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Diana the Valkyrie

First, let me explain that this is fiction. A story by Diana. It
didn't actually happen, I made it all up. I wouldn't do a thing like
this, but it's one of my fantasies, especially when someone is nasty to
minor don't read it.
If sex and violence isn't you, then don't read it. Also, if you're a
Nigel can't type, and I don't think he's bright enough to be able to
Type type, typety type. I hate typing, it's so boring. The trouble is,
I mustn't grumble. Nigel's my boss. Actually, I'm his boss, ever since
learn. Still, I wouldn't be where I am today without good old Nigel, so the trip to Elay (read "Diana pulls it off"), but we don't tell anyone
isn't my name anyway, it's Diana. And I call him Nigel, which sounds so
about that, and it works fine. The way we work it, is he pretends to be my boss, except he calls me Miss now, instead of Diane, which much better than the "sir" that I used to use before he learned that it
my big strong hands, either.
would be much better for him if he did what I said instead of the other way round. I got the deal back after he screwed it up, and he won't forget that. And he won't forget what I can do to his big soft body with
fingers. I can't really explain why it's so satisfying, but sometimes,
You might not have read the previous stuff, so I'd better explain. I'm the grand-daughter of a very famous strong woman, and I've inherited her abilities. And I got really addicted to breaking six inch nails with my just knowing that at any time I could take an iron nail out of my
they wouldn't be able to even dent the nail (I give them one so they can
handbag (I always carry a few around with me), and break it in half, gives me a lift. Especially when someone's being unpleasant to me. And if I do actually do it, in front of a man, it completely transforms his attitude to me, from dominant to submissive. You see, they know that see that for themselves). Whereas I, a soft fluffy girl (well, that's
playful little squeeze, just enough to hurt just a little, and with the
the image I strive for) have such strong hands, I can bend it back and forth until it breaks. Then they look at my hands with awe, and some of them even ask if they can touch my hands, and then they feel how hard they are, which they hadn't noticed before, and then I give them a promise of plenty more where that came from. And it goes in a circle. I love breaking the iron nails, so I do it a
great to reveal my power to some man in private, because of the reaction
lot, and that makes my hands stronger, which makes it easier for me, which makes it even more enjoyable, so I do even more. The man at the ironmongery shop once asked me what on earth I did with all the six inch nails I was buying, so I told him I was making a model of Tower Bridge out of them, but I don't think he believed me. You see, although it's I get (I'll tell you more about that in a minute), I really don't want
do, maybe stroke their hands a bit with mine, and so far, it's been kept
it known publicly. Because then, how would I get dates? Who would ask out a girl who can break iron nails with her hands? Gran never got married, her friends used to say that marriage to her would be suicide, which is a foul canard, but a reputation like that can ruin a girl's life. So, when I do show someone, it's in private, and I make them promise not to tell anyone, and I hint what might happen to them if they a secret.
forearm in my hand, and warned him not to get all macho about this, and
The reactions. Well, they range from straight disbelief, which maybe takes me a few minutes to dispel, all the way down to abject worship, which isn't as nice as it sounds. The disbelief I can handle, because I just let them play with another nail, see they can't even bend it, and then I break it while they watch. Sometimes, not even that convinces them. Last time that happened, with a chap called Michael, he was convinced I was prestidigitating, doing a magic trick. So I took his
force, and said "Are you sure? I don't want you to be in any doubt.",
to tell me as soon as I was hurting him, and then I slowly increased my grip on his arm. You can't hurt anyone very badly that way, it isn't one of the soft vulnerable places, like the inside of the wrist, or under the arms. He held out much longer than he should have; I've a fair idea of how much I must have been hurting him. And he very casually said, "OK, I'm convinced now", but I could hear the tremor in his voice. And I can be quite a minx when I want to be, so I kept on increasing the
when we rolled up his sleeve there was a big bruise, so I had to kiss it
and he said "Yes, yes, I'm sure, you can let go now." And I pretended to be puzzled, and kept on squeezing, and by now it was really hurting him, and I said "Because I wouldn't want to have to do this again" and he tried to pull his arm out of my hand, which was a total non-starter, of course, but he was pulling and tugging desperately trying to get his flesh away from my fingers, and then I said "Say please" and he immediately said "Please, Diana, you're hurting me." So I let go, and better, and then I had to kiss it better again, and then he had to kiss
never had a sexual encounter with a woman who is a lot stronger than you
my hand, and then ... well, you know how one thing leads to another. The abject goddess-worship bit isn't as much fun as it sounds, because goddesses are for worshipping, not for kissing and cuddling and all that sort of thing. I'd rather be cuddled than worshipped any time. I'm not really into having my feet kissed, either. But then there's all the reactions in between, and some of them lead to nice things, nice for me and nice for the man, and if you don't believe me, that's because you've are. Believe me, there are things I can do to a man that no ordinary
talked about work a bit; I had a couple of deals on the simmer. Well,
woman could do. For example, imagine what it feels like to have the hands that can crush an apple to pulp, curled gently around your genitals, pulling orgasm after orgasm out of you, completely beyond your control. Now you can maybe see why I like having such strong hands. Anyway, I was typing up a storm, wondering if I should tell Nigel to get me an assistant, and thinking that a nice helper-boy would be a great convenience, when this new guy in the office called Julian came up to my desk and said "Hello". I looked up, frowned, smiled, and helloed him back. Typing is so boring, any diversion is a good excuse to stop. We
have to do to break it, is hit it hard with the top of some man's head.
Nigel and I pretended that it was actually Nigel, but he didn't have a clue, and was very glad that I was coping with them. We made a good team, Nigel and I, Nigel acting as front man, and taking people out to lunch, and off to golf, and on the river, he was good at that, and me doing the business stuff. And as far as the world could see, Nigel was the sharp business executive, with me as his secretary/assistant, and no-one knew that I actually took home a bigger salary than he did, on account of the arrangement we'd agreed between us. They say that there's a glass ceiling for women in business; all you Anyway, Julian was clearly trying to make time with me, and I was
and what a fan I was of the TV series, and how I wondered if the film
encouraging him in the way that you do, you know, fluttering my eyelashes, and giving him the long adoring stare, and acting like there wasn't anything half so important in the world as what he was saying, and all the time I was wondering how long it would take him to get up the courage to ask me out, or did I have to make the running here? And I shouldn't have yawned and stretched and put my hands behind my head, because I know full well what that does at the front of my blouse, but a girl has to use whatever weapons she has, doesn't she? Anyway, I could see that he was rabbiting in circles, so I mentioned the new Bilko film, could possibly be as good as the old 50's episodes, and eventually, it
important to femininity. So I wore a long swishy skirt, tartan, with a
dawned on Julian that he could ask me out to see it, so I acted like the idea had never occurred to me, and said I'd love to, that's ever so nice of him, and I wondered if I could get inside his trousers on the first date, or whether he was the kind of slow mover that took months and months. Which also has advantages. He picked me up at home on Saturday night. I'd dressed carefully, your clothes make a statement. The statement I wanted to make was, I'm single, over 21, available, and know what it's about. I didn't want to go the whole hog and wear a fuck-me outfit (ultra short skirt, tight blouse with cleavage, spike heels, lots of make-up). I like to be a bit subtle about things, to have a bit of mystery. I think mystery is
cards and my "fuck off" money. You know, you never know when you might
big broad belt. I wore a silk blouse, which would have left very little to the imagination, except that I wore a tailored jacket over it, so you only got glimpses of what was inside. High heels, yes, but not so high I couldn't walk. Some make-up, blue on the eyelids and a touch of lipstick, but at my age, a girl doesn't need to wear much makeup. And a touch of subtle perfume, nothing too striking, but if you got close to me, your nose would get a sexy sensation of musk. A dab behind the ears, and a dab between my breasts, that's all it takes, plus a little bottle in my handbag in case I need to refresh it. I put a few six inch nails in there as well, because you never know when you'll need one, credit have to say "fuck off" to a date, and then how are you going to get
he was amazed.
home? I washed my hair and conditioned it, brushed it till it shone, then did it up in combs and ribbons. Tortoiseshell combs, real tortoiseshell, Gran gave them to me, and they're my prize possession. You might say that's cruel to tortoises, but I expect they killed the tortoises first, and anyway, they're antiques. Victorian. And simply beautiful. And a cream satin ribbon to match my cream silk blouse. I checked myself in the mirror, and I said "Diana, if that doesn't turn him on, you're wasting your time anyway". Julian's reaction was very satisfying. He'd gotten used to seeing me dressed as a secretary/assistant, you know? Business dress; low heeled shoes, business-like blouse, below-the-knee skirt, hair in a bun. The "Miss" look. Now Julian was seeing the "stunning Diana" look, and
people in it, and ate there, and that was fun, as well. Julian and I
You know how women can completely change their appearance to suit their moods? Men can't seem to do this, they always look the same, just about. I have a few other looks in my repertoire; "pretty Diana" with a silk dress, no makeup or perfume and a bonnet, and "sexy Diana", with my hair round my shoulders, and not much else, and no bra, and which you don't usually see for very long, because things happen rather fast, and "angry Diana", which is something you really don't want to see. So we went up the West End in his little car, and saw the film, and you might like it, but I was a bit disappointed, because Phil Silvers was so good as Bilko, I think, how can anyone follow that?. And then he asked me if I'd like a Chinese meal, so we went on to Lisle Street, and found a place that seemed to have more than the average number of Chinese
hitting Julian in the chest. Julian went down to the pavement. I did
talked about things in the office, and he talked about his brother, and I explained about how my job wasn't exactly what it seemed to be, but I couldn't tell him all the details about how I'd pulled off the deal, because he wouldn't have understood how a woman breaking six inch nails with her hands, can totally dominate a room full of men. Then we left the restaurant, and then as we were walking back to Julian's car, a man came out of an alley, and walked up to us in the dimly-lit street and swung an iron bar at Julian, hitting him in the shoulder and arm. You don't expect a thing like that, not in the middle of London. Julian yelled to me to run for it, and tried to wrestle with the man, but he could only use one arm, and he was helpless against a man with a big iron bar, and the man just swung his weapon again, think of making a run for it, but I wouldn't have gotten far in my heels
one pull; it practically disintegrated, silk blouses aren't made to
and long skirt, and anyway, I couldn't just abandon Julian to be smashed up by this brute with the crowbar. I opened my handbag, and offered him my credit card and "fuck off" money, which he took, then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. Oh. I think I've been in this situation before (read "Diana's rape"). Well, I thought, if that's what he wants, and I let him pull me towards him. "Please don't hurt me", I wailed, pretending to be terrified. "You just be a good little girlie, and you'll be fine", he said. Julian was lying on the pavement, barely conscious. He could see what was happening, but I guessed he had a broken arm and shoulder, and several broken ribs from the iron bar. The big brute held one of my wrists in his hand, and pulled me into the dark alley. Then he dropped his iron bar to grab the front of my blouse. He ruined my best silk blouse with stand up to that sort of treatment. He obviously liked the look of what
dick, and you'd better make it good, or I might get angry" I've never
he saw; I hadn't worn a bra this evening, relying on the jacket to play peek-a-boo with my breasts behind the silk. I don't really need a bra, I'm not that big, and I'm firm enough not to wobble, just jiggle slightly when I want to. So then he used his free hand to start taking his trousers down, there in the middle of the alley! Still, I suppose it was very late by now, and there didn't seem to be any people around. Well, I knew roughly what I had to do, but I hadn't decided exactly how to do it. My hands can reduce a strong man to weeping and pleading in minutes, but I wanted to punish this brute for what he'd done to Julian, plus try to discourage him from any future activities in this area. The courts can put people in prison, but there's nothing as educational and corrective as getting badly beaten up by a pretty girl. His trousers were round his ankles when he said "OK, girlie, suck my sucked dick before, and I wasn't about to start now, especially with
He was bent double, and moaning "Oh Jesus, you've castrated me"
this geezer, who looked bad, smelled bad and clearly had a bad character, as my mother used to say. The only question was, exactly how to begin. On the other hand, by dropping his trousers and exposing himself to me, he'd suggested something that would be rather fun. So I came closer, curled my hand softly round his genitals until he had an erection, then slipped my hand further down to cup his balls. Then I took his prick in my hand and squeezed. I should think a normal girl could inflict quite a lot of pain that way. A normal man might have a grip twice as strong, think about that for a moment. Now forget that, my grip is several times stronger than a normal man. There isn't anything hard down there, no bones, everything is soft and squishy. I felt it go squish in my hand, softly. I ground my hand around a bit, but there wasn't really any resistance there any more. Lots of blood, his erection had pumped up his blood pressure down there. So I let go and wiped my hand on his shirt.
reaching the nerve cluster immediately, paralysing his arms and sending
Technically not true, and I explained this to him. "No, castration is where I crush your balls to a gooey mess, what I just did is called emasculation". But he wasn't really listening, he was too busy moaning. "Hey, don't be such a cry baby, that didn't hurt very much." He looked up at me from his bent-double position. "You bitch", he said, demonstrating an poor grasp on reality. You say words like that to the woman who just emasculated you with her bare hands? Then he demonstrated an even greater degree of stupidity by taking a swing at me. I could see the punch coming half an hour before it arrived, so I just moved out of the way, letting his fist connect with the brick wall behind me. Time to get to work, Diana. I ignored his smashed-up fist and took his other hand in both of mine, and cracked it like a coconut. Then I moved closer, trying to ignore the smell, so I could get my hands under his arms, where they could do the most good. My thumbs dug into his armpits, pain like white hot fire into his body. I pushed in hard with my thumbs,
pinching there, digging my fingers or thumbs in wherever it thought it
and moved them around, probing for the soft vulnerable flesh under his arms, rupturing blood vessels, destroying nerve tissue and converting his arms into two useless lumps of flesh. I did this to the guy who tried to rape me in the park, and it's a very satisfying feeling, knowing that my fingers and thumbs were ensuring that this brute would never attack anyone again. But his arms would recover, eventually. Surgeons can do wonderful things with transplants these days. I had to penetrate to the tiny brain inside, to change him psychologically so that he would be a good citizen in future. Now, I've read the Sandi Stone stories, so I know that pain, fear and humiliation are the key. Pain to get his attention and cause the fear of more pain, fear to hold his attention long term, and to provide his mind with worse alternatives than the humiliation, and humiliation so that he would never forget the time a woman held his life in her strong hands. As he lay on the ground, I moved my hands over his body, squeezing here, would help. After a while, he stopped kicking and squirming and just lay
hurting so much. "Please don't" he begged. "I won't ever do this again".
there, letting me work on him. After a few minutes more, I stopped, because he didn't seem to be feeling any pain. I sat cross-legged next to him, waiting for him to recover so we could continue. After a little while, his eyes fluttered open, and we chatted. Well, I chatted, he listened. "You've been lucky today. I've emasculated you and hurt you badly, but I'm not going to kill you. I know lots of girls who would have wrung your neck for what you did to my boy friend." He whimpered, and I put my hands on his neck to demonstrate how easy it would be for me to wring it, like you might a chicken. I stroked the side of his neck as I explained some more. "You see, I don't tell everyone how strong I am, and there are lots and lots of girls like me. You've been lucky so far, you've never met one of us. You can't tell just by looking, can you?" He just groaned, so I squeezed his neck a little, to get his attention. "Can you?" "No", he whispered. "You see how easy it is for me to control your body?" I said, running my hands over the places I'd been "I know you won't, sweetheart. I know you won't. Whenever you see a
terrified. "Where do you want it?" I asked. Well, it was his iron bar. I
woman now, you'll wonder if she's like me, if she has hands so strong that they can do this ..." I dug my thumb into the front of his wrist. "Or this..." and I moved my hand down to cup his balls. "No, please, lady, please, I'll be good, honest I will". He was crying now, humiliating himself, begging me not to crush his balls in my hand. I gave them a little squeeze, a friendly squeeze. "Unhh", he gave a high pitched whine. "Now you just wait there a moment", I said to him, not that he could move anyway. I found his iron bar, not far from Julian. I checked him, his pulse felt strong, and his eyes watched me as I touched his wrist and stroked his hair. "Just a few more minutes, love" I said. I picked up the iron bar, and weighed it in my hands. It felt heavy, but I thought I could do it. I put the middle over my thigh, and pressed down the ends. I had to push really hard, but I felt it begin to give. I pushed harder, and the bar bent under my pressure. When I had it bent at a right angle, I went over to my new friend, and helped him sit upright , propped against a wall. "I've got a present for you", I said, smiling. He looked suitably
hurt to be a possibility, leaving only Roger, a furry stuffed dog who
touched his balls, and he moaned in fear again. His cock looked terrible, like it had been through a mincing machine. I touched his thighs, his belly, his chest, smiling, talking gently to him. Suddenly, there was a bad smell and a gush of liquid, as he lost control of his bladder. Fear does strange things to a man. I put the bent bar over his neck, and started to press the ends together. Doing this makes my breasts stand out erotically, but he didn't seem to appreciate them now. The ends of the bar came closer and closer together, until they almost met. But I kept on pushing, making them cross over, so that his neck was caught in the loop. As I continued to bend the bar, his neck was gradually being crushed in the loop of iron, until it was crossed and his neck was so constricted he could hardly breath. When I had finished his iron necklace, I stepped back to admire my work. Then I sat down on his thighs, and pulled his head down to my breasts, and rubbed his face against them. It felt nice, a bit scratchy because of his stubble, but quite pleasantly erotic. I started getting aroused, but I really didn't fancy getting off on him, and Julian was too badly
him; after all, when someone hits you with an iron bar, it isn't very
sometimes helps me out a bit when I need it. I wasn't sure, maybe I'd get off on him after all, but at that point, he decided for me, because there was an absolutely appalling smell, as he lost control of his bowels. No thank you. So I put my jacket back on, which at least gave me some decency, and called an ambulance for Julian. The ambulance arrived, and I went in it to the hospital with him. I didn't bother to tell them about the other guy, let him work out his own destiny. Julian had a broken shoulder, broken arm, several cracked ribs and he was in a state of shock. Poor boy. They asked me if I was all right, and gave me a cup of tea with too much sugar in it, thinking I must be in shock too. Actually, I was in a state of high sexual excitement, and wondering how I'd get down from there. This was the first time I'd beaten up a man without getting myself brought off, and I hadn't realised how randy it made me. I went home and went to bed, cuddling Roger, who is soft and fluffy, whereas I wanted something hard and rigid. Then next day, I went to visit Julian in the hospital. He started off by apologising to me, for not being able to handle the situation. I forgave
someone, so I volunteered to look after him until he was better, and he
likely that you'll be able to deal with what follows. "But you were magnificent, Diana. I watched the whole thing. I thought you were going to get raped, and I was wishing you'd run for it, like I told you, but then you just waded in and smashed him to pieces. I've never seen anything like it. He didn't stand a chance! And then you wrapped that iron bar round his neck, I don't understand how you did it, but I think you're wonderful." All of which was very nice and flattering, but it just made my horniness problem worse. I talked with Julian for an hour or so, and he told me that they might be willing to let him out in a day or two; apart from the broken bones, he was fine. I thought that was pretty brave of him, and told him so. "Not as brave as you, going for that bastard, Diana." Huh? What's brave about beating up a guy that's got half my strength, or less? Still, I didn't see the need to argue. I had a chat with the nurse, and she said yes, they don't usually keep someone in once they've been splinted and plastered, there's no point, as long as there's someone to look after them at home. I talked to Julian about this, and he optimistically said he'd find protested, and I just overruled his protests. He didn't argue very hard.
I stood facing him, so he could get a good look. Then I got into bed,
So, the next day, I picked him up in my car and drove him to my flat. "You can stay here for the next few weeks, Julian." As you can imagine, I had a few ulterior motives. I was still as randy as a goat from Saturday night, it wasn't going away. I got him settled on my best armchair, brought him coffee and the TV remote, and we watched a video. Then we went to bed. I think Julian was a bit surprised, because I've only got one bed, and I wasn't about to sleep on the settee, and in his condition, I wasn't going to ask him to. So, we would be sleeping in my bed together, but I explained to him "Julian, you're in no condition to start anything, and even if you were, you're not getting anywhere with me unless I want you to. So don't worry." That reassured him, I'm glad to say. It didn't occur to him that I might feel like raping him! I introduced him to Roger, and explained that he'd better not try to seduce Roger. I helped him get undressed for bed "Don't worry about being naked, Julian, I've seen plenty of naked men before." But he'd never seen me in my "sexy night Diana" outfit. It's silky and diaphanous, it flows and flatters, and it's utterly impractical. Thank heaven for central heating, especially in summer. Before I got into bed,
told him how my day in the office had gone. Which was a bit unkind of
said "Good night, Julian", and spent the next few minutes kissing and cuddling Roger. I had the impression that there was a raging erection not a couple of feet away, and I was tempted, very tempted. I could do something so nice for Julian, but I knew that it would leave me in a state of total incoherent randiness, with no prospect of dealing with it, because sex with a man with a broken arm is dicey enough, but broken ribs too? I didn't want to kill him. So I took it out on Roger, as much as I could. Trouble is, Roger is totally soft. Still I whispered to him what I'd like to do to him., and I think Julian must have been earwigging, because I heard groans from the other side of the bed. Before I left for work next morning, I made him some sandwiches, got him comfortable in my best armchair, made him a flask of coffee, and put the phone nearby in case of emergency. But he was fine when I got home that evening. At work that day, I explained the situation to Nigel, and how the fight had made me horny, and could he help me out. "Of course, Miss, what would you like me to do?" Nigel's a dear, but he can be so thick sometimes. By the time five o'clock came round, Nigel had recovered enough to be able to get home, so I thanked him nicely, and went back to Julian, and
have to ask me what I wanted, he'd heard me explain that to Roger
me, because I think he'd hoped to be able to help me out himself that way. So I explained how I didn't think he'd be up to it for a few weeks, but that then we could see what he was capable of. Julian spent the next few weeks living with me. I was a dreadful tease, I'm afraid. I've always been a bit casual in the way I dress at home, but I took this to extremes. I suppose it wasn't fair the way I kept coming out of the bathroom wearing nothing except a towel. Wrapped round my hair. And I do love wearing sexy nighties. And I always tell Roger how randy I feel, and what I'd like done to me, and Julian couldn't help but overhear it. And while Julian was sitting watching TV, I'd sit breaking my six inch nails with my fingers, not really concentrating on what I was doing. I find it soothing, you know. Then, on one of the weekly hospital visits, they decided he could have the plaster taken off, and start getting back to normal. And when we got home that day, he said "Diana ...". I knew what he wanted, after all, I'd been flaunting myself at him for the last few weeks. And I knew what I wanted, too. We had unfinished business, started a month ago, interrupted by the mugging. I let him take me by the hands, and lead me into the bedroom. He didn't several times. I lay down, and he mounted me, and it was very nice,
incoherently, and with tears in his eyes, tears of pleasure, not pain. I
although not world-shaking. I've had better, although I was far too polite to tell him so. But then I decided to show him what happens when a girl like me decides to give the ultimate pleasure to a man. I rolled him off me, and trapped his arms between my thighs, just to stop him from struggling too much. Not that he could, with his ribs still giving him a lot of pain. I took his balls in one hand, and tightened my grip to the point just short of causing pain - I heard him gasp, and I slackened off slightly. Then I took his penis in my other hand, and gripped it tightly, much harder than he would have wanted. Then I loosened my grip, tightened it, and so on. Meanwhile, I was moving my other hand over his genitals. He lay there, helplessly, while I brought him close to orgasm. I could tell where he was by the sounds he was making. As soon as I got him close to the edge, I'd clamp down with my strong hands, and deny him release. Then, after he'd subsided a bit, I'd bring him back to the edge, hold him there as long as I could without letting him come, and again let him subside a bit. For the next four hours, he was never very far from orgasm; if he cooled off, I'd bring him on again, and if he got close to coming, a combination of pressure and just a tennsy weensy bit of pain would stop him. By that time, he was begging me, rather
from my attentions in a week or two. He was perfectly capable of looking
thought how similar this was to what I'd done to the mugger and the rapist, except I was being a lot more gentle, and Julian wasn't going to need hospital afterwards, just a good long rest. Then I let him come. I did it, by bringing him close to the edge again, but instead of controlling his orgasm, I actively encouraged it, and forced it to be bigger and stronger. His screams must have made the neighbours wonder what we were up to. I got Roger to muffle him a bit. Afterwards, he told me how wonderful I was, and how much he loved me, and lots of mushy stuff like that. Gran warned me about this, if a strong woman has sex with an ordinary man, he's usually hopelessly in love with her by the time the night's over. Anyway, I hadn't finished with him. One orgasm shouldn't be enough. I worked on him for a few more hours, except that now, instead of trying to stop him from coming, I was trying to make him come as much as I could. I counted, to see if I could break my record. I got twelve orgasms out of him that night, although the last few were rather small and feeble. So I didn't break my personal best, which was eighteen. Gran told me she got twenty once. It gives you a tremendous feeling of power to be able to do that to a man. Next day, I took Julian back to his place. He was fully recovered from the mugging (apart from what I'd just done to him), and would recover
invite a boyfriend back with him there?
after himself. And I needed him out of my flat - after all, how could I
