First, let me explain that this is fiction. A story by brandish. It
didn't actually happen, I made it all up. I wouldn't do a thing like
this, but it's one of my fantasies, especially when someone is nasty to
me. If any of this reminds you of another story, I acknowledge the
inspiration of Sam Rabbit and his friend Carol.
If sex and violence isn't you, then don't read it. Also, if you're a
minor don't read it.
It was a lovely summer evening, and I took a bottle of fine wine,
sandwiches and Lord of the Rings down to the park. I sat on the grass,
sipped the wine, and read and read and read. Tolkien is so entrancing,
his imagery so vivid. I didn't realise how late it was getting until I
couldn't read the words on the page - I looked up, and dusk was falling.
You know that lovely time, just after sunset, when it isn't light and it
isn't dark? Some people call it twilight, but I prefer gloaming. It's
the time when the Orcs and Goblins start to come out, and the Night
Riders saddle their horses, and all good children should be safe at
home. I put my book and things in my bag, and set off home, walking
across the dark green grass.
I saw someone walking towards me from about two o'clock, but I didn't
think anything of it until he came right up to me, and said "Hello,
darling. Out for a bit of a walk then?" I ignored him and walked on, one
doesn't speak to strange men in the park. But he followed me, and
grabbed me from behind, turning me to face him. "Hey, I was talking to
you." Then he reached out, and grabbed hold of my blouse and pulled,
tearing it open. I was in a state of shock - that sort of thing doesn't
happen, not here, not now. Does it? Yes, apparently it does.
He took my wrists in his hands, and pulled me towards him, and it was
obvious that his intentions were not good. I came out of shock, and
started reacting. I brought my hands together, and gripped his left
wrist in my right hand, his right wrist in my left. Then I pulled my
hands apart, and as I did, it broke his grip on my wrists, so that I was
holding him, instead of the other way around.
He wasn't expecting that; I think I was supposed to tamely submit, or
scream, or something. But there wasn't any point in screaming, the park
was deserted, and anyway the rush of adrenaline had left me short of
breath. He wasn't expecting me to fight back, and he certainly wasn't
expecting me to squeeze his wrists so hard that my fingers were hurting
his arms.
I suppose I'd better explain, in case this gets separated from the rest
of the thread. Gran was a famous strong woman, active mostly in
the fifties. She didn't look strong, but she could do some tremendous
feats. She's my grandmother, and her capabilities skipped a generation
and emerged again in me. One of the things she could do, and I can too,
is break six inch nails with my fingers.
I do that a lot, in private, where no-one can see me. It gives me such a
feeling of power, of inner strength. The first time I did it, it was
really difficult, I had to persist to get anywhere. But after I'd been
doing it for a year, I found it got easier, and now I can do it and make
it look not too difficult. I don't show people, except Gran, but it
looks like I'm being quite gentle with the iron nail, and it curves
under the pressure from my fingers, then I straighten it, bend it, and
so on, until I feel it weaken and soften, and then I can finish it off
with just my thumb and forefinger.
I love breaking six inch nails. I buy them by the kilo; no-one ever asks
me what I want them for. If they did, I'd say that I need them for a
project. And, because I love to break iron nails, and because I do so
many, the exercise has made my hands very strong. You can't really see
it on me unless you know what you're looking for, because my hands are
only a bit bigger than you'd expect. The pad of my thumb is thicker than
other people, but you wouldn't be likely to notice. Most of the muscles
for your fingers are in your forearm, where they don't show very much.
My forearms aren't at all like Popeye (although I love spinach, raw and
fresh, and I hate it cooked to a slimy mess), maybe a bit wider than
you'd expect, especially a couple of inches below the elbow, but who
looks at a girl's forearms? The only way you might notice, is if you
spotted the fact that my hands are harder than you'd expect, and no-one
ever realises. When people shake hands with a girl, they just hold her
fingers, they don't grip like men do. No-one else I know can break iron
nails (except Gran, of course), not just because they don't have the
strength in their fingers, you also need to know the technique. Here's
how to do it, Gran taught me.
First, you wrap them in paper, which is flexible, so it doesn't make
them harder to bend, but it protects your skin from the sharp ends; you
use several turns of paper, and make it really thick. Second, when you
straighten them, don't even try to use your thumb and fingers, because
it's much harder than bending them. Well, you can after you've practised
for a while and strengthened your hands, but don't try it at first. You
take one end of the nail in each hand, and push the bent middle down on
your thigh (you have to tense your leg to get the thigh muscle hard
enough). There's this specially hard bit running down the top of your
thigh, you use that. That straightens it, not completely, but enough so
that you can bend it again between your two hands. And you keep doing
that, bend and straighten, bend and straighten, as fast as you can. You
do it fast, so that the middle of the nail heats up from the bending.
The wrapping of paper helps here as well, acting as insulation so it
heats up faster, and as it gets hotter, it gets easier, so you start
bending and straightening it just with your hands, and now the paper
protects your hands from the heat (they get quite hot!) until suddenly
the nail breaks, and then you make sure it cools down before you give it
to anyone. Most people don't realise just how important the paper is.
When you pass the nails round the audience, you don't give them the
paper. Some men can put a slight bit of a dent in the nail, but that
won't matter, because they can never work out how to break them.
So the same fingers that can break six inch nails, were now gripping his
wrist, squeezing and constricting as hard as I could. I've never done
that before, not on a person, but I was fighting for my life, I thought,
so I didn't hold back at all, I used all my strength. And I dug my
fingers into the soft place in the front of his wrists, you won't
believe how much that hurts unless you try it on yourself. But try it
gently, carefully! He was trying to get free of my hands, but I was
holding on too tightly. I heard him gasp, and I knew I was hurting him,
and then he kicked me in the shins. What a dirty rat.
That was extremely painful, he was wearing hard shoes. All I had on was
trainers, so kicking back wasn't going to accomplish much. I'm not used
to fighting, I expect there's a skill to it, but like all skills, it has
to be learned, and they don't teach you street-fighting at the school I
went to. So my response was more instinctive than thought-out. I brought
my hands together again, let go of his left wrist, and grabbed his right
hand in mine.
Hands are a lot softer than wrists. Wrists have huge great bones in
them, and you can't do much to them, except at the front. Hands, though,
are full of fragile little bones, with delicate joints and tender little
muscles and slender, soft tendons. I gripped his right hand in mine as
hard as I could, then slid my left hand down to help increase the
pressure, so I could use both my hands on one of his. There isn't a
pickle jar that can resist my grip, and I leave leaky taps stuck fast
when I turn them off. His hand yielded under the pressure of my two
hands; I could feel it collapse and soften, and the little bones inside
bent and distorted. I could feel the bones sliding over each other, I
could feel the muscles give way and the tendons tear. I don't think I
broke any bones, I didn't hear a crack. Maybe hand-bones don't make any
noise when they break? I don't know. But I knew he was in a lot of pain
from the noises he was making.
I twisted downwards, so that his wrist bent. I twisted more, and either
his wrist would break, or he'd have to move his arm down. He followed
his arm down, until he was kneeling at my feet. Now he couldn't kick me
any more, but he still had a free hand. He punched me once in the belly
with his left hand, and that hurt, it made me gasp a bit. So I let go of
his other hand with one of mine, and got hold of his left hand in mine
as he tried to punch me again.
I kept hold of his softened right hand in my left, hand in hand, and
continued to squeeze his weakened hand while the tiny bones moved and
creaked under the pressure - there wasn't any resistance. And now I held
his left hand in my right hand, and started to apply pressure on that,
too. I held his hands as he knelt down in front of me, looking up at my
face. I heard his moan of pain, and I saw the look on his face, and I
knew that he was getting what he deserved. I also started to feel very
turned-on by my dominance over him, girls don't usually get a chance to
be like this. Kneeling as he was, his head was halfway up my naked
chest, naked because his initial attack had torn my bra off and left my
blouse hanging open, and I knew what I wanted from him. I wasn't scared
of him any more. He just didn't look very scary now, kneeling in front
of me with his face contorted in a grimace of pain, and his hands
turning to mush in my grasp. I felt aroused, and confident, and I
thought I might as well use him the way he had intended to use me.
"Lick my nipples" I ordered. "Carefully, or..." and I gave his tormented
right hand a burst of pressure. I pulled his hands out to the side, so
he could get closer, and he started to lick. What else could he do?
I must say, he did it very well, and if he started to flag, I'd remind
him that I still had his right hand hostage. While he licked, I
explained to him that the hands gripping his could break six inch nails,
not just bend them, actually break them, and offered to demonstrate to
him if he wanted. I told him that I could easily apply twice as much
force as I was (quite true, actually, I'd had to ease up because his
hands felt like squishy bean bags). I told him that I could break the
little bones in his hand if I wanted to, and that if I did, he'd never
be able to use them fully again. I kept him in abject fear of my hands
and what they could do to him, and he could feel the constant pain as a
reminder. In fact, as time passed, I could feel his hands softening and
yielding even more to the steady pressure I kept on them. The flesh of
his hands just gave up trying to resist my grip. I think I must have
done something to the muscles inside his hands, or the tendons, or
The cool evening air blew over my breasts, and as the moisture from his
tongue evaporated, the cooling effect on my nipples excited me more.
Meanwhile, his tongue was busy on my other nipple; every so often, I
told him to change sides, reinforcing his obedience with a squeeze on
his trapped hands. It felt lovely, partly because of the sensations on
my body, partly because of the way I had this big strong man submitting
to my desires. And, naturally, I started to get aroused. Very aroused. I
could feel that lovely squirmy feeling inside me, and I wanted more.
So, still holding his hands in mine, I walked towards him, and pushed
him over, making him fall on his back. Then I sat down on his legs, and
pulled his poor, abused hands towards me, pulling his body upright. Then
I put my legs round his waist, and locked my ankles together.
I'd never done this before. I knew that my legs were strong, of course
they are, most women's legs are their strongest muscles. But I've never
tried to do anything clever with them. Gran never did anything that
wasn't ladylike, and cracking coconuts between your thighs is definitely
unladylike. So I don't know if I can. But I knew that I could give his
waist a lot of grief, I just wasn't sure how much, and whether I'd have
to use my full leg power. I held on to his hands for a bit for safety, I
didn't want him using them to punch me again. It hadn't hurt that much,
but I didn't want to give him a chance to repeat the punch.
So there we sat together, like lovers facing each other in the dark, in
the park, on the grass. Except we weren't lovers, we were combatants,
although it was rather one-sided by now. He'd tried to attack me, rape
me probably. I felt no sympathy for this scum. I kept my ankles locked
together, and tried to straighten my legs. All that stopped me from
doing so, was his soft waist, trapped between them. And it was soft, I
could feel it give as I brought my thighs together and straightened my
At first, he whimpered softly. Then he screamed, the way I was supposed
to scream when he attacked me, but the park was deserted, no-one would
come to his rescue, the way no-one would have come to help me. He
screamed a bit more, but then he was having trouble breathing as I
pulled his body forward by pulling on his tender bruised hands. And all
the time my legs were squeezing, squeezing, crushing the air out of his
body and replacing it with fire. I felt a crack, then another; I think
it was his ribs going. I eased up, not wanting to do too much damage too
quickly. He stopped screaming soon, and went back to whimpering, and
then he even stopped that. His eyes closed, and I wondered if I'd gone
too far. I relaxed my legs a little, and I could feel him breathing, his
lungs sucking in the air he needed so badly. For a while, I played with
him by using my legs to inflict pain on his body, and pulling him
towards me so that with the combination of his diaphragm under
compression, and the vice of my thighs round his waist, he couldn't
breathe. After I heard that cracking noise, it got a lot easier to give
him pain, I scarcely needed to use any force. Just a friendly leg-
squeeze was enough. I must have broken something, I suppose.
At some time during this stage, I let go of his hands. I just didn't
feel that I need to hold him still any more. My legs could do everything
I needed, and I leaned back on my hands and enjoyed the view of a
sobbing man in terrible pain from my long, strong legs.
But the combination of his supine position, his submissive attitude, and
the big thing between my legs turned me on again, got me sexually
aroused. I gave him a little squeeze with my thighs, to get his
attention, and started talking to him. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
"Harold" Harold the horrible, I thought. Great name. Reminds me of
Harry. "I want you to do something for me, Harold." I gave him another
little squeeze; my legs has bruised and tenderised his waist so much by
now, that I didn't have to try very hard to get a gasp of pain from him.
"I want you to bring me off, using your hands, both hands, on my breasts
He was lying on his back, not quite horizontal, because my legs didn't
allow that. He struggled to sit up, wincing with pain as his cracked
ribs and bruised sides told him about their unhappiness.
I saw his struggle to sit up, and saw I'd have to give him a helping
hand. "Give me your hand, sweetheart" I said. He lay there with his
hands by his sides, looking at me, obviously reluctant to put his hand
in mine again. So I persuaded him a little, bringing my legs together
compressing his body again, and shaking him like a terrier shakes a rat.
By now, it only needed a little pressure to make him wince in pain; I
gave him more than a little, and repeated "Your hand, sweetheart, give
me your hand." He still lay there unmoving, his hands obviously
reluctant to put themselves back in mine. I had to make the alternative
worse, so I gripped a bit harder with my legs, held out my hands, and
said "I won't ask you a third time." His throat sang a formless groan,
and he raised both his hands towards me. I took his wrists in mine,
roughly, and pulled him up so he faced me, like two lovers. Then I
released his wrists and gripped one of his shoulders, leaning back on my
other hand, and inclining my head back. My hold on his shoulder helped
him stay upright, and he had both hands free to do whatever he wanted to
my vulnerable neck and breasts.
Except that I still had my legs round him, and he knew that he'd better
behave. I gripped him lightly between my thighs, but with the occasional
twitch to remind him of the power that I could use to inflict more pain
and damage on his body. "Touch me, feel me, stroke me, sweetheart. And
make it good, do the best you can, or ..." and I gave him a reminder
that my legs controlled his body completely. He grunted in pain, then
set to work.
There's a very big difference between a man feeling me up without my
consent, and the same man doing the same things under my control. When I
get groped on the tube, I hate it. But the touch of the hands I'd so
badly injured was very erotic on my breasts, and he soon learned from
the noises that I made, what pleased me most. And, if he paused, or
didn't seem to be trying hard enough, I'd open my eyes, frown at him,
and clench my legs together, and he'd get fresh energy from somewhere.
Foreplay is so important, especially to a woman. Men seem to want to get
the whole thing over as quickly as possible, I find; I want to linger
over it, draw it out, make it last. The longer the foreplay, the bigger
the subsequent orgasm. His hands were bringing electric thrills to my
breasts, and my nipples, and my whole body glowed. I began to feel
attracted to him, until I realised the absurdity of falling in love with
a random rapist in the park.
But I felt so warm towards him, I wanted to kiss him. I brought my arm
up from the grass, up the side of his body where my legs had tenderised
the meat, up to under his shoulder. My fingers reached round his back,
my thumb nestled in his armpit. I brought my other hand into the same
position, and pulled us close together. Sitting on his legs, my head was
slightly above his, so I looked down at him as we kissed. For a moment,
I felt tender and affectionate, maybe he wasn't so bad after all, and
then he tried to push his tongue into my mouth.
It tasted vile, bitter and sour. It tasted of tobacco, and I could smell
the stale beer on his breath. He was totally repulsive, and I wanted him
out of there. So I dug my thumbs in, as hard as I could.
His body jerked like someone had put a thousand volts through it, and
his head flew back. He screamed as my hard thumbs burrowed deep into the
soft flesh under his arms, crushing the main nerves that conduct the
brain's messages to the hands and arms. His arms flapped uselessly by
his side with the burning pain that my thumbs were causing, and I felt
that I could do anything I wanted to him now.
I let my thumbs release the awful pressure on his underarms, and he
stopped jerking spasmodically and started to cry. "Please, no more,
please leave me alone." I wondered how many women had made the same plea
to him, and whether he'd taken any notice, or whether he'd just smiled
and continued to rape them. The thought made me angry, so his begging
had the opposite of the desired effect; I want to hurt this bastard, and
hurt him bad, like he's hurt so many women before me. I dug my thumbs in
again, sending white fire into his brain. After a few moments, I
released him from his agony, to let him recover a bit, so that he could
understand what I was doing to him, and so that I could taunt him.
"What's the matter, is the little girl hurting the big tough man? Do you
want to give up?" "Yes, I give up, please, I'll do whatever you want."
"I'm not finished with you yet, there's lots more we can do together.
Tell me, how many women have you attacked?" "I don't know, please, I
can't think, please stop hurting me." I eased up for a moment, then dug
my thumbs in twice as hard. "How many women have you attacked? Tell me!"
He knew he was on the horns of a dilemma. If he kept silent, I'd go on
tormenting him, if he confessed, I'd punish him. He tried to work out
what to say, what lies to tell me. I squeezed his cracked ribs again,
dug my thumbs in some more, and said "I can keep this up for ever, it's
no effort now you're so weakened. I'm going to count to two, then you'll
tell me how many women you've attacked, or I'll just keep making the
damage worse until you permanently lose the use of your arms. One, ..."
"I'll tell you, I'll tell you. Fourteen." "Fourteen women?" He nodded.
"Rape?" He nodded again, silently waiting for his punishment. But how do
you discipline a multiple rapist? What could be a fitting penalty? I
guessed he'd get a life sentence if it came to court, but there was no
way that I could prove anything.
The main purpose of punishment is to stop the offender from committing
crime in future. All I really wanted to do was to stop him from raping
any woman from now on. And I had the means to do this. All I needed to
do was inflict enough physical pain to make him afraid of women for
ever, and make him afraid of meeting anyone like me again. I'm not big,
and I'm not particularly muscular. But my hands are very strong, from
all the six inch nails I've broken. Looking at me, you can't tell. And I
explained that to him. "You've been lucky so far, you've never met a
woman like me. But now you know, there are women who can crush you with
their hands, who can inflict terrible pain with just their fingers and
thumbs, who can break your ribs with their legs." I demonstrated to him
as I talked, showing him how helpless he was in my hands, how I could
hurt him as much and as often as I wanted to. "And you can't tell just
by looking. You've been lucky so far, never encountering someone like
me. But your luck's run out today, Harold. Today, you met a woman who
can destroy you with just the grip of her hands."
I continued this for some time, alternately using my thumbs to inflict
dreadful pain under his arms, and then using my legs to move the centre
of pain to his body. After some minutes, he was incoherent, and I had to
stop to let him get his wits back. As I waited, I explained to him.
"The next time you think about raping a woman, remember this" and I dug
my thumbs in again. "Remember the time that a woman gave you the worst
experience of your life" and I gripped with my legs. "Remember how I
damaged your hands." He couldn't move his arms at all now, I'd damaged
his nerves so much. "Remember how it felt to have a woman's legs round
you" and I squeezed, hard. "Remember what a woman's fingers can do" and
I thrust my thumbs hard into the delicate mass of nerves, blood vessels
and tendons that are normally protected by the mass of the arm. "Next
time you see an attractive girl, remember this" and I crushed with my
legs at the same time as I dug my thumbs in hard, and then I held him
like that, shaking him a bit to increase the effect. He whimpered softly
as I hurt him. After a little while, he fainted, so I released him.
As he lay unconscious, I stripped him naked, putting his clothes away in
my bag, except for his jacket, which I put on, it was getting a little
chilly. Then I sat next to him and looked at him, thinking about what
I'd already done and what I planned to do. By the time he came to, I had
my knickers off and I was all ready.
I put my fingers on the sides of his throat. He already knew what my
hands felt like under his arms, and he shook with fear at what he
thought would come next. His arms lay limp and useless by his sides, I'd
done too much damage to the controlling nerves for him to be able to use
them for a long time. He couldn't stop me from doing whatever damage I
felt like inflicting to his soft, defenceless neck. He must have been
expecting to be strangled, or choked. But he was wrong. I spoke to him,
softly. "You're going to do exactly what I tell you, aren't you
sweetheart?" "Yes" he whispered submissively. "And I won't have to tell
you twice, will I?" He shook his head, not taking his eyes off mine.
"Good", I said, pushing in gently with my thumbs. He looked gratifyingly
terrified, and moaned with fear, so I pushed a little harder. "Obedience
is so important, isn't it sweetheart?" He nodded, agreeing as hard as he
could. I pushed my thumbs in harder. "You don't want me to have to
punish you, do you?" "No, please, I'll do whatever you want, please
don't hurt me any more."
I lay down prone on his naked body, my head pillowed by his large belly,
and I wriggled myself up until my crutch was just over his mouth. "Lift
your head", and I used my thighs to grip his head and force it into my
pussy. I tensed my thighs a couple of times, to show him that his skull
was now in a place of great danger, then I slid my hands down his side
so that my finger tips rested in his armpits. "I can split your skull
open with my thighs", I said, and I'm sure he believed me. I could tell
from the way that he tensed, that he remembered what my thumbs had done
to his armpits, and what my legs had done to his waist. "My fingers are
strong too, strong enough to break six inch nails, strong enough to
inflict plenty of pain" and I rested them lightly on the place that my
thumbs had mangled so thoroughly earlier.
"You know what to do - do it" I ordered, reinforcing the command with a
squeeze of my legs and my fingers digging in to his underarms. There was
plenty of pain left; I could feel his body twitch and spasm each time I
pressed in with my fingers.
Yes, he knew what to do. His tongue was heaven on my genitals, absolute
heaven. Far, far better than anything I've ever had before. I don't know
if it was the feeling of control that I had, or whether he really was
trying harder to please me than anyone ever had. Men are usually so
selfish about sex; Harold was being as giving as he could be. And he did
whatever I asked him to, did it instantly, without argument, without
discussion. When he was especially good, I rewarded him by reducing the
pressure from my fingers. When he got tired, I reminded him of the
penalties that I could inflict with my fingers and my legs. And in his
weakened state, it was so easy, he had no resistance left.
The end result was inevitable, although I delayed it as long as I could.
Eventually, I came to orgasm. I had him so well trained, he didn't stop
even as I came, he carried on licking and sucking, extending my orgasm
long past anything I'd ever had before, blasting my brain with ecstasy.
Every time I thought it was over, his tongue brought another pulse of
pleasure through my body. But eventually, I was completely spent, and I
told him to stop.
I lay on him for a while, getting my strength back. Then rolled off him
and sat up. I sat back on my heels and watched him as he lay there, his
eyes closed with exhaustion, having given me the greatest sexual
experience of my life. I wanted to reward him somehow, to give him
something to remember me by. I thought about it as I watched him lying
there, my sweet little rapist. His eyes fluttered open, and he watched
me watching him. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. "I've got a
present for you", I said, smiling. I saw, for the first time since we'd
met, an erection. That's one of the most endearing things about men,
they can never hide how they truly feel. After all I'd done, he still
found me sexually attractive.
So I sat on his chest again, facing away from him, and I took his elbows
in my hands, my fingers on the inside, my thumbs on the outside. You
know the exquisite agony when you bang your elbow, hitting your
funnybone? That's actually a nerve responding to the impact. I moved my
thumbs over his elbow until I found that nerve, his reactions telling me
when I'd found it.
Then I held his elbows in my hands, pressing my thumb down on his
funnybone and digging my fingers into the soft vulnerable flesh of the
crook of his elbow. He screamed, and his body bucked, but he was
weakened so much by the damage my legs had done, he couldn't shake me
off. I held on to his elbows, squeezing them alternately, so that one
could be given time to recover while the other one got the treatment. It
felt great; without much effort I could make him feel like his arms were
on fire, but without too much danger of him escaping into
unconsciousness. As I tortured his elbows, I was surprised to see that
his erection continued, even got harder and stiffer. He moaned and
groaned, and I began to wonder if he hadn't gotten confused about what I
was doing to him. I could see a spot of moisture at the tip of his
penis, and his body started to buck again, threatening to dislodge me
from my perch on his chest. So I twined my legs round his waist again,
to secure my position, and since I had his body in the right place, I
added a crushing squeeze from my legs to the pain that my hands were
giving his elbows.
It had a most surprising and climactic effect! Semen spurted from his
cock as he climaxed. It rose a few inches into the air before falling
back onto his belly, making a disgusting slimy mess. I was revolted by
the smell and by his foul body, I almost vomited onto him. But I managed
to keep my self-control long enough to bear down on his body and elbows
with all the force I could muster. He passed out again.
I stood up, and straightened my clothes. I brushed my hair as best I
could in the dark and picked up my bag. I looked down at my sweet little
naked rapist, lying on his back, his arms paralysed and useless, his
eyes closed, unconscious. Getting home without any clothes would be
another interesting experience for him. I thought that women would be a
little safer as a result of tonight, he would be unlikely to attack a
random woman in future. "Goodnight, sweetheart" I murmured to him, and I
turned and left for home, cocoa and bed.
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