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  • Two women use a growth potion to help them stop a giant chimp

dr. Timothy Ryan ha

drastically miscalculated the strength
of his formula. He cursed himself for not being able to fore-
see this outcome, or finding an antidote as well. The tiny
chimp had grown into a monstrous colossus, destroying half
of the city, killing thousands of people. All of his studies
had been done, none of the results showed this type of amaz-
ing growth. The chimp had only taken 2 ounces of the formula,
and it grew from a little under 2 feet, to an unbelievable
400 feet. Remarkably, it's musculature increased dramatically
as well. Now, the newly-created monster was wreaking its'
havoc, and Dr. Ryan did not know what to do. He was person-
ally responseable for the greatest disaster in this city's
The giant chimp had a hold of the traincar, closely exam-
ining it before throwing it hundreds of feet. The train ex-
ploded on impact, instantly killing all of the people inside.
The monster looked around, hearing a heavy rumbling sound.
Tanks were making their way towards it. They stopped to zero
in on their target and fired away. The shells exploded harm-
lessly on the chimp, merely annoying it. It reared up its e-
normous fist and came crashing down on 2 of the tanks, crush-
ing them flat. The other tanks quickly fired again, this time
at a much closer range. Again, the shells had no effect, and
again the angered chimp crushed the remaining tanks. It was
beginning to look as if nothing could stop this gargantuan-
Joyce Ryan had seen her husband at both ends of the emo-
tional spectrum. Pure joy over his discovery, and absolute
dejection as it all went horribly astray. He was in a state
of shock over the monster he had unwittingly created. Usually
Timothy was the strong one, but in this case, she would have
to be the one to take charge. In the process, she would gain
the notoriety that her husband had usually grabbed. She would
take the formula that had turned the little chimp into a col-
lossus. She wondered, what would it do to her.
knew it was up to her and her girlfriend Laura to stop this
creature. She called up Laura, telling her to come over, she
would need her help for this. Joyce took the remaining amount
of formula, about 1 quart, and divided it in half.
There was a knock on the door, and in walked Laura.
" Oh my God, what the hell is going on," Laura shrieked
as she walked in! We should be evacuating the city like
everyone else."
" I have something else in mind, a way where we'll be a
lot safer," Joyce responded calmly.
" What have you got in mind....I mean how are we....."
Joyce walked over to the table where the formula was.
" You know the old saying, 'if you can't beat 'em, join
'em?, well, we're gonna take that old monkey down to size!"
" We're gonna what, Laura cried incredulously," how the
hell do you plan on doing that?"
" Simple, we just drink this," Joyce held up the form-
" Are you crazy or something, I don't want to turn into
a monster....."
Joyce was amazed at her friends' reluctance, "a mon-
ster?, are you nuts, we'll be giantesses, absolutely huge
goddesses. If you don't like it, Thomas will give you the
antidote after we take care of that overgrown chimpanzee."
"All my life I sat around as my husband tried different
things. I did'nt because I was too scared to try anything,
but its time that I do something crazy. Its time that little
Joyce Ryan becomes someone, besides, what have we got to
lose. If we don't take the formula, there's a good chance
we'll die anyway. This way we get to be heroes, or heroines
for that matter. Come-on Laura, what do you say?
Laura thought about it for a second and then quickly a-
greed, " oh, what the hell!"
Joyce handed Laura her portion of the magic formula.
They both looked at it before finally drinking up every fan-
tastic drop.
The effect was instantaneous, Joyce felt a surge of
power shoot through her entire body. She looked down and was
astonished to see herself growing out of her clothes. She
looked over at Laura and was amazed to see how muscular she
was becoming, then she realized the exact same thing was hap-
pening to herself. Layer upon layer of thick, massive muscles
were sprouting up all over their bodies. It seemed as if
their muscles were growing right on top of each other.
They were growing 10 feet a second, rapidly bursting
through the roof, passing 100 feet tall easily. Their breasts
were growing out of proportion to their newly-immense bodies,
if that was at all possible.
" I feel soooooo wonderful...." Laura could hardly be-
lieve that she was at first reluctant to do this.
They now began growing hundreds of feet a second.....
" My body is throbbing with power, I feel like I could
lift the entire earth!" Joyce said as she began flexing her
unreal muscles.
They soon reached over 1000 feet tall, and they still
continued growing. Laura looked down on the ever-shrinking
world around her, awed by her goddess-like body. She realized
that she was able to see the giant chimp, in fact, she was
looking down on it.
" Hey Joyce, we're already 3 times the size of that
little monkey!"
" That little monkey is over 200 feet tall! Still, he
looks puny to me, let's stomp him flat."
The two giantesses looked around them, everything seemed so
tiny. Their impossibly huge, naked bodies must have been ov-
erwhelming to the miniscule inhabitants of the city below
them. Knowing that the people would be in a state of panic
as a result of their sudden appearance, Joyce decided to put
them at ease,"LISTEN TO ME......" Her voice was deafening,
shattering windows throughout the city.
She would have to whisper, she thought to herself.
"We're here to help, we're not going to destroy anything
but that monster out there", she said as low as possible, be-
ing careful not to do anymore damage.
"That's right", Laura added, "let the big girls handle
this from here on in!"
Boy, to think that she was worried about becoming a mon-
ster a few minutes ago, she sure was begining to enjoying
"Hey Joyce, I'd love to see this monkey try to lift us
up and carry us up the Empire State Building. He'd probably
have a hernia!"
Dr. Ryan looked up in awe.....his wife's foot was over
300 feet long, the size of an entire football field. One
false step by her and he would be squished flat! He could'nt
get over how huge she had become. He felt a weird sense of
pride in his colossal achievement. Boy was she beautiful.
Perhaps now, she could destroy the abomination that he
had mistakenly created. This formula was much too powerful
to not be destroyed. If it ever fell into the wrong hands....
the results would be catastrophic!
Suddenly a huge shadow blocked out the sun from his view,
his gigantic wife was bending over to pick him up!
She extended her tremendous hand for him to step into.
They were so large, he had to climb up her finger to get
inside her palm.
"Timothy, I have a confession", she was giggling slight-
ly, "I drank some of your formula....", her voice was deafen-
ing at this close a range.
She was incredibly turned on, being able to lift up her
husband in her hand as if he were some kind of doll.
"This is the most amazing thing that I've ever expierien-
ced in my life!"
He looked up at his titanic wife, "It is for me also....
I can't believe how incredibly sexy you are! You're my own
goddess come to life. I have a confession myself, I developed
this formula with the hope that you would want to take it. I
just never knew that it would work so well!"
Looking down lovingly at her husband, "Well sweatheart,
its' time to go to work. Unless you want that overgrown chimp
to cause anymore damage?"
"No, I think I'll enjoy seeing you rip him to shreds, or
just squash him flat."
She thought about each for a moment..."Don't worry,
you'll get to see both!"
She bent over and gently placed him on top of the
largest building around her, in order for him to get a fanta-
stic view. With her husband safely out of harms' way, she set
off for the chimp. She looked over to see that Laura already
had the chimp in her grasp. She was holding it up by the top
of its' head while it tried futily to hit her. It was
screeching horribly, shattering windows for miles.
The chimp, for all its' great size, looked like a little
infant compared to Laura and herself. Walking over to Laura,
the ground shaking with every step she took, she also grabbed
the chimp by the top of its' head, "Hey Laura, you've had
your fun. Let me have a try."
"Alright, now that you're done with itty-bitty Thomas",
she laughed out.
"Hey, what's your problem? If it was'nt for Thomas'
formula, you'd still be getting the shit kicked out of you by
your loser husband!"
This insult got Laura's huge muscles boiling, "Yeah...
well at least my husband is not some little pencil-neck geek
like yours is!"
"Listen, we can settle our personal dispute after we take
care of the chimp, got it?"
Laura, feeling foolish, quickly agreed, "Let's go squash
it flat!"
With that Joyce held down the giant chimp, laying it
flat on the ground. Laura lifted up her heavily-muscled leg,
and held her 300 foot long foot in the air momemtarily.
"Say goodnight King Kong...and say hello to Queen Laura!"
She slammed her foot down, a huge squishing noise was
heard throughout the city. She felt immensely powerful as she
squished this gigantic monkey flat with her own bare feet!
She was the most powerful person alive, she thought to
herself. Except for Joyce, that was. Flexing her huge thigh
muscles as she grinded the remains into the ground, she heard
a collective gasp from the tiny people beneath her. What a
show she was putting on for them, she thought. But did they
really deserve it?
Suddenly, Laura heard joyce calling her, breaking heer
train of thought.
"Hey Laura, thanks for saving some for me. You took care
of it with one shot!"
"Oh well. but at this size, I don't have to answer to
Joyce should have forseen this. All her life, Laura had
been abused by first her father, and now her husband. She had
been made to feel small. Now, besides herself, she was the
biggest thing the world had ever seen, and she was expierien-
cing a mad power-lust. Joyce thought her problems were over
when the monkey had been killed, but now, she had a revenge-
crazed giantess on her hands. Fortunately, she had a slight
size edge, but nonetheless, this was going to be a killer.

