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Kathy, The Giantess Wife

 Kathy lifted a hand to her bruised cheek.  Her red hair tussled
about her face, her blue eyes welling up with tears.

    Dinner lay strewn across the floor.

    Jeff, her husband, towered over her, his sour yeasty beer breath
puffing into her face.  He raised his open hand.  With a sob Kathy
spun and fled.  Jeff's unrelenting string of obscenities pursued
her up the stairs and into the bedroom.  Hurling herself across
the bed, she burrowed into the pillows and covers, sought refuge
in blessed silence.  But, muffled though it was, she heard the
noises downstairs.  Jeff laughing.  Jeff swearing.  Things breaking.
But, mercifully, not the sound of heavy boots clumping up the stairs.
She listened, barely breathing.  She heard him talking.  After a long
while she heard the front door open and close, then the sound of a
car driving away.

    It was just another day for Kathy.

    Jeff had owned her for years, dominated her, used her.  And while
at her very core lived a last bastion of defiance, she had no power,
no way to make her needs known.  She was young, in her mid-twenties,
strong and hale in body, but suffering in spirit.  She didn't think
she loved Jeff anymore, but she could not think what she would do
without him.  Nor was her humiliation confined just to her husband.
Like a contagion it seemed to be all around her.  Only yesterday the
new groundskeeper had exposed himself to her, as though he was
something different, something she should desire.

    Well, she desired something, alright.

    A life on her own terms.  A power of her own to wield.  And end to
misery.  Maybe even hope for retribution.  It wasn't much, but she
had her dreams.

                                      - = - = - = - = -

    Three days a week, Kathy worked at the village library.  It was
humdrum, mindless, and quiet.  But she went about her job,
examining new books, that were dropped off by the dozens every week.
On this particular day, there was one tome that caught her attention
immediately.  First, it was old, maybe not rare old, but old enough.
It was bound in black leather, its pages were stiff and brittle, and
it eminated that mustiness peculiar to long storage.

    Carefully, she opened it, and got her second surprise.  It was a
recipe book.  A cookbook, of sorts.  No.  A book of potions.  She
leafed through the pages.  There were balms for ailments, codials
for stirring emotions, draughts for transformations.  Kathy stopped.
Reading carefully she felt her heart fluttering in her breast.  She
read it three times, before she dared believe a word of it, then
took the book to a nearby copier.  After that she stored the book
away in a safe place, and left work early.

    She had some shopping to do...

                            - = - = - = - = -

    It took almost a week before she gathered all the ingredients,
some of them were very hard to find.  And during that week her
beatings became worse, almost as if Jeff sensed her new resolve.
Kathy endured him, but the rage was building within her.  Everything
was riding on this potion.  If it failed, she wasn't sure she could
go on living...

                            - = - = - = - = -

    It was white opalescent liquid.  It shimmered prettily in the
little crystal vial.  She had enough for scores of applications.
But for Jeff, she only needed a drop.  He roared for beer.  Kathy
brought him some, smiling demurely.

                            - = - = - = - = -

    The transformation was swift.

    The big man drank down his beer noisily, belched and tossed the
can aside.  She watched him closely.  He adjusted himself in the
chair a few times, a puzzled expression played over his face.  When
she saw him pluck at his clothes, his loose fitting, voluminous
shirt, her heart sang within her.  Stepping in front of him, hands
on her hips she looked him over.  Already he was smaller than she was.

    "What the fuck's going on?" he demanded.


    "I said!  What the...oh god." he was down to about three feet tall,
and the process was going full swing now.  Kathy watched him dwindle,
smaller and smaller, his clothes rising around him like cottony
mountains.  His voice soared in pitch and faded in volume.  When the
potion's effect was complete he was only a mere two inches tall,
staring up in horrified astonishment at the smug satisfaction on
Kathy's face.

    Jeff was a bug.

    It took a moment to fully sink in, for her to understand it.  The
beatings, the fear, all were in the past.  The source of her misery
was reduced to the size of her thumb and cowering before her
colossal presence.  Kathy was suddenly filled with a passionate
desire to stomp Jeff out of existence, to crush him and grind him
into pulp.  She trembled with the force of the feeling, her hands
clenching and unclenching.  But she fought it down.  The fear may
have vanished, but the rage remained and demanded utterance.  She
wanted revenge.  Jeff was going to last for a while before she gave
into sweet temptation and squashed him.

    Bending her knees, Kathy reached for Jeff, hesitated.  He was
screaming obscenities, waving his arms.  She completed her motion,
wrapped her fingers around him, and picked him up like a small
mouse.  He was naked, of course, and warm in her hand.  He writhed
with insane strength, and she tightened her grip, so as not to drop
him.  Then she carried him into the kitchen, sat down, and placed
him on the table before her.

    Jeff took a punch at her fingers as she let him go.  It was
amusing, that being to small he should dare to resist her.  Kathy
chuckled and poked at him with her forefinger.  He swatted at it,
it was like hitting a tree trunk.  She touched his tiny chest with
the tip of her finger.  He back-pedalled, windmilling his arms and sat
down.  Kathy was resting her chin low to the table, cupped within
her left fist.  Her eyes were focused intently on her miniature

    Still using only her forefinger, she pressed upon his chest,
forced him to lay flat on the cold kitchen table.  His vitriolic
language continued unabated, and she pushed down a little harder,
blasting the air from his chest.  His face was a study in horror,
as he choked and gasped for air.  Kathy never took her eyes off of
him.  Her tongue lolled over her great lips as she poked and prodded
at him.  He fought back using his arms and legs, then curled up into
a little ball.

    Kathy rolled him around a bit, but this was boring.

    "COME ON, JEFF UNROLL FOR ME."  But he ignored her.  
warned, "OPEN UP.  NOW!!" and she smashed the table with her fist, 
causing the fruit basket on the table to jump.

    Jeff was on his feet in an instant, raw panic in his face, as he
stared at her colossal fist, resting upon the table.  Kathy bared
her teeth and smiled at him.  Raising her fist, which was the size
of a small car to Jeff, she held it.  Held it.  Then smashed the
table again, knocking Jeff aside with the impact.  Suddenly there
was a tiny puddle on the table between Jeff's tiny legs, and he was
trembling uncontrollably.  Laughing gaily, she gave him no time to
recover, again and again she rocked the table with her fist.

    Jeff howled and ran, shrieking every time the table leapt under
his feet.  Then suddenly he ran into a huge warm wall. It was
Kathy's open palm.  She closed her fingers into an 'O' around his
tiny body, not holding him, but not letting him escape.  Reaching
over him with her other hand, she rummaged in the fruit basket.
After a moment's searching she lifted out a small tomato.

    Her eyes watched him intently as she raised it to her lips and
nibbled at it with her teeth.  Then she wrapped her fingers around
it, and laid her fist on the table beside her other hand.  Jeff
could see the flesh of the tomato peeking through her gargantuan
fingers.  He watched as she slowly closed her grip, her fingers
tautening and tightening.  The tomato swelled under the pressure,
resisted her strength, then burst and split with a splurching,
squelching sound.  Kathy kept squeezing, the pulp and seeds oozed
through her fingers, a red puddle formed under her hand.  She smiled
at him and licked her lips.

    When she opened her hand, the smashed gooey remains of the tomato
was stuck to her palm and fingers.  Jeff watched in moribund terror
as Kathy raised her hand to her mouth and cleaned it with her
tongue.  Her eyes stayed on him the entire time.  When she was done,
she released him from her grasp.  Smiled sweetly at him and said.


    Jeff howled and collapsed into a heap.

    Kathy's eyes were bright and alive, she was enjoying her sport.
The soul searing panic of her little husband filled her with a
powerful desire.  She wanted him to suffer more, she wanted to
humiliate him, to hear him beg for mercy, just so she could deny
it to him.  Lust welling up within her, Kathy began unbuttoning
her blouse.  Jeff did not like what happening, and he began to wail.
Kathy smiled, and slipped her blouse off, then she unhooked the
clasp on the front of her bra, and spilled her breasts atop the

    She had nice breasts, big breasts.

    Kathy kneaded her tits and stroked her nipples, her arousal was
patently obvious to Jeff.  She left no doubt in his mind what
would happen were he caught between her huge tan breasts.  Reaching
out with her hand, she made a cage around him with her fingers,
then scooped him up.  Raising him over her open mouth she poked
at him with her tongue, laughing at his panicky shrieks.  Then she
placed him upon her right breast, astride her swollen nipple.

    He was a pleasant little weight upon her breast.  His legs
gripped her nipple tightly enough to stimulate her.  Standing
she raised her arms over her head.

    "HANG ON, LITTLE JEFF." she purred, and began to sway back and
forth.  Jeff clung to her for dear life.  She watched him, laughed,
and increased the vigor of her motions.  Her breasts swung back and
forth, back and forth, until she caught the rhythm and they began
to jiggle wildly.  She gasped and moaned as Jeff clamped down with
all his strength upon her nipple.  His howls of fear only fuelled
her desire to dominate him with her body.

    Suddenly he slipped and was flung away.

    Kathy's reaction was instinctive.  She snatched him out of the
air, then checked to see if she had squashed him.  Jeff was dazed,
but still unharmed.  She smiled and put him back on the table.

    Looking down she unbuttoned her skirt, and let it fall to the
floor.  Her panties were pink and lacy, shaped nicely across the
gentle bulge of her moons.  With a mischievous giggle she picked
Jeff up off the table, while with her other hand she pulled the
elastic forward.  Pursing her lips she blew him a little kiss and
dropped him inside, then let the elastic snap back against her hips.

    Jeff's tiny body made a delightful little bump against the front
panel of the material.  She felt him shifting and wriggling in the
lush tangle of her pubic hairs.  It was a delicious sensation, and
she looked down between her spread legs, watching him squirm against
her crotch.

    Looking up she noticed that it was getting late.  So leaving Jeff
in her panties she cleaned up a little and went to bed.  Lying
there under the covers, she felt Jeff moving around more vigorously.
Her panties had bunched up a little, giving   him room to manoeuvre.
It didn't matter.  She closed her eyes, feeling safe, feeling
powerful, and her dreams were filled with little Jeff's...

                            - = - = - = - = -

    Morning came...

    Kathy rose, and padded into the bathroom.  She was up early, and
didn't have to be at the library for another two hours.  It wasn't
until she started downstairs to get some coffee that she remembered
Jeff.  Turning she started back towards the bedroom, he hadn't been
in her panties when she went to the bathroom, so maybe he was still
in the bed.

    Suddenly, she stopped.

    Through the open door, she saw Jeff struggling through the blue
shag rug.  It was like a jungle to him.  But he was slowly making
progress towards the nightstand.  Kathy immediately guessed what
he intended.  The cord on the phone was long, and probably draped
onto the floor.  He might be able to climb the cord and reach the
phone, then move the handset and use the quick-dialler to call one
of his buddies.  The fact that Jeff probably couldn't even move
the handset never occurred to Kathy.  She felt angry with him.  No.
She felt good about feeling angry with him.  She wanted to hate
him.  She wanted to dominate him.

    Kathy waited.

    It took him a considerable length of time for Jeff to reach the
dangling cord and begin his climb.  But Kathy wanted to catch him
'in the act'.  He was halfway up to the top when her patience gave
out.  Standing just where she could see him, she started stomping
her feet, making it sound like she was coming down the hall.  The
results were most gratifying.  Jeff looked like he was having a
seizure.  He was in an absolute panic; too far down to reach the
tabletop, too high up to jump.  He clung to the phone cord and
watched fearfully as his titanic wife entered the bedroom.

    Kathy pretended not to notice him.

    She wanted to play with him a little, and she had an idea.
Walking around the room, she opened drawers and selected her
clothes for work, placing them on the bed next to the nightstand.
Jeff was about a foot and a half up the cord.  Just right for her
little game.  Removing her panties, she stood next to the
nightstand, looking out the window.  Jeff had to bend his head
back to look up at his colossal wife.  Kathy idly combed her
fingers through her pussy hairs, one finger sought the moist warmth
of her inner vulva.  She gave him quite a little show.  Then, as if
remembering she had to go to work, she turned to the clothes laid
across the bed and picked up a bra.  Feigning clumsiness she
knocked a shoe onto the floor, it co-operated nicely by bouncing
under the bed.

    Trying not to giggle, Kathy got down on all fours, presenting her
formidable ass towards Jeff.  Then, carefully, she began to back up.
Jeff didn't dare so much as squeak as her soft crotch closed in on
him.  Kathy's butt pressed against the nightstand, she could feel
the phonecord between her cheeks.  She pressed a little harder, and
she could feel Jeff.  Stifling another giggle she wiggled her ass a
little, then ended the game by saying "A-HA!" and finding her
dropped shoe.

    She wasn't quite done, though, and going into the bathroom she
surreptitiously glanced back at Jeff.  He looked badly shaken, but
was starting again to climb to the top of the table.  It was going
to take him a minute, so Kathy took a quick shower, then leaving
the water running, checked up on Jeff again.

    She was impressed.

    Not only had he made it to the top, but he was trying to lever
the handset off using his back.  It wobbled a bit but showed no
sign of really moving.  Still, enough was enough.  It was time to
let Jeff know that he was in trouble.  He was too intent on his
efforts to notice her approach.

    She stood next to the table and cleared her throat.

    She saw him twitch.  He couldn't look up from under the handset,
but he could look sideways, and see her enormous red haired moons,
framed within her great hips.

    "FE-FI-FO-FUM, LITTLE JEFF." she chanted.  Reaching down Kathy
grabbed the phone, and lifted it slowly, letting Jeff appreciate
how much more stronger she was than him.  She tossed the phone
onto the bed, and it made a ding! noise when it hit.  Then,
placing a hand on either side of the nightstand, she leaned down,
her breasts dangling over Jeff like two huge tan moons.

TO MY HAIRY CUNT?" and she dipped down, rolling her shoulders,
making her tits bobble terrifyingly close to him.  "I'LL BET
sneered.  "YOU'D BE MASHED LIKE A BUG."  Kathy stood up, and
pressed her hips forward.  "THAT MIGHT BE FUN.  BUT MY PUSSY
WANTS YOU TOO." she rubbed her moons against the table, shaking

    Jeff was not amused.

    He backed away from his gigantic wife, wondering if he should
just jump, and end it all.

    Kathy watched him with laughing eyes.

TONIGHT I'LL DECIDE HOW TO PUNISH YOU."  and she reached out with
her giant hand.  Jeff yelped and turned to run, but she easily
nabbed him.  She pinched his hands together between her thumb and
forefinger and lifted him over her mouth.  "HEADS IT'S MY BRA,
TAILS IT'S MY PANTIES." she said.  Jeff howled in an extremity
of terror as she lowered him into her mouth.  She closed her lips,
shutting him in darkness.  Her tongue was a soft wet monster that
surrounded him, pressing him against her great teeth.

    He screamed and gibbered in fear.

    Her head was tilting back, and he could sense, if not see the
moist tunnel of her throat gaping beneath him.  He heard her draw
breath, a great roaring noise.  There was a moment of silence, then
a blast of air, fiercer than a hurricane propelled   him out of her
mouth.  The room tumbled madly as he spun high into the air.
Flailing his arms and legs, shrieking in terror he fell towards
the floor far, far below.

    Abruptly he landed.

    Not on the floor.

    Kathy's gigantic hands were cupped together.  He lay between her
palms, his face buried against her skin.

    "TAILS IT IS." laughed Kathy...

                            - = - = - = - = -

    She sewed Jeff into her favorite powder blue panties,  just a
few loops around his wrists and ankles.

    "I CAN'T HAVE YOU JUST GO WANDERING OFF." she explained.

    Jeff screamed a lot, which though she enjoyed it, would not go
over well at the library.  She needed him quiet, so she gagged him
with a tiny wad of cotton, held in place with a piece of silk
thread wrapped around his head.  Then she lay him on the floor
between her bare feet.  He stared up helplessly as she combed and
teased her pubic hairs with her fingers, then she squatted a little
and distended her vulva again so her inner lips poked out, pink and

    Lifting her feet she placed them within the legging gaps in her
panties.  Jeff looked very small between her lovely barefeet, and
she wondered for a moment what it would feel like to step on him.
Maybe later.  She bent over pulled her panties up, taking her time
so Jeff could appreciate just how terribly long her legs were.
And so he could watch the massive threat of her downy covered
crotch descending upon him, getting closer and closer.

    With a little wiggle Kathy pulled her panties up onto her hips.
Jeff felt warm and helpless against her vulva, and she tugged on
the material until he was wedged between her lips.  Her huge vagina
loomed over his insignificant cock, she was big enough to swallow
his entire body.  Her clit radiated a cloying warmth near to his
head.  The heat was terrific, and his sweat mingled with the rich,
thick flood of her cunt juices.

    Kathy finished dressing, applied her makeup and drove to work.
All the way in the car she squirmed as Jeff struggled between her
thighs.  By the time she arrived she had regained some measure of
composure.  But every so often, the shear hedonistic sensation,
the sense of power, having Jeff trapped against her soft womanhood,
was too much and she trembled in a mini-orgasm.  Once she ran to
the restroom, shut herself in a stall, reached into her panties and
masturbated furiously; the back of her hand banging against Jeff as
she pumped her fingers in and out of her giant cunt.  Another time
she went to take a piss, only slipping her panties aside, instead of
removing them.  The look of terror on Jeff's tiny face, as she
gushed a golden stream nearly as thick as his waist, was so
delicious that she stayed and massaged her clit in front of his tiny
body till she climaxed.

    As the day wore on, the constant wetness of her pussy began to
give her a definite 'air'.  So she left work early again.  All
the way home she played with the bulge between her legs, pressing
Jeff's entire puny body into the clinging embrace of her gigantic
vulva.  When she arrived home she removed her underwear and looked
at him.

    Jeff was a mess.

    Coated in her love juices the entire day, he was caked in the
stuff.  Going into the bedroom Kathy tossed her sewing kit onto
the bed and rummaged through it.  A pair of needle point scissors
looked good, and she carefully snipped the threads, then took him
into bathroom and washed him off.  Looking out the window she saw
the groundskeeper working on the hedges behind the house.  It was
the same jerk who had flashed her a day or two ago, and Kathy
wondered if she could take vengeance on him too.

    After Jeff was clean, Kathy dried him off with a hand towel,
went into the bedroom and carelessly tossed him onto the bed.
Seeing that guy outside had really bothered her.

    "JEFF," she said, as she removed the rest of her work clothes.
naked over to the bed and looked down at her two inch tall

  She crossed her arms over her breasts and walked over to the window.

turned and stepped up to the bed.  "WHAT DO YOU THINK?"

    Jeff shouted something.


    He yelled again.

    "NOPE." said Kathy, "I GUESS I NEED YOU CLOSER TO HEAR YOU." and
she reached out for Jeff with her right hand.  Just before she was
about to scoop him up, something silver flashed, and Jeff leapt
forward and sank a sewing needle into Kathy's finger.  With a
startled yelp, she drew her hand back, yanking the needle out of
his grasp.  She plucked the needle from her finger and sucked on
it staring at Jeff darkly.

    Reaching out she picked up the rest of the sewing kit and set
it on the nightstand.  Then she turned back towards Jeff, looming
over him like an angry mountain.

    "THAT'S IT, ASSHOLE." she said ominously.  "I WAS GOING TO LET
reaching out she grabbed him in her hand, held him close to her
face.  Her hot breath washed over him.  "WE'RE NOT MARRIED
wails of terror thrilled her.

squatting on her heels, she pressed him deep into her moist
vulva.  Her powerful vagina engulfed him with a luscious slurping
sound, and she drew him all the way into her cavernous depths.
Closing her eyes she luxuriated in her absolute domination of
Jeff.  She surrounded him with herself, owned him.  No longer
restrained by her desire to make him last, she exercised her
cunt upon him, squeezing him within her body.  He struggled
nicely within her, but she wanted to feel him squish inside of
her, and she knew how she wanted to do it.

    Kathy flipped open her jewellery box and took out a necklace, that
she had recently purchased.  Still naked, she went downstairs into
the kitchen and poured a couple drops of her potion into the small
tear-shaped vial that adorned the necklace.  Then she hung the
delicate gold filigree around her neck, with the vial nestled
between her big breasts.  She stopped a moment and savored Jeff's
tiny body, squirming frantically inside of her cunt.  She sensed
that she had to be quick, or he would just smother in there.  So
she hurried to the back door, and when she was sure the groundskeeper
was looking her way, stepped out naked onto the patio.

    The man stared at her as she proudly strutted towards the
railing, her great breasts swaying in time with her hips.  Turning
around towards the house she lazily sauntered backed, stopped in the
doorway, and glancing over her shoulder nailed him with her blue

    He must have run, because it was only a scant moment after she
was inside, that he was scratching at the door.  Kathy wasted no
time.  She shushed his excited talking and helped him take off
his jeans, he was not wearing a shirt.  Once he was stripped she
pushed him onto the floor and straddled him.  She told him to lie
absolutely still, to let her do everything, or she'd send him out
and find someone else to satisfy her.  He agreed without resistance.
He was more than ready for her.  Kathy reached between her legs and
lolled the head of his penis over her vulva, smearing it with her
cum.  Then, placing her hands on her hips, she slowly sank down
upon his shaft.

    She felt Jeff.

    The huge cock entering her, ploughed him aside, pinning him
between it and her vaginal wall.  Before the man could realize
that something was in there, Kathy began to pump.  Up and down.
Up and down.  She could feel Jeff's howls of terror vibrating
within her.  Kneading her breasts with her hands she increased
the tempo, rotating her pelvis so the cock within her squeezed Jeff
against her cunt.  She felt herself beginning to labor with the
first waves of her orgasm.  It was time to finish her ex-husband.
Rising onto her knees a little she took a few longer strokes.  Her
lover moaned, and reaching up with his hands started to fondle her.
Kathy growled at him, but endured it.  She had managed to get Jeff
pushed in far enough, so that he was jammed up against her cervix.

    As the first orgasm hit her, she sat down -- hard.

    Jeff was squished between her cervix and the huge cock.  She felt
it, she loved it.  She humped wildly, mashing Jeff in her sexual
frenzy, crushing him, reducing him to pulp.  Her orgasm were sweet
and powerful and she shouted out her pleasure.  The groundskeeper
shouted too and she felt him spasm and fill her with hot cum.
Kathy laughed, shuddered with another orgasm, then started the long
pleasurable descent. Pressing down she wiggled her hips, lazily
grinding Jeff's gooey pulpy remains between her and the man's penis.

    She felt wonderful.

    She had taken her full grown husband, shrunk him, humiliated him
and finally eradicated him, using only her lovely body.  It was a
wonderful sensation.  She had lived in fear for so long, that the
release from it was like a drug.  She had to have more.  She had to
recreate that awful sense of power, that her body could command
over a so tiny a man.

    The man under her was relaxed, comfortable.  But he was a jerk.
She knew that once he got out of here, and he would leave a
quickly as possible, that he would share the details of his good
fortune with his friends.  She didn't like that thought.

    Lifting the necklace from her neck, she opened the vial, leaned
forward and touched a finger to his lips.  He smiled and opened
his mouth, and Kathy upturned the vial and let a single drop fall
onto his tongue.

    His eyes snapped open, and he stared at her.

    Kathy was staring back, grinning wickedly.

    He felt strange...

  Kathy lolled her tongue over her lips, watching as he began to
  shrink.  He didn't start struggling until he was about three feet
  tall.  She easily held him between her strong thighs, laughed at
  his futile wrigglings.  He grew smaller and smaller, her body
  rising up before him like a soft tan mountain.  Everthing
  diminished towards his center, so he was almost directly under her
  wet glistening pussy.  He could not believe that only moments
  before he had been having sex with this colossal woman.  He could
  see his cum oozing from her cunt, mingled with her our juices.

    Then he saw it.
    A man's body.
    A tiny body, his size, cruelly mangled, poking out of this
  giantess' cunt.

    High overhead, Kathy looked down at her next victim, guessed
  what he had seen and chuckled.  The power lust was on her again.
  She wanted to hear tiny screams, tiny pleadings for mercy.  She
  wanted to feel him writh under her gigantic body, and crunch at
  her pleasure.

    Looking down at him, Kathy caught his eyes with hers.
    She nibbled at her lower lip, giggled and said:  "WHO'S NEXT?"

    The little man began screaming...

