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Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

Giantess story 

 I was sitting in my last period class on Friday day-dreaming of the 
weekend freedom I would have. The teacher, Mr. Randell, was droning on 
about tangent circles. I decided that last period is the worst time to 
have geometry. Out side, it was a beautiful, spring day. I could hear 
the birds chirping from the open window. I could see the trees sway to 
the soft, genital breeze. I looked at my watch. There was less then five 
min. left of this class. Finally the bell rung. The class got up and ran 
out of the room. 
 I meet up with my friends. We walked to the front of the school where 
our cars were parked. We just stood there, talking about how boring the 
day was, what we were doing this weekend. Finally I got into my 1989 
Ford Mustang GT. I opened up the sunroof and rolled the windows down. I 
turned the stereo up. I shifted the car into drive and speed off. 
 I arrived home and grabbed something to eat. I looked at my car. It was 
covered in water spots. I decided to wash my car. I washed my car. While 
I washed my car, I was thinking about Linda Black. She was good looking 
and I was thinking of asking her out.  She was about 5'6" tall. I was 
guessing she had about a B-cup breasts.  She had blondish hair cut to 
about ear length. She was attractive, I knew I should probably ask her 
to the drive-in or something. I dried off the car and started on the 
interior. I put the radio on to help pass the time. The traffic report 
came on. The announcer said something about an evacuation around Newton. 
That was about less than 10 min. from here. I switched to the AM all 
news station to see what the hell was going on. The reporter was 
rambling on about many injuries. And then she said this. "Just in case 
you are joing us on 1040 WNEW, there is a giant woman in Newton. We are 
asking everyone to evacuate the area for you safety." I turned the car 
off and ran inside to the TV. I stole the remote from my mother and 
turned the local TV station on. The TV's 'copter was on the scene. It 
showed a giant, naked, Linda Black. I ran out to my car and jumped into 
my 'Stang. I pulled out of the driveway and drove towards Newton. 

 When I saw the first roadblock, I knew how to get to where I wanted to 
go to. I backed up, turned around and took a small, side street. I found 
my uncle's old farm field. I turned my car off the road and went off 
road. The ride was bumpy, but I knew this would be worth it. 

 I came out of the field into a development in Newton. I couldn't go any 
further because of all of the cars just shut off and left there. I got 
out of my car and walked towards where I thought Linda was. 

 I was walking for about a block and a 1/2 when I saw a several police 
men checking the houses and cars for people trying to get close to 
Linda. I ran into the back yard of a house. I saw an open shed. I ran in 
and hid behind a snowmobile. I saw the offers walk by. I waited about 2 
min. and walked out. I stuck to back yards for a while until I felt it 
was safe to walk along the street. I weaved between the cars, 
occasionally climbing over a hood. 

 I got to her neighborhood. There was police blockades up on all of the 
streets that lead into the development. I crawled under some cars in the 
street and went to the backyards. Then I saw her. 

 She was standing there just looking at all of the people milling around 
her. I snuck up and hid behind a bush. This was something I was going to 
rember for the rest of my life. 

 "Are you going to tell me what you are going to do to me?" I heard Linda 
say to the people below her. 

 "A few more minutes and we'll be ready for you." I heard someone shout. 

 "For the last time, you don't have to shout. I can here you in normal 
tone just fine." Linda said. I moved down the bush that separated the 
two houses. I knew that I had to have her see me, but I just didn't know 
how to from the ground. I looked up at the house next to me and I saw 
the answer to my question. A second floor window that opened up to the 
roof of the garage. I crawled to the back door of the house. Luckily for 
me it was wide open. I went inside and went up the stairs. I found the 
room that opened over the garage. I took the screen out of the window 
and put it on the bed. I climbed out on to the garage roof. Linda was 
looking down and away from me at the moment. I just had to buy my time 
and hope that no officer would notice me. Linda turned and looked right 
at me. I put my finger to my lips. She gave me a quick nod to show that 
she understood what I meant. I climbed back into the house and found 
some posterboard and some markers. I wrote some messages down on the 
board. I wrote "Pick me up" in big letters on the board. I still didn't 
want anyone to notice me yet. I went back on top of the garage. I held 
the sign up and she nodded. She reached her massive hand out. I heard 
someone shout something about "Hey, who is that kid!" Linda wrapped her 
massive fingers around me body and lifted me up, off of the roof. She 
brought me up to her billboard sized face. "Hello there Nick." Linda 

 "He.. Hello Linda." I said. "What happened to you?" 

 "I just don't know. School lunch, I think," she said, her face breaking 
into a huge grin. 

 "Well, at least you still got your sense of humor." I said. "This is a 
mute point but I was planning on asking you out tomorrow." 

 "You..You were?" She said, a little surprised. 

 "Yep. But I think I'll ask you now. Linda, do you want to go out with 
me?" I said. 

 "Hmm, let me check my sechedual. I'm free right now." She said. 

 "Linda, we have finished with you. We are taking you somewhere to keep 
you safe." Some guy said in a white lab coat. 

 "Depends on where?" She said. 

 "A barn." The guy said. 

 "Do you have something in a Hilton, possibly." She said. 

 "No. Sorry." He said. 

 "Oh. Then take me to the Hotel Barn then." She said. 

 "The barn is off of the interstate. We had it cleared for you to walk. 
Just be careful getting there." The lab coat guy said. 

 "I'll be as careful as a bull in a china shop." She said with a grin on 
her face. 

 "Uh, Linda," I spoke up, "What about me?" 

 "Oh, sorry Nick. Where should I put you so I don't have to worry about 
you?" she said, "Why don't we try my shoulder." she said, putting me on 
her shoulder. Her skin was soft and warm. "Is that ok?" 

 "The view is excellent. Uh, do you think you could get my car to the 
barn?" I said. 

 "Sure, why not. Officer Stark, I want you to get this young man's car to 
the barn. Is that understood?" She said. 

 "Yea. But where is it." He said. I shouted directions down to him. He 
ran off to get my 'Stang. 

 "Uh, Linda, the interstate is clear. Let's go." The white lab coat guy 

 "And awayy we go." Linda said as she started off. She walked out of her 
neighborhood and onto the express way. There was several police cars in 
front of her leading the way. I looked down at the cars. They had to be 
doing at least 80mph. They were flying. I could see the newschoppers 
flying overhead. The police cars turned off the interstate and went onto 
a access road. Linda followed them. They stopped at the 'Hotel Barn'. 
Linda put me on the ground and looked at the barn. It was at about hip-
level for her. It had wide enough doors for her to slip through. She got 
down and wormed her way into the barn. It was a tight fit, but she made 
it. I walked in through the room next to her leg and the wall of the 
barn. I walked up to her head. 

 "How do you like the Hotel Barn?" I said. 

 She looked over at me. "It should do for now." The guy with the lab coat 
came inside. 

 "Uh,.. Linda, do you need anything?" He asked. 

 "Not right now. Maybe latter." She said. 

 "Do you need anything?" He said to me. 

 I thought it over. "Hmm, probly a nice, new travel trailer. Make sure it 
is a big one, not a little, wimpy thing. Make sure it is stocked with 
food." I said. 

 "Ok. I'll see what I can do." He said. He turned and walked out. I found 
a seat and started to talk to Linda. We talked for a while, then the lab 
coat guy came back in. "Nick, I can't get you a camper until tomorrow." 

 "Well, it looks like I'm in my 'Stang tonight." I said. The lab coat gut 
turned and walked out. 

 "I won't have you sleeping in your car. You can sleep in her tonight." 
She said. 

 "Where?" I said, looking around. She took up most of the room in the 

 "Step into my hand and I'll show you." She said. 

 I walked onto her hand. She lifted me up and put me on her. "Where am I 
sleeping?" I asked, not quiet sure of the answer. 

 "Why, on me, of course." She said. I looked at where I was standing. I 
was on her stomach, looking up at her breasts and her face. I laid down 
where I was standing to see what it would feel like to sleep on a 
woman's stomach. "How is it down there?" She asked, with a giggle. 

 "Pretty comfortable." I said.  

 "Good night, Nick." 

 "Good night, Linda." I said as I got comfortable and fell asleep. 

 I woke up early the next morning. I got off of Linda and walked outside. 
There were at least 50 reporters out there. The police were holding them 
back. There was about 10 helicopters hovering above the site. I ran back 
inside and shut the door. Linda was stirring. I walked over to the back 
door. I cracked it. There was at least 50 reports on that side with the 
police holding them back. I walked over and sat down against the wall, 
waiting for Linda to wake up. I couldn't ever get to my car and drive 
off to think. The 

reporters would be all over me before I shifted into drive. I was trying 
to think of a way to get these damn reporters out of here so we could 
have some peace and quiet. Then it came to me. I'd give them a statement 
of somesort. That should shut them up for a while. I got my thought 
together and walked outside. The reporters were yelling at me to try to 
get a question answered. "SHUT UP AND LISTEN FOR ONCE!'' I shouted. That 
shut them up. "Now I would like to say something and answer 3 questions. 
I will pick who says them right now. So you better come up with a good 
one." I pointed out three reporters. "1. 2. 3. Ok time for my statement. 
I do not know how she got to be so big, so don't ask. I assume that you 
know her name and age, so I will skip that. Linda is a good friend of 
mine. I had to come and comfort her. It was what I felt I should do. Now 
for the questions. First one?" 

 "Mary Robins-Detroit Free Press. Where did you sleep last night?" 

 "I sleep in the barn. Next?" 

 "Marty Davis-Channel 5 News. When did you find out that she grew?" 

 "When I herd it on the radio while cleaning my car. Last one." 

 "William Stuert-Time Magazine. What is going to happen next?" 

 "I honestly can't tell you. Thank you for the time. Now please leave the 
area." I said. I walked over to a officer. "Can you set up a no fly zone 
over this area so we could have some privacy?" I asked him. 

 "I'll put the request in." The officer said. 

 "Thanks," I said as I walked back to the barn. Linda was up. 

 "Good morning." She said. 

 "Good morning." I said. I walked over and kissed her on the check. 

 "What was that for?" She asked. 

 "For being so beautiful." I replied. 

 "You are so sweet." She said. "What were you doing outside?" 

 "Handling the blood sucking reporters. There is at least 100 of them out 
there. It looked like the O.J. trial." 

 "That bad?" She said. 

 "Yep. I'm trying to get a off limits area set up from the air and ground 
so we can have some privacy." 

 "That's so sweet of you." I walked over to the door. I noticed that the 
reporters were gone. 

 "Would you like to get out and stretch a little?" I said. 

 "Are the leaches gone?" 


 "Sure." I opened the door and she crawled out. I watched her as she 
crawled out. She was defiantly good-looking. She got out and stood up to 
her full height. "When do I get some breakfast?" She asked. 

 "I don't know. When ever it is ready." I said. 

 "You know what. I've been thinking about how to get back to normal size. 
I think what happened to me is beyond current scientific capability. 
I've been thinking that if I try hard enough, I might return to normal. 
Dose that sound right to you?" She said. 

 "What do we have to loose if you try?" I said. 

 "Ok." She closed her eyes. I studied her very carefully. I couldn't 
notice a difference at first, but she slowly came back down to normal 
size. "I did it!" She said. I ran over and hugged her. She kisses me 
very long. 

 "Can you try going back?" I said. She shut her eyes and she went to her 
giant size. She went back to normal. "Try smaller." I suggested. She 
shut her eyes and she shrunk. She looked around. 

 "This was your view of me, eh?" She said. 

 "Yep. Try normal." She shut her eyes and went back to normal. "I wonder 
if you can make someone else grow or shrink?" 

 "Why don't we try." She said as she grabbed my hand. She shut her eyes. 
I looked around. The ground was coming up fast. She opened up her eyes. 
"How's that?" She said. 

 "You shrunk me and yourself!" I said. 

 "Now let's get back to normal and get out of here." She said. She 
grabbed my hand and made me grow back to normal sized. We went over to 
my 'Stang. I got in and started it up. 

 "Buckle up. Take this phone and call the white lab coat guy. This is a 
direct line to him. Tell him to meet us at the old abandon amusement 
park." She opened the phone and called the guy. She told him the 
message. She hung up the phone. 

 "He is on his way." She said. 

 "Good. We will be avoiding newsvans now. Get into the hatchback and duck 
so they won't see you." I said. 

 "Why don't I just go into the ashtray?" She said. 

 "Of course. go for it." She shrunk down. I picked her up and put her in 
the ashtray. I got a tissue out of the back seat. "Here cover-up. So 
they can't see you in there." She put the tissue over herself like a 
blanket. I shifted the 'Stang into drive and speed off. I reached down 
to the center console and hit the nitrous button. The car really 

took off. I saw the camp giant coming up. I could see the cameras point 
at my car. I could see the reporters crowd around where I was going to 
drive. I faked them out by turning left and going a long way to the 
interstate. I drove onto the interstate and took off at 105 MPH towards 
the amusement park. Linda grew and buckled up. I looked in my review 
mirror. I could see newsvans following us. "Damn. The leeches are behind 
us. Hang on." I knew the limits of this car like the back of my hand. I 
went into the right lane and passed several cars. I saw what I wanted. A 
caravan of semi-trucks. I pulled my car between two of them and matched 
there speed. The newsvans went right by us. 

 "Good job." She said. I pulled out and hurried on to the amusement park. 

 I pulled off the interstate and parked at the amusement park. I saw a 
white van pull up. The lab coat guy got out. "Where is she?" He asked. 

 "I'm right here." She said, getting out of the Mustang. 

 "How did you get to normal?" he asked. 

 "I just thought of normal, and I'm normal. I can go small, large, normal 
or change some one else." She said. 

 "That's incredible. I want to take you back to the lab and run some 

 "No. I won't go and you can't make me." Linda said. 

 "Yes I can." He pulled out a needle. "This is a sedative. Please don't 
make me use it." he said. I just stood there and watched. 

 "Fuck you." Linda said as she grew to 50 ft. tall. She reached down and 
flicked the needle away from the man. The needle went and stuck into the 
side of the van. She reached down and pick the man up. "Now you leave me 
alone or else I will kill you by squeezing you until you pop. DO YOU 
UNDERSTAND?" She said. 

 "Y.. Ye..Yes." he said. 

 "Good." She put him down. "To make sure that you are not going to bother 
me for a while." She said as she picked up the van. She turned it on 
it's roof and put it back down. She put her fist though the 
transmission. "Nick, let's get out of here." She said as she shrunk 
down. We went over and got into my car. I put it into drive and took off 
down the road, wondering what adventure would meet us next.
You are now in the first article
