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Giantess Neighbor

One Saturday night while sitting at home watching
television I suddenly was startled by the ringing of my
telephone. I picked up the phone and said "hello."
     It was my beautiful neighbor Christine on the other
end. She said, "I noticed you were home on Saturday night. I
don't have anything to do either, why don't you come over
and we'll watch TV together."
I said, "Sure, I will be right over." I cannot believe that
she would call and invite me over. I have always had a crush
on her because she is so beautiful.
     I walked over to her house and knocked on the door.
When she answered she was standing there dressed in a black
lycra mini-dress with black stockings and black high heels.
I asked, "Why are you all dressed up if you are just
watching TV." She said, "I had a date tonight but he
canceled and I didn't want to change. Why don't you come on
in." I walked into the house and she led me to the living
room. We sat down together on the couch and she put on a
video tape. She played Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman. She said, "I
have always loved this movie. I love the way Daryl Hannah
picks up her little man at the end and has a chance to crush
him. Too bad she doesn't."  I replied "I have never seen
this movie." Even though I have seen it a million times I
did not want her to know that I secretly love this movie.
     She went into the kitchen and came back with two
glasses of wine. She handed me the glass and said, "Here's a
toast to giant women and tiny shrunken men all around the
world." I did not quite understand her but I toasted with
her anyway.
     As we watched the movie I began to feel a little funny.
I was having trouble focusing on the movie.
But I shrugged it off and we began to talk. She asked me
"Don't you wish that you could be shrunken down to a few
inches tall and be played with by a giant woman." I was
taken a little by surprise be her question. I have always
had this fantasy of being shrunken down by her and played
with like a little doll.. I decided to open up about my
fantasy and told her about how I always thought of her. She
was smiling from ear to ear and said, "You are about to have
your fantasy come true." I asked how this was possible and
she said, " I slipped a shrinking powder in your drink. In a
few minutes you will be about 4 inches tall." I said
,"That's not possible, no one can shrink another person." My
head was really beginning to spin now. I tried to stand up
and I remember falling to the floor  with the room spinning
around me. The last thing I remember was seeing a giant pair
of black high heels in front of me before I passed out.
     I woke up with a terrible headache. I could not figure
out where I was because it was so dark. I was lying in
something very soft and silky. It felt so soft and
comfortable that I fell asleep.
     I awoke to a loud grinding noise and my surroundings
began to shake. My vision was suddenly filled with a bright
light. I looked up and saw what appeared to be giant fingers
draped over a wall. From behind the fingers appeared
Christine's face as large as ever. Her face came close and
filled my entire vision. She said, "How do you feel. Have
you had a nice nap?" I tried to speak but the words did not
come out. She said "Don't be scared I won't hurt you, not
yet anyway."  She then said, "Do you realize where you are,
look around and see how lucky you are." I looked around and
now with the light streaming in I could see that I was lying
on a giant pair of pantyhose. I was lying in Christine's
dresser draw. There were many pairs of  pantyhose in all
different colors and lots of panties. I also realized for
the first time that I was totally
naked. She said, "A lot of guys would love to get in to my
panties and you have done so literally." She began to laugh
     She reached in and I felt her fingers curl around my
body and lift me softly out of the pantyhose draw.  She
carried me a little ways and put me down on her bed. She
then knelt down next to the bed. I noticed she was still
wearing the black mini-dress. She bent over me. I could feel
her hot breath blowing over my naked body. She leaned over
and pressed her giant beautiful red lips against my naked
body. She then said," If you behave and do what your told
like a good little boy I will give you pleasures you never
ever dreamed of. But if you try to escape me I will squash
you under my foot like an insect." As she said that last
line I got a shiver down my spine. I knew she meant what she
     I asked her how she made me so small. She said, "I
belong to an organization of women who have invented a
shrinking powder that shrinks all men. It doesn't have any
affect on women though. Right now we have only experimented
with it to see how long the affects last. But someday we
plan on putting large doses in the city's drinking water.
Then it won't be long before we have all the men shrunk down
to tiny play things." I said to her, "You can't just go
around shrinking men. We have lives were human beings not
play things." She laughed and said, "To us women your just
living dolls to play with or step on.. Now just accept your
new fate and enjoy it. I think it is time for you to realize
the pleasures that can come out of this."
     She picked me up and held me in her hand. She then
climbed on to her bed. She reached down and placed my on her
giant stocking foot. She said, "My feet hurt will you
massage them. " I realized there will be great benefits to
being small. I slowly stroked her beautiful foot. I can see
her long red painted toes through the black nylon as I
rubbed her foot. I slowly moved  my body in an erotic motion
on her foot enjoying the silkiness of her stockings on my
naked body. I eventually cummed all over her foot not being
able to help myself. Then I lied there exhausted. She leans
down and scoops me off her foot and says, "We'll it looks
like you have made a little bit of a mess on my foot. I
really can't blame you it looked like you were enjoying it."
She carried me back to the draw and placed me back down into
the pantyhose. She said, "It is late now and I need to go
out early tomorrow so it is time for you to go back to bed."
I watched as she closed the draw and it became dark.
     In the morning I awoke to the sound of the draw being
opened again. Christine reached in and picked me up. She put
me on top of the dresser and said, "I am going out with a
few of my friends today. When I get home I'll have a
surprise for you. Now you be good, just play with my
pantyhose and panties until I get back. I'll leave the draw
open a crack so you'll have some light."
     I waited a little while to make sure she was gone and I
put my plan to work. I pushed all the pantyhose over to one
side of the draw and piled them until I could climb out of
the draw. At the top of the pile I began to tie some of the
nylons together to make a rope. I then climbed down to the
floor. Everything was so big. I knew it would take me a
while to get out of the house. I did not know what I would
do once I got out of the house but I know that I just wanted
to escape and get home. I ran through a big entranceway out
into a hallway.  I then noticed a huge stairway heading down
and realized Christine's bedroom was on the second floor. It
took me a while but I eventually reached the bottom. I
rounded the corner and made my way back through the living
room  towards the kitchen and the front door. When I got to
the kitchen I saw some very large posts that I surmised to
be the kitchen table. Sitting at the table was Christine's
mother Sandy.
She had a knee length skirt on with tan pantyhose and no
shoes. She was reading the newspaper.  I always thought
Sandy was quite attractive for a woman in her mid 40's.
      I walked under the table over to where her stocking
feet were. I then thought that maybe she would be able to
help me out. If I could get her attention without being
stepped on I could tell her what her daughter did to me.  I
stood there for a moment and admired how beautiful her feet
looked in her shiny pantyhose. Those toes looked incredibly
silky. I decided to take a chance and touch her toes. I
stroked them slowly to make sure she would not feel me. I
guess I must have rubbed to hard because she flinched her
foot and knocked me over. I then heard, "Who is that down
there." I looked up to see Sandy looking down at me. She
then picked up her foot and placed it on top of me. I
thought this was the end of me. The pressure wasn't as bad
as I thought it would be.  She placed her foot over  my body
so just my head was sticking out from her toes. She then
dragged me out from under the table. She removed her foot
and then picked me up.   She smiled and said, "Anthony, what
are you doing down there." I explained to her how Christine
shrank me and told her of her evil plans to shrink all men.
After I explained all the events leading up to this point
Sandy didn't seem to be surprised by anything I said. She
replied, "I know that Christine shrunk you.
She told me last night. I also founded that organization of
women. We call the organization SMALL it stands for Small
Man's Allegiance to Lovely Ladies. Do you remember when my
husband disappeared about a year ago. We told everyone that
he must have been kidnapped. We were just in the beginning
stages of the formula. We decide to try our first experiment
on my husband. It worked great except for the fact that we
shrank him down too small. He was only about 1/4 inch tall.
It was so hard to keep track of him. One time Christine
placed him a pair of my pantyhose so he would not be lost.
We'll she forgot about him and I decided to put the
pantyhose on. I then put on a pair of my high heels and went
off to my SMALL meeting.
All night I felt like I had a small pebble in my shoe. But I
just ignored it and continued with the meeting. Finally
during a heated discussion of how we were going to shrink
the world Christine stood up and asked me if the pantyhose I
was wearing was the ones I left hanging on the chair in my
bedroom. I answered yes and she began to laugh. She said
that she forgot that she had put her father in them so she
would not lose him. I then realized the feeling of the
pebble in my shoe. Everyone then gathered around as I
removed my shoe. I could see a small little blood stain on
the side of my big toe. I then took of my pantyhose and held
my husband in my hand. He was amazingly still alive, but not
for long. His body was pulverized. Every bone in his body
must have been broken. He dies a few hours later. We were
not able to do anything for him because he was so small. I
can just imagine how awful it was for him with every step
that I took my giant toes just crushed his little body more
and more. This episode seemed to excite the group and my
late husband is an example of what will happen to the world.
You are lucky that Christine is a gentle giantess. Some of
the women in the group have killed their husbands or
boyfriends violently. It is amazing how many ways there are
to kill a little man."
     I listened to this story with utter fear. I now realize
that I will spend the rest of my life a slave to a giant
woman. Sandy said, "Christine may be a gentle giantess but
she will not be happy when she gets home and I tell her you
tried to escape. I'll have to put you someplace where you
won't be able to try it again." But first lets has some fun.
She put me back on the floor and placed her foot back over
me. She began to rub her silky toes over my naked body. I
was in ecstasy as her nylons glided up and down my body.
Her toes were like poetry in motion. My penis was so rock
hard as she stroked it with her stocking foot. She stroked
me until I came all over her foot.  She then carried me
upstairs and took a pair of Christine's pantyhose out of the
draw. She dropped me into one of the legs. I tumbled all the
way down to the toe of the nylons. She then draped the
pantyhose over the chair and this is where I waited until
Christine came home.
     She walked into the bedroom with her mother. I heard
her  Sandy explaining to Christine that she put me in the
pantyhose because I had tried to escape. Christine did not
look very happy. I had a bad feeling about what was to come.
Sandy left the room and Christine locked the door. She then
came over to the pantyhose and peered in at me. She said, "I
told you that I will treat you well and make you feel great
when you behave. I had a surprise for you. But seeing that
you were a naughty little boy I am going to have to teach
you a lesson."  She placed me on her  bed and I watched as
she removed her jeans. She was wearing a black bodysuit with
incredible silky, tan, sheer to waist pantyhose. She then
put on a pair of sexy, strappy high heel shoes. She placed
me on the floor by her feet and I looked up in awe at how
beautiful this girl really was. She reached into her handbag
and pulled something out that was very small. She then
reached down and put it next to me. It was another man. She
said, "I went to the mall today and shrunk down a little
friend for you.  You were both going to spend the day having
your naked little bodies rubbed all over  my beautiful legs.
I guess only he is going to have all the fun. The little man
was shaking all over as she nudged him with her shoe. She
then reached down and picked him up. I watched as she held
him between her thumb and index finger and rubbed him up and
down those beautiful legs.  I couldn't stand to watch
anymore as he was having all the fun. I began to pound on
her toe and yell for her to let me have a turn. I told her
how sorry I was and that I won't do it again. She looked
down angrily at me and said, "I know you will not do it
again because if you do this will happen to you." She then
put the man down on the floor and I watched as she placed
her giant high heeled foot over his body. He screamed for
me to help him. I then pleaded with Christine not to step on
him. But it was to no avail as she placed all her weight on
her foot and
crushed the little man into her floor. When she lifted her
foot up there  was only a little bloody grease spot where
the man once was.
     She then reached down and picked me up. She held me in
front of her face and said, "I don't like to be violent like
that but if I have to make an example to show you that I
mean business I will. Next time it will
be you that I step on." I told her over and over again that
I will not try to escape.  She then proceeded to rub me all
over her legs. My naked body was rubbed all over her silky
thighs. She rubbed me over her knees, shins and down to her
feet and toes. It was the most incredible feeling I ever
had. She put her hand inside
her pantyhose and masturbated as she did this to me. As I
came all over her thigh while being held in between her
fingers she also came at the same time. We both laid back
exhausted. We looked at each other and began to laugh. She
said, "We are going to have some incredible times together."
I agreed.
     We sat around talking for a little while. I told her
what her mother said about the organization and there plans
to shrink the world. Christine admitted that she felt bad
that she was responsible for her fathers
death but she realizes that she has to cope  with these
feelings in order to survive in the new  world. She explains
how some women in the group have tortured some of their
husbands before killing them. I asked why some women would
do this. She said , "Most of the ones that do it is because
their husbands hit them and abuse them. This is their way of
getting revenge. Some of the women like the power over the
little men and enjoy watching them beg for their lives
before they squash them under there feet. Some of the women
are just plain wicked."
     She continued, "One women in the group her name is
Cindy. She  placed the powder in the soup at her fiancees
bachelor party. She waited until they all shrank  down and
then went in and killed them all. Her fiancee watched as his
friends were murdered one by one. She stepped on most of
them with her high heels but others she pulled their arms
and legs off. Other guys she bit there heads off popped
there bodies into her mouth like candy.  She confirmed one
fact for us. If you shrink a man down and then have him take
the powder again he will shrink some more. She made one guy
drink over and over from the soup bowl. He shrank so small
that when she squashed him with her thumb she wasn't even
sure if she got him. She then lifted her skirt and placed
her boyfriend in her stocking top. She put him in there so
his legs were tucked into the lace part of the stocking top
and his upper torso was free. It must have been to much
pressure for him. When she got home she lifted her skirt and
the only thing left was his lower half. The band on the
stocking cut him right in half. So as you see I am certainly
a gentle giantess. The next time that I put you in my
pantyhose draw don't try to escape." She had instilled fear
in me that I will never forget.
     For the next few weeks Christine has treated me great.
Every day I am toyed with and played with. She has really
made me very happy. But I am writing this diary in the hopes
that it will save the lives of others were are not as
fortunate as I am. Beware!
