keep the nipple near his face. But then it was
over and she had had her orgasm.
'Wow!' she spoke, 'I've never felt anything like that before.' Then,
looking down at him with an absolute dreamy look in her eyes, she lifted
him to her lips and gave him a long kiss that covered him from his neck
down to his groin.
Not long after this, Ann the seemed leader of the group grabbed Tom
roughly and said, 'well, if he can make you feel that good there, than he
ought to do wonders a little bit lower.' Tom knew exactly what was coming
and prepared himself. But it didn't come immediately, cause the other
girls protested.
'Wait a second,' complained Stacy, 'you've all had a turn now except me.'
To this Ann unhappily turned him over to Stacy, who looked down at him as
if wondering what to do with him. Then, as though a bulb had flashed
above her head, she went quickly to the bathroom and grabbed a jar of
Then, returning to the bedroom, she sat and began spreading the vasoline
all over the front of her body. Having completed this, and glistening
from the coating, she turned on Tom and began to coat him. Disgusted with
the idea the other girls began to wonder vocally how she would ever get
it off of her. But she ignored them and grabbed little Tom and began
rubbing him on her body.
Never before had he been covered head to toe with vasoline, but he had to
admit that it was quite fun. She slid him over and around and between her
breasts, she slid him all along her trim abdomin and spent an inordinate
amount of time around her navel. A couple of times Tom's hard dick went
through her naval and it gave him a twinge of pleasure when it would
'pop' out the other side. Girl flesh filled his vision and soon he found
himself moving closer and closer to the place between her legs.
Seeing this the other girls cheered her on, 'Go Stacy. You can do it.'
Tom listened to what little he could filter out from around him and
figured out that Stacy was a virgin. Knowing how messy it was going to
be, he prepared himself as best he could. At least Stacy had the
forethought to turn him around so his feet went in first. Hesitating a
moment, Stacy seemed unsure of whether to continue. But, quickly the
surrounding girls encouraged her. So, slowly ever so slowly she opened
herself and pressed him in. Tom felt the familiar pressures below him of
a virgin and closed his eyes and held his breath. Soon the pressure gave
way and in he went, and messy it was. Soon Tom found himself surrounded
by Stacy's bodily fluids and had to wipe it from his eyes and face when
she took him out.
Tom had never seen a girl how hadn't enjoyed their experience with him,
but he wasn't surprised that Stacy was crying. As the other girls
consoled her Ann moved in. Grasping Tom and lifting him to her face she
said low, 'Well she may not have had any fun with you, but I'm going to.'
Then lowered between a woman's legs once again Tom held his breath. This
time he was forced head first into the giant pussy. Not bothering to
spread herself wide for him, Tom could feel he hair pulled from each side
as he was forced passed her lips. Then, the pressure gave way and his
head entered. Seeing that his shoulder, little as they were, would not
fit in forcefully Ann finally reached down with her free hand and spread
them slightly. Feeling the pressure relieved from his shoulders, Tom was
pushed all the way in, clear to his feet.
Familiar as pussy flesh had become to him over time, Tom could tell this
did not belong to the giantess that he truly loved. It was not quite as
warm and tasted quite a bit different. It was also a smaller tunnel than
he was used to and his ribs crushed in on him, making it difficult to
breath. Gyrating around him, he slid along the flesh as Ann plunged him
in and out. He could almost make out her heart beat and could tell it was
speeing up.
Breathing what little air he could through constricted lungs, he was
happy when Ann finally came and he was flooded with her juices.
Struggling to breath he inhaled large amounts of it, just before being
pulled out to the world again. He stood before the girls then, looking
like a drowned rat. His hair was slickly stuck to his head and he was
covered head to toe. He chilled quickly as he began to dry and hs little
teeth even started to chatter.
Seeing this, Amber quickly retrieved a little doll blanket and sensing
that Tom was pretty tired, she placed him in the jewelry box once again
and tucked him in. Tucking the blanket snuggly around him she leaned down
and kissed him saying, 'Good night my little doll-man. Sleep tight,
you've giving us a lot of enjoyment tonight.' Then leaving the top open
she retreated. It wasn't long till Tom was asleep. The voice of woman
talking had become almost like a lullaby by then, he'd heard them talking
well into the night so many times before, and the girls here had the same
effect as the others. Soon, he was fast asleep.
BOOM! The door to Amber's room slammed open as Tom and the startled girls
sleeping around the room all sat up to she what the matter was. It was
Marissa! Tom almost stood and cheered. Quickly Marissa began pumping a
greenish looking mist into the room and then left. Looking around, Tom
could no longer she the girls. Looking harder he finally spotted one on
the bed...but she was only three inches tall like him now! Tom was happy
to have been rescued, but he almost felt sorry for the poor girls.
Once the mist had cleared, Marissa came into the room. Tom, jumping up
and down and waving his arms back and forth to get her attention,
shouted. Spotting him she walked across the room and grabbed him from the
Reaching up like a baby waiting for it's mother to pick it up, Tom was
grateful to once again be with his Goddess. Bringing him close to her
face she spoke softly, 'I was so worried about you. I though you'd been
lost down a drain, or accidently squished or something. But when I
realized what had happened I came immediately. Then, placing Tom
inbetween her breasts she turned and gathered the girls into her purse.
The, looking down at Tom and giving him a little wink, they left the
house. Tom wondered what was in store for the five little girls.

The End...for now
