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Amy the Giantess An abusive boyfriend gets what's coming all over him.

Amy the Giantess

 Amy's boyfriend was a monster; he would constantly abuse her physically and 
psychologically, punching, kicking, and verbally taunting her.  She wondered to 
herself how she became involved with a person like this and why she continued to 
stay in this relationship.

 Whack!  She felt the sharp pain on her cheek as Todd slapped her in the face.

 Todd shouted, "You no-good bitch!  You know I want to eat dinner at 6:30 sharp!  
It is 6:35 and my food is not on the table.  Damn you!"

 "I'm sorry.  I am getting it right now."

 She hurried into the kitchen and got his food and placed it on the dining room 
table.  As she placed the last dish on the table, he kicked her in the leg, 
causing her to fall on the floor.  Amy did not know which hurt the worst, the 
arm that she fell on or the leg that Todd just kicked.  She got up crying asTodd 
just watched her and laughed, and went upstairs to her room and laid down on her 
bed; she was glad she did not hear him coming after her.

 Amy was a 19-year-old college student; she was very beautiful, busty, and had 
deep blue eyes and golden-blond hair. She would commute to college each weekday 
in her car, and come home in the late afternoon to face him.  Even through all 
of this abuse she managed to do well in school, maintaining a 3.3 gradepoint 
average.  Todd was also 19, and had brown hair and blue eyes; he worked as a 
manager at a local gas station.  The pay was not that great, but it paid for the 
small house in a rural area that they were renting.

 During the first few months that they knew each other, Todd was very different.  
He would treat her with kindness and respect and she would do the same.  Then he 
started drinking and that's when things went downhill; it started out a few 
beers per night and then escalated into hard liquor.  While intoxicated is 
whenhe would assault her, when she would cower down before him, pleading that he 
not hurt her anymore; but the beatings and the verbal torment continued to get 
worse, and though he would sometimes apologize the next day and promise to never 
hurt her again, these promises were broken often within 24 hours.  Almost all 
the time she thought of leaving, but she worried about continuing her college 
education; her parents were divorced, her father was nowhere to be found, and 
her mother hardly had enough money to support herself, let alone Amy's 
education.  She worked on the weekends to help pay for college, received a 
smallscholarship to assist, and currently had a fairly large loan; she was just 
about making it now, and if she left that means she would have to find someplace 
else to live, which would cost her money that she did not have.  For now, 
staying seemed to be in her best financial interests, and she believed she had 
no placeelse to turn.  In addition, she was afraid that if she left him, he 
would come after her and harm her to a greater degree than he had done 

 When she awoke the next morning, she got her clothes ready for the day and then 
got into the shower; as she removed her clothes she wore the day before, as she 
did not change them after last night's incident, she noticed the black-and-blue 
marks on the right leg and arm.  Quickly showering and dressing, shegrabbed her 
book-bag and walked downstairs.  Fortunately Todd was sleeping on the couch in 
the living room, as she tip-toed past him and quietly opened, closed, and locked 
the front door.

 When she arrived home for the day at 4:00, she found herself thankfully alone.  
She began preparing supper and was somewhat relieved at the fact that she had an 
hour before he got home and it began all over again. As it neared five o'clock, 
fear began to fill her mind as she thought of the things she would be 
putthrough.  A few minutes past five, Todd burst into the house, mumbling 
obscenities, and then pounded his way into the kitchen. As he walked in, Amy 
could smell the alcohol on his breath and see the anger in his eyes.

 "What is this shit?!?", he thundered as he looked at his wife.  "I thought I 
told you I wanted you to greet me at the damn door!"

 "But," her voice quivering, "I am preparing your dinner now so it..."

 "Shut it, whore!"

 He then clenched his right fist and slammed it into her shoulder.  She screamed 
as the sharp pain centered in her shoulder and spread throughout her already 
sore arm.

 "Please stop!  Please...", she cried as tears ran down her cheeks.

 But he would not listen.  He slapped her in the face and punched her in the 
jaw; then he kicked her in the stomach.  She fell to the floor, sobbing as she 
experienced pain in many areas of her body.  What had seemed like to her like 20 
minutes was only about 1 minute, but after the last kick he grabbed a beerfrom 
the refrigerator and left the kitchen.  After lying on the floor trying to 
collect herself and permit the pain to subside, she slowly got up a few minutes 
later.  She finally decided that she would have to leave; it was becoming too 
much and she realized that he would probably never change.  She limped to the 
back door and walked outside of the house.  She just wanted to be alone for a 
while, so she walked into the woods in the back of thehouse.

 Since they resided in a rural area with no neighbors for two miles around, she 
was pretty much assured that she would not be disturbed.  The chirping of the 
crickets and some of the other sounds the animals made comforted her, as she 
continued to walk deeper and deeper in the woods.  The pain was becoming too 
much, so she sat down on the soft, leafy ground; she became drowsy and laid down 
on the forest floor, and fell asleep.

 She abruptly awoke to a bright white light and a muffled hum coming from the 
sky.  Terrified, she got up and tried to runaway, but a beam from the large 
circular object above knocked her unconscious.  When she awoke, she found 
herself slightly dazed and when she looked up, there was no sign of the object 
she had seen before.  Strangely, she longer felt any pain; she pulled up her 
sleeve, and there were no black-and-blue marks on her arm; she pulled up her 
pant's leg, and found the same occurrence.  All traces of her injuries seemed to 
have just disappeared!

 As she pulled her sleeves down, she felt the weight of something around her 
neck; started, Amy grabbed the object.  It was a necklace with a large white 
circular pendant attached to it.  She examined the pendant more closely and 
noticed there were markings on the back which she could not identify.  When she 
touched the back of the pendant, suddenly a bright, white lightwas emitted from 
the front; the light beam grew larger until it engulfed a tree in front of her.  
Then the unbelievable happened. The tree started to shrink in size!  Within a 
few seconds a tree that had been about 40 feet tall was only about 30 feet, then 
20 feet...  After a little over ten seconds, the white light beam disappeared.  
She looked at the tree and found it only to be a few inches tall!  The 
proportions were the same but it was just much smaller than it had been a few 
seconds before; moreover, it appeared healthy and did not seem to suffer from 
anyill effects.

 She wanted to examine this new device more.  She began to walk back to the 
house but veered off slightly from the normal path, and arrived at an old, 
abandoned pick-up truck that she knew was left in the woods.  Pointing the front 
of the white pendant at the old vehicle, and touching the back of it, thewhite 
light engulfed the truck, and it too, began to quickly decrease in size.  When 
the beam cut off, she looked on the ground near her feet.  The truck now was 
only a toy!  She picked it up, amazed at what awesome power this pendant had, 
and placed it in her pant's pocket.

 Suddenly, reality set in.  Amy remembered Todd and his ways. But just as 
suddenly she thought about the awesome power that she now wielded.

 "Could it be this easy," she thought to herself?

 Months of torment and abuse would now come to an end; she wondered if this 
"shrinking ray" as she began to term it, could reduce the size of a tree and a 
truck, why could it not do the same to a person?  She ran to the house in 
anticipation that her troubles would now be over.  As she entered the back door, 
she smelled smoke and saw that the food was burning on the stove andin the oven; 
she quickly shut off these appliances, removed the smoking material, and took 
the small truck out of her pocket and placed it on the counter.  Then, taking 
off her shoes, she confidently walked out of the kitchen, into the dining room 
and then into the living room, where she saw Todd sitting on thecouch watching 

 "Where the hell did you go, bitch?!?  Where is my dinner?!?", Todd thundered.

 As he got up and clenched his fists, Amy quickly grabbed the pendant that was 
hanging from her neck, pointed the front of it at Todd, and put her fingers on 
the back.  The white light engulfed him and he began to shrink.  He continued 
yelling, as he began noticing the room and its contents becoming larger around 
him; he looked straight ahead at his girlfriend, and saw her becoming larger and 

 "What the hell!  Dammit, what is this!", he exclaimed.

 Amy just smiled as Todd became smaller and smaller.  The beam vanished and Amy 
looked down on the floor to examine her former abuser.  He was a mere two inches 
tall!  The main problem in her life had just been reduced to the size of her 
thumb, like a toy soldier!

 She could hardly contain her joy, but quickly put on a stern face.  She bent 
down to her tiny boyfriend and looked straight into his minuscule eyes.

 "THERE ARE GOING TO BE A FEW CHANGES AROUND HERE!", she delightfully exclaimed.  
"You have punched, kicked, slapped, and taunted me for a long time!  Now it is 
time for retaliation!"

 He started to shout some obscenities.  Without warning she stood up and slammed 
her enormous foot within a few inches of his puny body.  He immediately ceased 
talking, put his head to the floor and put his hands around his face; she could 
see him trembling in terror at her enormous size.


 He remained in position as she lifted her foot again and stomped it down right 
in front of him.  She revelled in delight at the terror he must be experiencing.  
Amy bent down to again examine the tiny man; he was shaking even more now and 
his pants were soaking wet.

 "We can't have you like this, can we?", Amy pondered aloud.

 She reached down with her giant hand and grabbed onto Todd; she wrapped her 
thumb and forefinger around him, and thought about terminating him right now.  
No, she thought.  First, she was going to have her revenge.  She picked him up 
off floor, and raised him slightly below eye-level; she could feel him inhale 
and exhale and his tiny heart beating away.  By the speed of the heart beats she 
could tell he was terrified.  She walked into the kitchen with Todd and placed 
him on the counter next to the sink.

 "Now, honey, you need to have a bath so you will be nice and clean," she voiced 
in a sarcastic tone.

 He remained silent, afraid to speak.

 "C'mon dear.  Aren't you going to say anything?  This is not going to be fun if 
you don't talk to me."

 Todd, with a trembling in his voice, mumbled, "Please don't hurt me.  I'll do 
anything you want.  Just please let me go."

 Amy responded, "Of course you will do anything I want.  You do not seem to have 
a choice in the matter, do you?"

 With that the enormous woman began to get Todd ready for his washing.  She 
ripped off his shirt like paper; then she removed his pants and finally his 
underwear.  His Lilliputian cock was flaccid, so she took her giant index finger 
and touched his dick; as she moved her finger back-and-forth along his rod 
slightly, she felt it become erect against his will.

 "Oh, I am just seeing whether the ray had any effect on the effectiveness of 
your manhood.  It did not seem to.  Well I can't have you enjoying this, after 
all, this is supposed to be punishment."

 With her giant forefinger, she flicked him lightly in his little balls, and 
then stepped back to see the reaction.  He doubled over in pain, and grabbed his 
aching nuts, all the time while Amy had a grin on her face.  She thoroughly 
enjoyed the complete and total control she had over this minuscule man; infact, 
she had not experienced an emotional high like this in years. While the pitiful 
little male was clutching at his groin, she picked him up and gently, but 
firmly, and removed his hands from his sore balls ; his dick had returned to the 
flaccid state.

 "Good, now that's better.  It's bath time."

 She could hear him whimpering and pleading for her to stop and let him go, but 
this just encouraged her to continue.  Amy turned on the faucet lightly and 
regulated the water to a lukewarm temperature; she put Todd under the spray, as 
he writhed in her wet hands like a little worm.  This caused her to firm her 
grip, and he quickly got the message and stopped resisting.  She applied soap to 
his slippery body and washed him thoroughly. Then she turned off the faucet and 
placed her boyfriend into a paper towel and dried him.  After he was dry, she 
carried the naked man to the kitchen table and sat down on a chair that wasnext 
to it; he was placed on the table, looking down, afraid to face his giant 

 "Now look at me, bug!"

 Startled, he abruptly made eye contact with her.  Just by staring into her 
large blue eyes he could tell that she meant business.  He was now frightened 
more than any other time in his life; he began to think of how he got into this.  
He tried to devise a way in his head to escape her, but he so no way; he cameto 
the realization that now his girlfriend had total domination over him.

 Suddenly his thoughts were broken by the loud, thunderous voice of Amy.

 "We have been doing things your way for a long time now; now it is my turn to 
make the demands.  Understand, little wimp, that the more you do to displease 
me, the more you will suffer.  Now it's my turn to have some fun."

 She stood up, pulled off the white t-shirt that she was wearing, now having 
only a bra covering her upper body; Amy could see the apprehension on Todd's 
face as he was trying to discern what she was planning.  She unfastened her bra, 
un-restraining her firm, massive mounds, allowing them to jiggle slightly when 
she moved; he could see that Amy was aroused, with her hard nipples protruding 
towards him.  Todd became horrified at the thought of him becoming trapped under 
or between her large tits; after all, to him they had a mass similar to that of 
at least a medium-sized truck.  With Todd still on the table, she bent down 
closer to him, allowing her enormous breasts to bobble mortifyingly close to his 
small body.

 "You know what Todd?  Wearing a bra can get pretty uncomfortable after awhile.  
Well, I am going to see if I really need to wear one.  There was this magazine 
article I read a few weeks ago that explained how to perform a simple test to 
determine if support is necessary.  It's really simple; I just place a pencil 
under a breast, and release it.  If the pencil remains under the boob, a bra is 
necessary, but if it falls, no bra is needed.  But, Todd, I do not have a pencil 
handy.  Hmmm, what should I do?  I know!  You are a little thicker than a 
pencil, but I think you'll do fine."

 Todd cringed as he anticipated what was soon going to happen to him; he 
panicked and ran on the table in the opposite direction from the giantess.  
Colliding with a soft, but firm, wall, he looked up and found it to be Amy's 

 "Naughty, naughty, little Todd.  I did not say you could go anywhere."

 He was lifted off the table, clenched in Amy's hand.  Amy turned her palm 
upright, and opened her massive hand, relieving the physical pressure off of his 
minuscule body.  Holding her new toy in the palm of her hand, she looked at him 
an smiled smugly. He looked to the sides and down, and examined his hopeless 
situation; if he fell off, or if Amy dropped him onto the floor, it would almost 
mean certain death.  Slowly, she began to close her hand, and Todd became 
trapped between her giant thumb and forefinger; the vengeful woman lowered her 
arm, passing her victim down past her well-formed bosom.  With her free hand 
shelifted her right breast up slightly, and brought him underneath. She placed 
him under her immense tit.

 "Now, tiny Todd, is the moment we've been waiting for."

 He was held face down, so he could view the floor a long way down.  He could 
feel the warmth of her breast on his bare back. Then Amy released the boob she 
was holding, while slowly letting go of Todd.  Todd felt himself falling for 
what seemed like an eternity, until his puny body finally came to an abrupt 

 Amy had caught him in her hand; she lifted him up to her face, and found him 
dazed, but did not seem to have any major injuries.  She could see tears pouring 
out of his eyes, but this did not deter her from her actions.

 "Well, I guess I do not need to wear those uncomfortable bras any more.  You 
have been a great help."

 He was still crying uncontrollably, mumbling things which Amy could not 

 "Now, dear, don't cry.  Maybe you are cold.  How about if I warm you up a 

 Todd was again put down on the kitchen table, very close to the edge.  He was 
in a lying position facing the ceiling, afraid to move with his giant girlfriend 
looming over him.  Amy moved closer to the table, allowing one of her breasts to 
hang a few inches directly above him.  He put his arms around his head, seeing 
the monstrous mass just above him; even though he was terrified, the little man 
in awe at the sheer size of her firm breasts.  Amy slowly lowered herself, 
allowing her breast just to rest lightly on Todd; by this time, he was screaming 
for his life, at the prospect of his body being crushed by this woman's titanic 
tit.  She lowered herself more, putting enough pressure on him to force the air 
out of his puny lungs; seeing that he could not survive this much longer, and 
not wanting to finish him off yet, she stood up.  Todd took in big gulps of air, 
replenishing the oxygen that he had lost.  Amy could feel her pussy getting wet 
at the excitement and sheer joy she was experiencing; she wished it would never 

 Amy reached out for her boyfriend, picking him up and moving him closer and 
closer to her now familiar breasts.  She placed the tiny man on her tit, just 
above her erect nipple; she released her grip as Todd held on for dear life.  
Todd found the mound warm and soft, and could feel her hard nipple, whose 
diameter was slightly larger than his head, near his groin area; because of the 
breast's large size he found it difficult to hold on, but because he was close 
to the top, he had a slight advantage, in that he was partly supported by the 
massive mammary.  Amy found this tiny weight on one of her assets stimulating.  
She slowly walked around the room, observing if Todd could hold on.

 "Well done!  You know Todd.  You are really lucky.  Many men would love to hold 
onto my breasts, and now you have them all to yourself," she said laughingly.

 As she walked, her breasts would bobble slightly, giving Todd a little ride.  
Looking towards her other free orb, he could see it move as each of her feet met 
the floor.

 "Well this is getting boring.  Maybe I should try something more active."

 Todd's heart began to race even faster, as he attempted to anticipate what she 
had in mind.

 The giantess left the kitchen, passed through the dining room, and arrived in 
the living room; she walked up to the TV, and bent down, causing Todd to hold on 
as hard as his little arms and hands could.  She reached into the cabinet 
underneath the TV and VCR and picked up a videocassette.

 "Now this looks good.  What do you think, Todd?"

 She turned the label of the tape so that he could read it: "Action Aerobics" 
was the title.  The helpless male now thought it was all coming to an end; he 
knew he would not be able to hold on, as her breasts bounced wildly out of 
control.  The TV was turned on, and the tape inserted into the VCR; the picture 
quickly came on, to the disappointment of Todd.  First, the three women in the 
video, all dressed in revealing body suits with crop tops, began to perform 
warm-up stretching exercises.  Amy followed their motions, causing her breasts 
to wobble slightly; she continued to do this for a few minutes, and the only 
thing Todd could do was hold on.  Then after the warm-up exercises came the part 
that he feared most, the aerobics; Amy looked down at her tiny victim, and 
smiled a self-satisfying grim; Todd's face had turned pale in anticipation of 
his fate, while both he and the giantess' body were sweating, causing his grip 
to loosen. The women in the video were performing jumping jacks, and Amy began 
to imitate them; she started slow at first, allowing her gigantic globes to 
bounce slightly, with the morsel of a man hanging on for the ride.  She 
increased the pace, causing her breasts to move even more violently; again 
speeding up, her breasts were now jumping out of control, moving up and down, 
and colliding with each other rapidly.  This was all that poor Toddcould take; 
he lost his grip on the giant mound, and his insignificant body was sent 
hurtling to the floor below.  Amy immediately stopped jumping, and almost 
instantly grabbed her little boyfriend out of the air; she looked him over and 
found him to be exhausted, but still in relatively good health.

 She carried him to the kitchen, and put him on the counter next to the 
refrigerator; she opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of soda.  She 
poured herself a glass, and poured a little of the liquid in the soda bottle 
cap; she lifted the cap and put it in front of the humiliated little man.

 "You may drink that.  I don't want you dying now; I am not finished with you 

 Todd was not sure whether to be glad he was being permitted to drink, or be 
horrified at what other devious plans she had for him.  But, he drank the soda 
that was provided for him as the giant woman looked at him with blazing blue 
eyes.  The titanic female then took a piece of bread, broke off a tiny piece, 
and put it next to him; he picked up the small portion, which was larger than 
his head, and broke off smaller sections so he could consume them.  She felt the 
need to use the bathroom, so Todd was again trapped in her hand; after opening 
the bathroom door, he was placed on the counter next to the sink.  Amy pulled 
down her pants and sat on the toilet, causing a stream of yellow liquid almost 
as thick as him to flow down into the bowl.  He could see her blond hairy pussy 
from his position, and began to worry what would happen if he was to become 
trapped in it.  Amy thought about dropping him in her pants, but there would 
probably not be enough oxygen for him.

 "Do you have to go," she asked her toy?

 He replied that he did, so Amy stood up, pulled up her pants, and reached for 
him; she held him by his upper body and lowered him just over the bowl.  He 
began to tremble as he thought of himself drowning in the lake of water below.

 "Well, what are you waiting for?"

 He reached for his penis, his hands still shaking, and began to urinate.  After 
he was done, Amy again gained a firm grasp of her victim, and carried him 
upstairs to the bedroom.  She thought about what to do with Todd while she 
slept, and decided to allow him to sleep on her; that way, if he tried to 
escape, she would feel his movement, and put an end to his plans.

 "Now, little bug, listen up!  I am going to give you the privilege of sleeping 
on my breast tonight.  If you attempt to escape you will be punished.  Do you 

 He said that he did.  Amy lay down on the bed, and then put her hand over her 
right breast and opened it.  Todd fell into the warm, soft hill; at least now, 
the force of gravity was completely with him, so he would not as easily fall 
off.  It was actually very comfortable, like a firm mattress; he put his legs 
over her erect nipple, and put his head on the mountain of flesh. Amy turned a 
night light on, shut off the main light, and quickly fell asleep, in the 
knowledge that she was not in danger anymore, with her abuser finally getting 
his due.  As Amy was in her deep slumber, Todd became restless; even though he 
was warned not to attempt escape, he needed to free himself from her control.  H 
ecautiously sat up and looked around; he faced his tormentor's head and saw that 
she was still sleeping.  Looking at the necklace with the pendant around her 
neck, he felt if he could just get to it, he may be able to reverse his 
condition.  He examined his situation, looking for the best method to accomplish 
his goal; he looked over to her other breast, silently admiring its mammoth 
proportions.  Slowly, he slid to the edge of the voluminous tit, towards the 
center of the giantess' body, while keeping a close eye on her face.  Carefully, 
he lowered himself in the valley between her massive mammaries; looking at the 
giant masses on both sides of him, he cringed at the thought of what would 
happen he was caught between them.  He lightly walked towards her head, still 
closely examining her face for any signs of movement; within a few seconds he 
reached the white circular pendant, and looked it over in the dim luminescence 
of the night light.  Todd did not know what to make of it, it looked like an 
ordinary piece of jewellery to him; but, thinking back over how he had arrived 
at his current condition, he remembered that the front of the pendant was facing 
him, and that his girlfriend had touched the back of it with her fingers.  
Warily, he reached down and touched it; it was cold and smooth.  He put both 
hands under the pendant, and tried to lift it; for him, it was very heavy, but 
using all of his strength, he lifted it slightly.  Quickly, before he lost his 
grip, he touched the underside. . .

 Nothing happened.  It would only work for Amy.  Dejected he planned another 
method of escape.  If he could only get to the edge of the bed, and climb down 
the covers onto the floor, he may be able to reach safety, or get to the 
telephone and call for help; Todd then worried of how he was to get to the 
telephone, and even if he got there, how was he to lift up the massive receiver 
to place a call.  But, those were concerns for another time; now, he just wanted 
to get away from Amy.  He started walking back to her breasts, turning around 
every few seconds to determine his master's state of consciousness.  He walked 
into the valley between her bare breasts and proceeded towards her navel; he 
decided the best course would probably be to get off her at her legs, because if 
he got off at her chest area, he would have to climb over her arms too.  Walking 
around her belly button, he got near her pussy; he could vividly smell the 
juices that came from it, and see the moistness around it.  Finally he reached 
her leg; he became ecstatic at the belief that he was finally going to be free.

 Just then Amy moved slightly; Todd became terrified at the thought of being 
discovered in his present location.  She put her hand over her breast where he 
was supposed to be, but she did not feel him; moving her hand around, she still 
could not locate he rslave.  She immediately opened her eyes and looked at her 
chest; her eyes filled with rage as she did not see Todd.  She looked further 
down her body, and spotted him, cowering in fear on her leg.

 "Little worm!", she shouted.  "What did I tell you to do?  I said you were to 
remain on my damn breast!  You will be punished for this disobedience."

 She lifted her upper body off the bed and instantly grabbed her little 
boyfriend tightly.  He shook in terror as he tried to anticipate what awaited 
him.  She lifted his insignificant body to her large face, looking the little 
male right in the eyes. She applied what was slight pressure for her to Todd's 
chest, but enough strength to force the air out of his body; the look on his 
face was something she had not seen before, a study in deadly horror.  She held 
him like this for a few seconds, then releasing her firm grip, while the 
miniature man took deep breaths.  Next, with her free hand, she flicked her 
index finger right into his balls; he screamed in immeasurable pain and tried to 
soothe his aching genitals with his hand, but Amy's firm grip on his small body 
prevented him from doing so.  Again, without mercy, she whacked him in his nuts, 
and he again cried out in anguish.O pening the night stand drawer, she dropped 
him in, and closed the drawer tightly.

 Amy woke up earlier than usual and opened the drawer whereT odd was placed.  He 
was sleeping, but he immediately woke up when he felt the jar and saw her angry 
face; she just peered at him for a few seconds and then closed the drawer, 
leaving him in almost total darkness.  She went to the bathroom, took a shower, 
and completed other tasks in order to get ready for college. When she came out, 
she was wearing pants but was completely topless.  Opening the drawer, she 
lifted Todd out and placed him on top of the nightstand.  She bent down, staring 
down at him, with her colossal orbs dangling in front of him.

 "For what you did last night you will be punished.  One of your punishments 
will be to stay in between my boobs today; for the entire day you will be 
trapped in between my massive tits, helpless like a puny little mouse."

 She laughed hard and thought of the best method to accomplish this.  If she 
wore one of her regular bras, her breasts would be pushed together, leaving no 
room for puny little Todd; even though she was firm enough to go bra-less, she 
neededsome place to attach her slave to.  So she opened her dresser drawer, 
reached in, and pulled out a large bra; it would not provide any support but 
would be good for her purposes.

 Amy got a handkerchief from the top of her dresser, and obtained her sewing kit 
from another drawer.  She cut, folded ,and sewed the handkerchief, so that it 
formed a small pouch; she attached this pouch with thread to the inside center 
of the large bra.  She grabbed the little man and placed him in the small pouch 
she had just made; using thread, she bound his tiny arms and legs, and with a 
piece of cotton, gagged him so he would not make any noise.  She reached for the 
bra with the attached pouch and put it on; since it was so loose fitting, it was 
relatively comfortable, but not as satisfactory as no bra at all.  Now Todd was 
trapped between her massive orbs, and there was nothing he could do about it.  
Amy put on a blue t-shirt, taking away much of the light for her Lilliputian 

 Through the dim light that was permitted to pass through the shirt, and the 
light that was emanating from her neckline, he could see her massive breasts 
jiggle, and could feel himself moving, as she took each step.  Feeling boxed in, 
he tried to yell, but all his shrieking and yelping were muffled by the cotton 
gag over his mouth; he began to worry if she did anything active, he would be 
crushed between her gigantic globes.

 Amy was again becoming intoxicated at the power that she was wielding over her 
once abusive boyfriend; she hoped that her nipples would not become too erect, 
as to show through the shirt that she was wearing.  She left the house, entered 
her car, and drove to college; once inside the building, Todd could hear all the 
voices, but of course, could not see anyone; nobody was aware of his presence 
between his girlfriend's massive orbs.

 Before entering class, Amy saw one of her friends, and they both hugged each 
other.  Todd tried to shriek in terror, as he viewed her voluminous breasts 
being compressed towards her body, as the two giantesses came in physical 
contact; but, the hug was broken off, and he was relieved that they did not hug 
any harder.

 As the hours passed, Todd became more and more distressed as he pondered what 
type of punishment Amy had in mind.  He thought of what he could do or say to 
convince her to spare him ofw hatever awaited him; he decided to apologize to 
her for all the misdeeds he had perpetrated on her in the past, and to plead for 
his life.

 Finally, Amy's last class was completed and she headed for the parking lot; the 
miniature man's heart began to race even faster on the way home, as he knew 
punishment time was getting  nearer.  He felt as if a heart attack was imminent 
as she walked into the house.

 She walked up the stairs into the bedroom and removed her shirt, allowing Todd 
to see the outside world again.

 "Did you enjoy yourself down there?", Amy mockingly voiced, as she removed her 
slave's gag and removed him from the bra.  She then placed him on the nightstand 
near the bed.

 Todd squeaked, "Plea. . . Please don't hurt me.  I promise I will never disobey 
you again.  I'm sorry for all the times I abused you.  Please give me another 
chance, I beg of you."

 "Well, let's see about that.  Why should I give you anything?  You were a 
monster who abused me continually, and now you are just a little mouse.  Now you 
will never be able to hurt anyone else again!"

 Amy slowly removed her pants, as Todd imagined of what was going to happen to 
him.  Removing her underwear, he could see her blonde cunt, and looking up, 
could see a grin on her face.

 Abruptly, she grabbed the helpless male and rapidly lowered him to her pussy.  
She positioned his feet towards her wet cunt and shoved him in, only permitting 
his head to remain outside her body.  He shrieked in terror as the air was 
forced out of his lungs and felt the tightness around his bitsy body.  The 
vengeful giantess began to move him in and out of her vagina partly, using him 
as a living dildo; his breaths were forced to coincide with her motions, 
inhaling while most of his body was on the outside, and being forced to exhale 
when he was pushed in.

 She was beginning to reach climax, and he could feel extra pressure on himself 
from Amy's powerful muscles.  Finally, orgasm was reached, and she pulled him 
out, raising him to eye level.

 "Now that was fun!  We're going to have to do that more often.  But, now on to 
more important things.  I finally decided what I am going to do with you.  If 
you behave yourself, you will have the privilege of satisfying me whenever I 
want you to; you will also have the honor of having me doing anything to you 
that amuses me at the moment.  But if you don't obey me, and give me problems, 
well. . ., let's just say that you better obey me."

 Todd now knew that life as he knew it was over, and that from now on Amy would 
control him.  He decided that his only choice was to obey the giantess, and that 
maybe in the future she may let him go if he behaved well.

 Amy removed her bra, and placed him on her gigantic orb and walked into the 

