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Sexy Giantess

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Everyone in the bar stopped to watch the action.
A fight between Ugly Bob Brain and a 'gadslut,' thosebeing the homely women that hung out at tough jointslike the "Ain't Here" cocktail lounge. Only this'gadslut' was a real looker; sometimes that happened,and that's why all the tough guys hung out there, waitingfor the 'gadslut' lookers, like the one that just deckedUgly Bob. However, the Queen was 'gadslut', she was a CyberSlut.Patrons of the "Ain't Here" were about to learn thedifference between a 'gadslut' and a CyberSlut! "Get off the fucking floor you piece of porkrine."Cyberslut touched her cunt and gently rubbed her clit.Feeling some excitement, the ravishing redhead reacheddown and grabbed the big slob's Ear. "If you'd had anyhair, I'd grab you by that," snickered the Slut. "GuessI just have to pull off some of your flesh." Feeling a deeper flash of excitement when sheheard the painful moans of her beaten man, Cy pulledher new found 'friend' up and back onto his chair.
Bending a bit to grasp his weakend hand, Cy's flamingwaist long red hair fell softly over her face.
Brushing it back with the leathered covered top part ofher hand, CyberSlut calmly, cooly, and without warning,kneed the pigswine in his unprotected balls.
The ugly man fell off the bar stool, writhing inpain. "Gaauud. Shit woman, all I wanted to do wastouch your butt-hind." "Good. Well you can't!" Replied the Slut. "But Itell you what. You can touch this guy's butt." With agleam, CyberSlut continued, "in fact, all of youmoron's can touch each other's butt!"
And with that, the 5'9" bundle of perfectlysculputured muscle grabbed the head of her enslavedbutt-hind, and pulled him up and placed him onto hisknees. CyberSlut eyed the cocktail lounge. There wereone, maybe two homely looking 'gadsluts', otherwise theplaced was filled with limped dicked deadbeats.
"Alright I need some volunteers."
CyberSlut placed her hands firmly on her hips,took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. The Queensystematicly began to breath all the while consciouslyexpanding her 36DD chest. She carried those succulentmammeries in a tightly fitted soft metalic, jet black,tank top. (There was no possible way to ignore the factthat no matter what she was, friend or foe, CyberSlutpossessed the body of a Red Hot Vixen, and the soul ofa Demonic Witch.) Queen Cyberslut began to fill her mind withthoughts about being Big, about how Powerful she is,about acts of Domination, and about tiny whimpering menrunning about her ankles, grabbing but unable to holdonto her magnificint, powerful calfs.
As these thoughts swelled in and throughout herinner and outer aura, Cyberslut began to grow. Slowlyat first. Every part of her expanding at the samerate: As she grew 2" upward, her legs, chest, arms,neck, and smooth skinned face grew proportionally inwidth and depth.
The men gasped and turned their stunned headsupward. Cyber Slut quickly reached 15' tall.
Unfortunately, the ceiling was only twenty feethigh, and since CyberSlut wanted to be at least 15'taller than the tallest man in the room (6'5"), theCyberGiantness needed 3 more feet.
"Alright you worthless lot of morons, ON YOURKNEES!" In immediate compliance to this toweringfemale figure, the captivated men all fell to theirknees.
Next the CyberQueenSlut, now 17' tall, took onelast deep breath and thought about tiny little menrunning through the cracks in her toes, kissing andstroking her sensitive flesh. She imagined one or twominute migets straining their little bitty headsbetween her toenails, using their teeth to clean outany dirt or lint that may reside there. Within 10 amazing seconds, CyberSlut grew to therestricted 19.' Once there, the Giantness commanded,"Everybody, reach out to your itty bitty neighbor, andpull down his puny pitty pants." CyberSlut laughed toherself and then outloud as she looked down on thesight: Fifty-three men, no taller than her knee, werestanding before her, butt naked. "Wonderful," barked the Giant CyberSlut, herexquisitly tight form towering over the lot. "Now eachof you, ... stick your finger in your buddies' butthole." There was instant compliance. Once all her little men had their little finger upsomeother's little butt, Queen CyberSlut stepped to themiddle of the room, kicking a row of 3 to 5 butt-fingered minatures out of her way. When she reachedthe middle of the room, Giantness CyberSlut put herhands of her hips, and looked down on the 'conga-line'that held her entrapped men. "Alright you little finger-fuckn'-butt-holes, letthat be a lesson to each and every tinsy winsy one ofyou. Never, ever lay a hand on a Giantness, and don'tyou ever, and I mean ever, call me Cy. ... Only myfriends call me Cy: My enemies call me SLUT! You, mylittle limpbuttscules, are neither. As my slaves, youmay *only* call me Queen Wrestling CyberSlut." The Queen reached up, and stroked her excitedsaucers poking through her jet black nylonsoft metalictank top. Cy felt a brief flash of excitement, andsighed. Satisfied, Queen Wrestling Cyberslut took twosteps over her minions and position herself at the doorthat led out of "Ain't Here" lounge. Suddenly, the Giant female began to shrink back to normalsize. It was a smooth, but quick downward descent toCyberSluts' 5'9" inch frame. "Ha, ... men!?" mocked the flaming redhead, as sheturned and walked out of the bar. The men in the barall watched as the powerful, and amazing CyberVixenSlutsaunter out of their lives. Most of them returned totheir drinks; some of them remained the way she had placedthem: butt-fingered buddies. 'That was good,' thought Cyberslut. 'The bar willbe of use to me, .... when I finally meet up with the"DickMen Twins".'.. -end-

