After having read your thoughts on feet, I thought that perhaps my own
experience with them might be of interest to your readers. I love feet.
They are the neglected part of that thing which makes sex a truly
wonderful experience; foreplay. As a man, I am quite ashamed of the lack
of skill exhibited by my gender in the area of pre-copulatory
stimulation. While the sex act itself, "fucking", is the ultimate grand
finale to a night in bed with a woman (and if your really fortunate, a
Valkyrie) there is much which can and should precede it, and there is no
place better to start than with the feet. It is the first place a wise
and skillful man begins to impassion a woman, to relax her, to ease her
into a state where she is ready to receive and give love. A woman's feet
are frequently sore; those five inch spike heels will do it every time.
And if they are willing to wear those things to appear beautiful and
alluring, to make our heads turn and drive us mad; we, as men, should at
the very least be intelligent and kind enough to reward their work with
understanding and returned pleasure.
The feet are usually poorly understood by both sexes, though the
Valkyrie understands them perfectly as her words attest. Ordinary women
are frequently amazed at how they helplessly fall into an abyss of
passion when their feet are skillfully attended to and most men haven't
got a damn clue what feet are about; we males are as a group, sexual
dolts. It is a sad fact that giving a woman pleasure is poorly
understood my most men. A woman's body is a masterwork of sensitivity; a
garden of stimulation to be harvested. Do everything the Valkyrie says
and a woman will absolutely collapse in limpid ecstasy, she will become
emotionally unglued and relax completely, utterly and totally, and in
her gently floating state, think about all the nice things she will do
to you. A man can not image what it is like to have his feet caressed
this way, it's a woman thing.
To the Valkyrie's words I can only add that after the slow stripping of
the foot into nakedness and the initial caressing and kissing, a kind of
gentle introduction, the top and bottom of the foot should be squeezed
between the palms of the hands; squeezed and released repeatedly and
actually quite hard after a bit, but not at first. She will not mind and
you will be amazed that no matter how hard you squeeze she will only
moan invitingly and ask for more, or demand more if she is a Valkyrie.
And between bouts of squeezing, the foot should be gently stroked by
slowly pushing the thumb along the bottom in the central area of the
foot (and not repeatedly in one spot), moderately hard and interspersed
with gentle rubs and lots of kisses along the top and sides. The foot
should be handled in as many different ways as possible to encourage the
free flow of blood and to relax the muscles and relieve tension. Beyond
that, yes, drive your tongue between the toes down into the fleshy spot
where they join the foot proper and run your tongue along the undersides
of the toes at their base, gently at times and then forcefully at
others, but not too brutishly.
What men frequently fail to understand is that they are capable of
giving a woman almost immeasurable pleasure in so many ways, feet are
only one place; there are others. Sex can be a wonderful experience
beyond imagining and very little of it involves fucking, though hard
forceful fucking a good way to conclude; a woman should feel "taken" and
well-fucked.. I am not exaggerating when I say that two to three hours
engaged in foreplay is not unusual when with a passionate woman, and she
will respond to you and suddenly take it into her head to dominate you
and overwhelm you as you might never have dreamed possible; you have
given to her and she will want to give back, women are like that. The
Greek philosopher Diogenes once was asked what the difference was
between sex and love; without saying a word he lifted up his tunic and
began to masturbate; "This," he said, "is sex." A woman is not a
substitute for your hand.
With that said, I must admit that I do not find the sweaty foot
appealing, but would rather have a clean foot to address. While most
ordinary women would obligingly wash their feet, Valkyries are demanding
and if I want a clean foot I will certainly have to offer something of
compensating value. To that end I would immensely enjoy the privilege of
bathing a Valkyrie; and the dirtier and sweatier the better. To have
such a vital and muscled object of human perfection supine and naked in
tub of warm soapy water, and to kneel naked before her, and apply the
washcloth to her sinewy body would be a joy beyond imagining. Of course,
I would be self-conscious and humiliated before her impressive body, but
I would bear it - somehow I would manage. I can just imagine the sounds
the Valkyrie would make while relaxing, her muscles sore from battle,
responding to the refreshing warm water and the, hopefully, skillful
work of the washer. She would coo and sigh and let me know I was
succeeding, and also let me know if I were not. I would have to wash
everything; she would demand it, and I would feel grateful for the
privilege. But the feet would be where I would start. That would set her
mood in a good direction. Once the feet are washed and squeezed (to
relieve muscle tension) and stroked and kissed, the rest of the body
could be slowly approached; eventually reaching the face and hair;
pulled up, of course, and piled high upon her noble head. Perhaps she
would grant a little kiss; or, if I were especially fortunate, pull me
powerfully to her mouth and leave me limp and panting in my surprise;
shamed at my inability to react so quickly to her unexpected and
forceful advances, for I would hesitate, nay fear, to approach her in
such a way.
Having cleansed her front, she would ultimately have to turn over, and
then the most marvelous part of the body would be before me, the
buttocks.. And they would need to be grabbed between the hands and
squeezed and kneaded and kissed and kissed and kissed. Buttocks require
a tremendous amount of kissing and caressing while being washed.
Once bathed and scented and lying naked upon her bed I could only
tremble before her awesome and even frightening beauty and hope for any
permission to bring her pleasure. I would humbly pray she lead me and I
would gratefully follow.
How much of life we never experience. Valkyries are luckier than most.
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