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Giantess Verus

Giantess story

Alison took Kathy and myself upstairs and put us on the table. "Now what 
should I do with ya'all?" Alison said. I look over at Kathy. She was 
shaking uncontrollably. "I'll have to ask my dear sweat sister, Rita." 
She reached down her shirt and brought Rita out. "Rita, what should I do 
with them?" Alison said. "Don't hurt them!" Rita said from Alison's 
hand. "Are you coming to there defence? You, the one that left daddy to 
beat me while you just looked on, to stupid to do anything to stop him. 
I don't have to listen to you or you little friends." She put Rita on 
the table. "You three are my pets, for lack of better 

terms. You will do what ever I wish you to do. If you don't, I'll just 
kill you." And to demostate her power over us, she slammed her fist into 
the table, knocking us off out feet. "Just rember what I just did. if 
you think of rebelling." Alison said. 

 "Now, I have to keep you out of trouble. And I know just the place to 
put you." She picked us up in one of her hands and took us upstairs to 
her room. She reached under the bed and pulled out a shoe box. She 
opened it up and put us in after taking out the shoes. She closed the 
lid, punched a few holes, and I think she put us on a shelf. "Now 
everyone, stay calm. First we have to see what we can do to get out of 
here. Second we have to get help or get back to normal. Agreed?" I said. 
"Yes." Kathy and Rita said. "I don't know what she has planned, but 
Rita, what was she talking about?" "Well, when we were growing up, Daddy 
used to beat Alison only. Not me or Mom, but Alison. I think she saw she 
could get power over her life with that machine. So she used it on us. 
What she has in store, I got no idea." "Ok, that gives us something to 
work on." I said. "I think that we should wait it out a little, see what 
Alison has in store for us." "That sounds good." Kathy said. "Now we 
should get some sleep, because we don't know when we will get some in 
the future." We laid down together and fell asleep. 

We awoke to the box being moved. The top opened up and Alison looked in. 
"Wake up little pets." she said in a baby-voice. "Were going out today, 
and we have to get ready." She reached in and picked us up. She was 
naked and her cloths were on the bed. She put us on her nightstand and 
picked up her bra. "Kathy, Rita, step forward." They 

looked at me. I gave them a nod. They step forward. She picked Kathy up 
and put her in one cup, Rita in the other. She put her bra on. I could 
see Kathy and Rita's outline in the fabric. "Now for you, Mike." She 
pick up her underwear. She pulled out a needle and thread from the bed 
she pick me up and place me on the front of her underwear. She sowed me 
to the front and put them on. Her bush was tickling me. I could feel her 
put something else on and started to walk. The cloth was shifting, 
chaffing me. This was hell, pure and simple. To make thing worse, she 
was starting to get horny. There was a overpowering, musty smell and the 
cloth was starting to get soaked. This was most defendantly hell. 

I stayed in there all day. I got crushed when she sat down. Finally she 
must have came home. She took her outergarmet off, relieving some 
pressure that built up on me. She took my prison off. I saw light. Damn, 
that was bright. I watched as her pussy went higher above me, her legs 
getting longer. Finally, she stepped out of it and picked it (and me) 
up. She looked at me. "Aw, poor little thing. I should cut you loose." 
She cut me loose and picked me out of there. I still saw that she had 
her bra on,  with Kathy and Rita still inside there. She put me on the night 
stand and leaned over the bed and took her bra off and let it fall on the bed. 

She pick Rita and Kathy out of the cups and picked me up and put us in 
the box and put the lid on. "Mike, where did you end up?" Kathy asked. 
"In her underwear." I said. "Are you to ok?" "I'm fine, some muscle 
cramps, but otherwise ok, and you?" "Stiff and wet." "And smelly." Kathy 
said. "Blame it on our 'master'. She got so fucking horny. I guess from 
having us near her privets." I said. "Mike?" Kathy said, "fuck me." 
"What?" I said. "Fuck me." Kathy said. "Me too." Rita said. "It must be 
the smell from Alison. It is making you horny." I said. "I wonder why it 
didn't make me horny?" "It doesn't matter why, I just need a good fuck 
job." Kathy said. "I want him first!" Rita said, running to me. Kathy 
ran and tackled her. They were fighting over me. This is a weird twist. 
Finally Kathy knocked Rita out she ran over to collect her 'prize'. 
"Kathy, I don't want to do this, but it's for your own good." I punched 
her in the face, knocking her out for a while. "What the hell did Alison 
do to these poor girls?" I drug Kathy to one corner of the box. I drug 
Rita to the opposite coner. I sat down in the middle of the box and 

"Oh, pets! I want to show you something.." Alison said opening the lid. 
She looked in and saw that Rita and Kathy were knocked out. "What the 
hell happened to them?" "They got into a fight over me." I said. "Well, 
they can miss this. Come on!" She said, picking me out of the box. I saw 
that she was fully clothed. She put me in the pocket of her T-shirt. She 
went down the stairs. She walked into the front room. I could see a UPS 
man standing there. "Can you please take that package down stairs for 
me? I'll tip you if you do. " "It'll be my pleasure miss." He said, 
picking up the large box. Alison showed him downstairs to the room with 
the shrinking ray. Apparently she was working on the ray, because it got 
smaller, and more hid. She had him put the box in the middle of the 
room. She hit a switch by the stairs. The machine started to hum with 

 "What is that humming?" He asked her. "Wait a few moments." Alison 
said. Just then a bright, beam of light shot out and struck the UPS man. 
He had a look of shock and then he shrunk. I could just see him on the 
floor. Alison walked over to him and towered over him. "Ok, your my new 
pet." She said. She bent down and picked him up. She put him in the 
pocket with me. He looked at me with shock. "Hello. My name is Mike. 
What's yours?" "B..B..Bill." He said. "What the hell happened to me? And 
you?" "We were shrunk. It'll be ok. I've been shrunk for about a month. 
You get used to it." I said. "Ok, pets. Time to go into your home." She 
said, taking us out of her pocket and putting us into the box. She put 
the box on the shelf. I could see Bill shaking. "Thing will be all 
right. We'll get back to normal, somehow." Bill finally fainted. I drug 
him over to the wall and leaned him up against it. I leaned against the 
wall and fell asleep. 

Alison got quite a few 'pets' in the next few months. She had about 8 
per shoe box, and she had about 10 boxes. Sometimes she would let us 
visit with the other shrunken people (under her watch, of course). I was 
starting to wonder if I ever would get back to normal. Alison had made 
several improvements to the ray. She made it about the size of a small 
hand gun. It also worked faster. Sometimes she would take some of us 
out. She would put whoever in her bra cups and her panties. I ended up 
in the cups twice. The one time I was in there, I slid to the bottom of 
the cup, with the massive breast crushing me. Somehow, I made my way to 
someplace a little less restricting. Onetime, during our outings with 
the other shrunk people, Steve came up with an idea on how to get one of 
us back to normal. "Mike," Steve said, "I got an idea on how to get out 
of here." "Shoot." I said. "Well, somehow  we wait until she is 
distracted and a few of us make a break for the ray in the basement." 
Steve said. "How will we get down the stairs?" I said. "Simple, we make 
parachutes out of tissue and some thread. We jump from the open part of 
the hall way and we land in the entry way. From there, we do the same 
thing for the basement." "Steve," I said, "This will never work." "Not 
now, when we get more of us it will work. I don't think that she will 
notice a few of us missing." "Well, let's wait until there is about 150 
of us. That should be a good number to do this crazy plan." So the plan 
was laid out. It spread though us like wildfire. There had been several 
escape attempts, put they were unorganized. When she captured the 
escapeies, she would tie them to the top of her foot. She would then put 
pantyhose on overtop of them, and finally she would put a pair of tight, 
high-heeled shoes on. She would leave them in there for an hour or so 
and then take them out. Most of them died while in there, others came 
back with many broken bones and died a short time later. A few survived 
the experience, but were handicapped for life. This time would be 
different. I made out a small group to take with me. I choose Rita, 
because she knew the machine, Bob, a electronic wizard, Kathy, and 
myself. Several weeks passed. We were waiting for the right time to try 
to leave. Finally it happed. She had us out on her bed when the front 
doorbell rang. She got up and went downstairs. My group made our move. 
We climbed down the bed covers and hid under the bed, behind a pair of 
sneakers. We saw Alison walk in, smiling. That could only mean that she 
got anther 'pet'. She put the others in the box and put them on the 
shelf. She walked out of the room and went down the stairs. "Ok," I 
said, "here's the deal. First we need thread and tissues. Bob, Rita, get 
the thread. Kathy and I will work on the tissues. Meet under hear when 
you have everything we need." Bob and Rita walked out from under the bed 
and went to the dresser to get some thread. Kathy and I climbed up the 
phone cord to get at the tissues. It took us almost all day to climb up 
the phone cord. We made it to the top. We saw the box of tissues. We 
walked over to the box. We stood there and looked at it. "How are we 
going to get the tissue out of here?" Kathy said. "Give me a few." I 
said. I was looking around when I saw what we needed. Four tissues, 
already out of the box. There were in Alison's draw on the nightstand. I 
jumped into the draw. Kathy followed me. We pushed three of the tissues 
over the edge. The fourth one, we each grabbed two corners and jumped 
off. We floated down to the floor. We pulled the tissues under the bed. 
Then we heard Alison start walking upstairs to go to sleep. I did know 
where Rita and Bob was, but I hoped that they were hidden. Alison walked 
into her room. She changed into her bedclothes and went into her bed and 
fell asleep. Kathy and I snuggled up and feel asleep. 

We awoke in the morning. Bob and Rita were coming in with the thread. 
 "You got the tissues." Bob said. "Yep. Did you have any problems?" I 
asked. "None, really." We got to work. We got the thread into pieces. We 
made a hole in the tissue and tied the thread to it. It took us all day 
to make the parachutes. We decided to move out tomorrow for the 
downstairs. We went to sleep. 

The next morning, Rita woke us up and got us moving. We pulled the 
'chutes to the stairs. We hooked them up and jumped. I went first. I 
went and the 'chute worked perfectly. Kathy, Bob, and then Rita 
followed. We folded up the 'chutes and hid under a hutch. We feel 

The next morning, Rita woke us up again. We drug our 'chutes to the 
stairs to the basement. The door was wide open. We looked down the 
stairs. We decided to climb down the stairs a little bit until we could 
'chute down. We went down about 3 stairs and we could make a pretty safe 
jump. We jumped down. I loved doing this! We landed on the concrete 
floor. The shrinking machine loomed in front of us. We dropped our 
'chutes and walked over to it. "Rita, you helped build this thing. Where 
would the best place to climb up be?" I asked. "The data cable should be 
our best bet." Rita said. "Ok. Let's go for it." I said. We climbed up 
the cable. We walked onto the control panel. "Let's get this thing 
running." "Right. Bob, go to the other end and push the power button." 
Rita said. Bob ran down and hit the button. The panel light up. "Kathy, 
find a dial and turn it to big." "Right." Kathy found the dial. After a 
effort she got it to big. "Mike, go stand on the pad." Rita said. "We'll 
enlarge you first." "Right." I slid down the cable and got onto the pad. 
The ray pointed at me. It shot out a blinding white light and I grew. 
Boy did I grow. I ended up about 7ft, which was about a foot taller than 
I normally am. I put Kathy on the pad. I hit the button. She grew to 
6'10". I did Rita, followed by Bob. They grew to 6'8" and 6'9", 
resistively. We herd a car pull up and a door slam. We heard the front 
door open and slam. We walked up the steps and surrounded Alison. She 
had a dumbfounded look on her face. Her 5'4" body was nothing compared 
to us. She reached into her purse for the shrinker. Rita reached out and 
grabbed her hand. "Let me go! Your breaking my hand!!" Alison was 
screaming. I got the shrinker. I took it upstairs to the little people. 
I pulled the boxes of the shelf and let the occupants walk out onto the 
bed. "Ok, I am going to do this on at a time." I picked one of them out 
and grew them back to normal. I finished up with the rest of them. I 
walked downstairs and found Kathy and Rita and that Alison. "I think we 
should call the cops." "Even though she is my sister, I agree 
wholeheartedly." Rita said. "I'll call." Kathy said. She walked over to 
the phone and dialed 9-1-1. Shortly there after two officers arrived. 
One of the normal people opened the door. 

"What seems to be the trouble?" One officer asked. "Go though that 
entrance way. They'll explain." the man said. The officers walked in and 
stopped dead in there tracks. Standing before them was three people who 
were about 7ft tall and one about 5 1/2' tall. "What the hell happened 
here?" one officer said. "She shrunk us and held us against our will. We 
escaped and grew to this size to overpower her." I said. "Ok. And where 
is this shrink ray?" The officer asked. "Right here." I shot him with 
it. I shrunk him down to about 1/2 his height. "What the hell? Put him 
back." The other officer spoke up. "I did that for a demonstration. So 
you knew we were telling the truth." I said. "We believe you." The 
officer said. He read Alison her rights and put her into the back of the 
squad car. "I wonder where the hell my car is?" I asked. "Over here!" 
Rita said. She was pointing to a shelf with cars, UPS trucks, pick-ups, 
and other assorted modes of transportation. We took all of the cars and 
enlarged them. We let the people claim there cars and let them go home. 
Bob, Rita, Kathy, and myself shrunk back down to normal sized. Kathy and 
I jumped into my 'Stang and drove off. Man, I would have a lot of 
explaining to do when I got home why I was gone for several months. 

THE END!!!!! 

